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As we record this episode of Share the Struggle podcast, we are just a few hours away from the biggest challenge the loud, proud American has ever taken on and the most difficult decision for this new dad and husband.
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Let me tell you something Everybody struggles.
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The difference is some people choose to go through it and some choose to grow through it.
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The choice is completely yours.
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Which one you choose will have a very profound effect on the way you live your life.
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If you find strength in the struggle, then this podcast is for you.
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Do you have a relationship that is comfortable with uncomfortable conversations?
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Uncomfortable conversations challenge you, humble you and they build you.
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When you sprinkle a little time and distance on it, it all makes sense.
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Most disagreements, they stem from our own insecurities.
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You are right where you need to be.
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Take all the lies.
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What if you want it?
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I little it feel Good lord, am I so excited to be back with you.
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Oh, it's true.
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Oh it's true, it's damn true.
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Welcome to the Loud, proud American sponsored podcast, dutifully, precisely, perfectly named share the struggle, because everybody struggles and this week's struggle, boys and girls, just happens to be one of the biggest, shall I say the biggest obstacle or challenge or commitment that our brand of Loud, proud American has ever taken on and, very easily, the most difficult decision that this new daddy over here has decided to take on.
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Because, at the time in which I am recording this podcast, I'm only a few short hours away from climbing upon the old cool bus and heading south with my good buddy, brian and his boy.
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As loud, proud American takes on Daytona Bike Week.
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What's that?
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Look on your face.
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When this episode drops, you'll be like in the trenches yeah, I didn't say when the episode dropped.
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I said, when I'm recording this oh okay, yeah, you had me confused, yeah well, that's, that's a sales pitch for you, you know what I mean I'm recording this when you're reading a book.
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Oh, a cliffhanger, cliffhanger we are.
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It's about 1030 at night right now, just about as we're recording this on Sunday night.
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I can't even tell what day it is.
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I can't believe it's a Sunday.
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Yeah, and we're recording multiple podcasts today because we don't want to lose the consecutive streak.
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We're here for our listeners, so we're back to back in episodes here on the couch.
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And it's sunday night and it's 10 30 in tomorrow morning.
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As sad as it is, this is the.
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This is the last little sleep I get with my little family, and then in the morning, um, I'm heading south for Three weeks.
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Well, I mean, not quite right.
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Yeah, it is three weeks.
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All right, we won't talk about it.
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Trust me, we've been counting.
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This isn't going to be easy this is not going to be easy.
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When you make decisions about doing these things for the business because you know it's what's right for the business and you've been thinking about making these decisions for five years, like we've talked about doing stuff like this for five years when you're doing and you're thinking and you're planning, it's a lot easier to think and plan and do without having a little bundle of joy at home the new addition at home because I can tell you, not that it's easy to leave you when I go and do these things, but we're we're adults and we can understand things and know that we're doing this for what's right for the family and we can talk every day and understand it.
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She is not going to understand why daddy's not here for two or three weeks when she's with me every single day.
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Yeah, not looking forward to um leaving tomorrow I can.
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I can tell you that I'm excited for the business and for the brand and I am praying that this is all worth it.
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I'm praying that we get there and this is a smashing success and we can't wait to go back again, because the success makes it all worth it and then we can go into it knowing what to expect and planning for.
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But right now you sprinkle in all the unknown.
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I've never driven this far in my life.
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I've never been away from you for this long in my life.
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I've never been away from my baby like this since she's been alive period.
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There's a lot here and I don't know how it's going to go.
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I don't know how much we're going to make.
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I don't know what we're going to lose, because the investment in this, as you start looking at it, it adds up.
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It adds up, man, the cost of the space to be there, the cost to stay there, like to vend and to sleep, the cost to get there eight, 10 miles, a gallon on a school bus there and back, 20 plus hours each way.
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The food, the travel, the whatever hours each way.
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The food, the travel, the whatever the cost of the product, all those things I can say that I am blessed to say.
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Only a few weeks ago I was on here saying we made the courageous decision to embark on this journey to Daytona, only to come back and say I don't think we can afford to do it.
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And I had that conversation saying come hell or high water, we're going to find a way.
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So before we really beat ourselves up and get down on the sadness of leaving the family behind, I must celebrate the fact that a few weeks ago we didn't know this was a possibility.
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Right, right, we didn't know this was a possibility, right, right, we've been down and dirty figuring it out and have locked down some very big custom orders for the business, for the brand, in the final hours to make this work, so much so that I wasn't even buying product or getting things ready for Florida because it was all hands on deck to secure the funds to make the deals, to close the deals, to get things done.
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I kept saying to myself, if I focus on Florida without focusing on the deals that come before Florida, I'm never going to end up there.
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So I need to lock down what's in front of me, make some money and then get there.
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So we're getting as creative as all get out.
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But with the love and support of some great friends and families and businesses, we've locked down some deals that have already resulted in the biggest February in the history of Loud Proud American, which that's the fact of the conversations that we were having a few weeks ago about how broke the business.
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Is that, right there, boys and girls, is a hallelujah, hallelujah moment, as Medea would say?
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Hallelujah, is that how Medea would say it?
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Hallelujah, hallelujah.
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Hallelujah, Hallelujah Well.
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I'm proud of us.
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Yeah, that hasn't been easy and navigating all this also while the two days a week daddy daycare over here trying to figure these things out, the snowstorms running over the tractor, getting sick, navigating all those things, to then seeing the glimmer of hope, the light of the candle that we can make this happen, and then commit to the crunching of numbers to figure out, hey, what can we afford to bring in, to work on, to produce, to get ready for Daytona?
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How do we prepare ourselves to go down there and be as successful as possible?
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You need to prepare yourself for success.
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If you don't get yourself in a position to succeed, then you're not going to succeed.
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But we need to be realistic.
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What can we afford?
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What can we do?
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I had grander illusions in my mind of all the things I would want to bring to Florida for the first time, but I buckled down on this goal and this task and said listen, just getting there, representing ourselves and our brand and doing the absolute best we can is all we can do.
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That in itself is the accomplishment.
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We get there, lay it all on the line, see where the cards lay and, day by day, just see what happens.
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That's the good news, everybody.
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We found a way.
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You're going.
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We found a way and tomorrow we are on our way.
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It's about to down, leveled up and trucking.
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We're going to do what they say can't be done, the three of you and the bus Long way to go Short time to get there.
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You're leaving Monday, the three of you on the bus.
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You're leaving Monday.
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You have more than a short time to get there.
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The event doesn't start until Friday.
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Well, you've seen how fast that bus goes.
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Yeah, I also know that your co-pilot wants to do it in one day.
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Yeah, we ain't doing that, buckaroo, not the way this daddy likes to get out and piss and stretch, I'll tell you right now Kick don't stretch piss.
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Yeah, miss I need snacks.
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I need snacks.
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Going to eat soups and breads and get all fat and sassy.
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Oh man, it's hard to be excited because I get a little overwhelmed with sadness.
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I'm not looking forward to.
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I got to throw shades on so that the fellas don't see me crying and pulling down the driveway.
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That's not good, that's not good.
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You know what I mean.
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I don't know.
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I'm not even going to lie or sugarcoat the situation, but I've decided to just tune it out until tomorrow, like I just don't want to kind of have to think about it I don't, because, honestly, I've tried to tune it all out.
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When I find myself realizing, like when you Sounds stupid, but the reality of the situation, like you get a little worked up and upset about it, Like you get nervous about it, so I just change the channel oh time to watch Iron Chef.
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Like I'm just going to change the mental frequency in me to not think about it and, honestly, that's the way I need to treat the entire trip you know what I mean yeah, because if I get caught up in sadness and worrying and stressing and thinking about it, then I'm not going to be focused and making money and I don't want you guys to be stressed out and I also don't like want the fact that if I'm taking time away from the family and then not making money, then that's a real lose lose all the way around.
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So this needs to be a success.
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It needs to be a success.
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I want to do my best to focus on each day, one day at a time.
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Like literally, I just keep telling myself tomorrow's goal is to get more than halfway there.
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And then Tuesday's goal is to get there, you know, and to get enough stuff out of the bus that I can actually make a bed for the night, you know what I mean.
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And then, like, the next day is getting all of our stuff done, Like literally, like I'm just looking at it in a system like that, and I think, like when you say the fact that, oh, you're going to be gone for three weeks, it doesn't set in with me because I'm looking at such a short-term goal.
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You know what I'm saying, like once, that it's like today, this is what I have to do, and that's the way I've been doing.
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This is, I look at my, my schedule and I'm saying, like today, you have to print this many things.
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Today, you have to build this tomorrow you're going to drive this far.
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Once it's open, it's going to be like you got to make this much money today, like that's how I'm going to look at it, like that's literally all I focused on.
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I'm trying to look at that that slice of the pie, I guess, because if I look at the whole thing then it kind of becomes overwhelming.
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But we both know that before we know it, I don't want to be driving home that's how this stuff goes right.
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It it feels like forever, but it happens in a blink of an eye.
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So that's why I try not to think about it like I did the same thing when you and your mom went to freiburg.
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And it was like me and paisley and she was only a couple weeks old, like it was, like I couldn't think about it, like I just you just have to be about it, you just have to do it and be in the trenches.
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And sure you can think about it at that point.
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But you're already in it, you're already involved and all right, nothing but to do, but to do it.
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That's it.
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So I have just kind of Drowned out the thought of it.
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Knowing that it's, I'm obviously setting myself up and preparing myself for it.
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But it's like Looking at the calendar and you're like, alright, he's leaving in Two more Mondays or he's leaving in two days, and you just kind of like Put that in your head and like today it was.
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I've put it off so much that I like didn't even pack her stuff, like for you know, her childcare for Tuesdays and Thursdays and that's.
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That's a whole other like piece of humble pie.
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You know, there's someone else going to be taking care of my daughter on tuesdays and thursdays while you're gone and your mom's working.
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So like I've just put it off like not necessarily like procrastinating, but just like not ready to like be ready for it, I guess I think that makes sense to the way that you're looking at things, and I think my mom's probably looking at things the same way, because multiple times during this I've felt like why does nobody want to help me leave right now, like whenever I'm going to a fair or I'm going to an event, it's like all hands on deck, like my mom gets out of work comes down.
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What can I do?
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What can I move?
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You come home.
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Let me load this to an event.
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It's like all hands on deck, like my mom gets out of work.
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Comes down, what can I do?
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What can I move?
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You come home, let me load this.
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Let me do that.
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Y'all have just left me we just know how you are and you just go in straight panic mode and forget how to like tie your shoes.
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Good lord, good Lord.
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So we're just like I'm literally out there.
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Like I've packed that bus two days in a row, I probably have 25, 26 hours and two days between me and that bus 25 and a half if it's been by myself.
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But here's the deal If your mom and I would have gone in there to help you pack think about it as like the glass half full and not half empty If we would have gone out there and helped you pack it, you would have gotten to Florida and said where's this, where's that, where's this At this opportunity for you, because the bus was empty.
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It allowed you to reorganize, kind of pivot, the way that you had things in there.
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And yeah, I mean we definitely it's hard to get out there and have your mom watch the baby and me help you, and it's also winter.
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Okay, it's winter please remember.
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On the ladder trying to shovel the roof off the bus.
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It is not good out there right now.
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I don't know if you know how to get rid of that shoveling.
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Yeah, you put in some time today yeah, blew my back out, not in a good way right shoveling the snow.
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I've literally felt like, do these guys like think I'm making a bad decision because you both pushed me into the decision?
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But then, when it's time to go, y'all just left me on an island out there like well, I'm figuring out, we're gonna watch Jeopardy Y'all just left me on an island out there like well I'm figuring it out, we're going to watch Jeopardy?
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No, that's not the case.
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We literally I mean I personally know that I have been doing things on the side to make sure that I'm ready and prepared, like you know, organizing and getting things ready and just on my side of things, because I mean, this time around, thankfully I have your mom next door, but it's a lot of work for one person and I still have to go to work every day on top of, like you, waking up, doing the barn tours, taking care of the animals and getting her ready to go to memos.
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Like it's a, it's a lot.
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So it's like it's one of those things that I haven't even put any like time and effort into thinking about preparing myself.
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Yes, have thought about it.
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Yes, immediately change the channel yeah like I don't want to think about it because you're right, it has been.
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It's the longest time that you and I will be apart, because normally it's just like you're at fryberg, so you're like an hour away, like if I needed you for anything.
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Like you have the opportunity to come home, like you're 24 hours away, like, I mean, unless you hopped on a plane and was here in a few hours, but that's beside the point.
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That's not what we're talking about.
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We're talking about the fact that you're states away, not saying that something is going to happen, but that's my mindset.
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Those are the things that my anxiety takes over and like I don't want to think about, I don't even want to evaluate the situation like it's.
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I have to just be like in the trenches and like, all right, yeah, I'm just gonna facetime you and call you as if you're at freiburg, like that's my mindset and that's how I have to get through these next three weeks is just and that's how I have to get through these next three weeks is just take it one day at a time, and I mean I have her to keep me busy, which is nice.
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It's tough because, like you know me, making this decision impacts the lives of so many, right?
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So if I think outside of the like our immediate circle, I say, hey, I'm going to make this trek south.
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I reach out to Brian.
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Brian takes three weeks off from work.
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It's the longest time that him and his wife Christy have ever been apart.
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And his son's coming with us.
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So there's those sacrifices that are being made on their behalf, right?
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You think that Tuesdays and Thursdays I have little Paisley to myself and now you have Allie another Allie actually that's stepping up to help out with her.
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That's impacting her and her husband and her kids and everybody there.
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And then when you really kind of like, even like my mom, tuesday and Thursday I get up at five in the morning I drive her to work.
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Now her friends get it coming over and picking her up and bringing her to work and bringing her home on Thursday and you're picking her up on Tuesday.
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So your schedule is changing.
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To pick her up on Tuesday, your schedule is changing to be at home, working from home, half days, tuesdays, thursdays like everything gets impacted by one person making um a commitment, you know, and, and for me it's like it's tough because I think about it and I go.
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I know the weight that's going to be left on you guys, because every morning I do all the barn chores.
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Every morning, if you don't have time, I get the kid ready every morning.
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If you don't have time, I get the kid ready.
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Every morning, if you don't have time, I feed the kid and you're off to work and I'm taking care of her and giving her a first meal and getting her ready for the day, and then me, her and Meemaw are heading out.
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You know three of those days.
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And then I'm bringing her to my mom's and I'm getting her settled in.
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Then I'm going to work Two of those days.
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It's just me and her the entire time right.
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I'm bringing my mom to work, I'm picking her up from work At nighttime.
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When you come home, I've already started on the chores by the time you're getting home.
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Sometimes I'm cooking dinner, I'm trying to, you know, work on my own stuff.
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There's all these things you think about, like if a snowstorm comes the driveway, y'all don't have enough hay in the barn right now.
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You know what I mean, like sawdust, all these things.
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There's so many things that I think that are asked of me that you guys might not even realize that I have to do in the course of a day.
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But now you have all those things thrown back on everybody's plate, not to mention everybody else outside of the circle that is being affected by it.
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So it's a big decision, like it's a big decision to do this.
00:21:46.930 --> 00:21:52.332
You know when I I don't take it lightly the fact that I'm putting this workload on everybody else, you know.
00:21:52.332 --> 00:22:05.632
But I just keep telling myself, like, if I don't take these chances, if I don't, but I just keep telling myself like if I don't take these chances, if I don't, you know, take these risks, or if I continue to take on tasks, then this business is not going to grow.
00:22:06.032 --> 00:22:08.394
And our family is not going to be secure.
00:22:08.394 --> 00:22:18.208
Like we have to do these things, you know, yeah, I think, maybe when I come back y'all might appreciate me.
00:22:18.228 --> 00:22:19.050
We'll think about it.
00:22:19.451 --> 00:22:19.692
00:22:19.834 --> 00:22:20.917
We don't want it to go to your head.
00:22:20.917 --> 00:22:23.222
That's what I figured.
00:22:23.222 --> 00:22:24.867
Maybe you'll appreciate us.
00:22:26.079 --> 00:22:26.560
00:22:27.482 --> 00:22:29.808
They say, distance makes the heart grow fonder.
00:22:30.611 --> 00:22:44.246
It's not possible, man, It'd be gross you know, Maybe you'll have some more love for the baby.
00:22:44.266 --> 00:22:49.634
Just kidding, yeah, you love her a lot of, uh much a lot of things are um, some first, some difficult first for all of us.
00:22:49.634 --> 00:23:04.747
You know, like I don't want to drive off tomorrow and leave the little baby knowing I'm not going to see her then I you know I'm not to get our quality time every night, but then on Tuesday when you drop her off with Allie and you go to drive to work, you're going to get that feeling.
00:23:05.228 --> 00:23:08.288
I was just going to say, but you know you can get back to her in eight hours.
00:23:08.288 --> 00:23:10.268
Yeah, you asked me that the other day.
00:23:10.268 --> 00:23:13.851
You said how are you going to feel on Tuesday when you drop her off?
00:23:13.851 --> 00:23:16.126
I could ask you the same question when you drop her off.
00:23:16.126 --> 00:23:23.029
I could ask you the same question when you're about to drive down the road and know that I mean, we'll see in a few weeks.
00:23:23.160 --> 00:23:25.063
I hope she's sleeping when I leave.
00:23:26.506 --> 00:23:26.987
Doubt it.
00:23:29.349 --> 00:23:32.035
I don't know, it's not easy.
00:23:32.035 --> 00:23:34.628
It's never been easy to leave home, really Like I guess.
00:23:37.226 --> 00:23:37.907
Who are you kidding?
00:23:40.000 --> 00:23:40.540
You love leaving home.
00:23:40.540 --> 00:23:45.010
I'm serious like I've never wanted to to, to like as a kid.
00:23:45.010 --> 00:23:47.123
You're always like, oh, I'm gonna leave home, I'm gonna do this, I'm gonna do that.
00:23:47.123 --> 00:24:01.248
Then, as you get older, you're like, I mean, it's nice to get out, but, like I, for long times, or leaving the family behind it's um, it's a lot, you know, even when we're on vacation somewhere and it's like, oh man, no one's taking care of the horse.
00:24:01.248 --> 00:24:14.527
So you, just you start thinking about things, never mind like that's when you and me are on the road together now like when, like you're on your real, on the road by yourself, it's, it's different, man, I don't know.
00:24:14.567 --> 00:24:32.384
It's hard to explain like I think about when, the first time I ever had to leave you, I had to go to Denver for some training and I had to fly by myself and go to Denver by myself, and that was like the first big challenge.
00:24:32.384 --> 00:24:33.749
Yeah, you were gone for like a week.
00:24:34.270 --> 00:24:39.432
Yeah, like that was like the first, like the first big one, you know now you feel like that was like the first, like the first big one, you know.
00:24:39.432 --> 00:24:40.378
Now you feel like the baby.
00:24:40.680 --> 00:25:03.769
I cried well, we all did, but I mean you cried watch your mouth you never told me that the um I cried like a little sappy baby when I dropped you off at the airport and I was like I mean, I think what happens is like you go from living your life with your best friend all day, every day, and that's the norm.
00:25:03.769 --> 00:25:17.361
Like you know, we do everything together and then for that person to like go away for even a little bit of time, like you're like all right now.
00:25:17.361 --> 00:25:17.317
What do I do?
00:25:17.317 --> 00:25:18.345
Like now, your entire life changes like for that a little bit, a little bit of time, like you're like all right now.
00:25:18.345 --> 00:25:18.280
What do I do?
00:25:18.280 --> 00:25:21.766
Like now your entire life changes like for that little bit of time?
00:25:22.740 --> 00:25:26.767
For instance, like when you go away, the last thing that I do is cook dinner.
00:25:26.767 --> 00:25:32.548
Like you might not know that, but I don't cook dinner Like it's gonna be something super quick and easy.
00:25:32.548 --> 00:25:43.292
I'm probably gonna boil some pasta and throw some canned tomatoes in it and have macaroni and tomatoes, and I'm probably going to boil some pasta and throw some canned tomatoes in it and have macaroni and tomatoes, and I'll probably have that for like a couple of days because I don't want to cook.
00:25:44.181 --> 00:25:47.711
Number one, because it's weird to cook for one person.
00:25:48.441 --> 00:25:49.865
Well, you and my mom are going to have dinner every night.
00:25:49.885 --> 00:25:52.330
Well, that's going to be different, Because you're going to have the little one you know.
00:25:52.593 --> 00:25:55.201
Right, that's the difference she's going to want to eat squash and whatever.
00:25:55.201 --> 00:25:55.643
That's the difference.
00:25:55.682 --> 00:25:56.663
She's going to want to eat squash and whatever.
00:25:56.663 --> 00:25:57.846
Yeah, which now is going to be different.