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April 7, 2021

2% mindset the more you think it the more you sink 039

2% mindset the more you think it the more you sink 039

This week's episode of Share The Struggle pick's up from last week's discussion on the comfort zone, fear zone, learning zone, and growth zone. A Marine biologist experiment with sharks, and a  bucket of crabs, combined with the research from a Stanford psychologist, provides the necessary insight to understand two types of mindsets. How you view challenges and failures might depend on your personality and mindset. The good news is you can choose your mindset and change your personality because the more you think it the more you sink it. Fill your mind with negative thoughts that will sink your ship, flood your mind with positive thinking and sink in the ingredients of a positive mindset. Today we discuss fixed mindset vs growth mindset and the fortunate select group of our population with a 2% mindset.
