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Aug. 4, 2020

A big difference from being motivated and living motivated 004

It's that time of the week again, Winning Wednesday! Keith starts this week's episode by thanking everyone for their support. All the positive support has made a positive impact and he finds it necessary to share a few reviews. Constantly paying attention to the reviews makes him question if social media is making everyone live in high school forever? Are we dopamine addicts? Have you ever felt the pressure to keep up with the Joneses, or live up to your unrealistic expectations? Keith recalls turning 25 and not having anything to show for it. After sprinkling some time and distance on it everything makes sense! You will achieve what you believe, don't be depressed about your timeline. Enjoy the journey that gets you to the destination avoid being so focused on the end that you lose sight of all the good that's happening.
Keith finishes the week's podcast by recapping some challenges and encouraging everyone to take the step from being motivated to living motivated.
