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June 19, 2024

Celebrating Community: Surprises, and Acts of Kindness 206

What if an unexpected gift could change the course of your week? Join us as we recount the whirlwind of emotions, laughter, and gratitude that unfolded during Bike Week and a surprise birthday celebration. From navigating the heat and hangovers to celebrating new and old friendships, we share personal anecdotes that highlight the value of camaraderie and the growth that comes through struggles. You'll hear about the heartwarming generosity of friends like Matt and Sarah Perkins, who surprised us with a much-needed Toro lawnmower, and the humorous orchestration behind the big reveal.

Imagine the joy of announcing a pregnancy at a major event and feeling the overwhelming support and excitement from your community. This episode captures that special moment, along with the lively energy of a pin-up contest at the saloon, complete with professional photo shoots and cash prizes. We also reflect on the emotional significance of celebrating Father's Day for the first time without our dads, and the comfort found in unexpected family visits and shared memories. Our heartfelt thank-yous to everyone who made these events memorable emphasize the power of community and organic friendships.

Don't miss our exploration of acts of kindness, from impromptu diaper fund donations to the hard work of hosting contests. We shine a light on the meaningful connections formed through vulnerability and personal stories, encouraging listeners to step out of their comfort zones and embrace new relationships. Plus, find out how you can connect with us on social media and support the American dream through various digital avenues. Tune in for a reflective yet fun episode filled with appreciation and a touch of excitement.

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Thank you for Supporting My American Dream!


00:01 - Bike Week Recap and Thank You

13:38 - Birthday Surprise With Lawnmower

21:39 - Acts of Kindness

26:56 - Pin-Up Contest Recap

39:46 - Father's Day Reflection and Comfort

46:38 - Power of Organic Friendships

56:25 - Pregnancy Announcement Excitement and Gratitude

01:04:20 - American Patriot Social Media Promotion


00:00:01.862 --> 00:00:13.590
it's a bike week recap a special birthday roundup and a great opportunity for a baby mama to say hey let me tell you something everybody struggles.

00:00:13.590 --> 00:00:19.524
The difference is some people choose to go through it and some choose to grow through it.

00:00:19.524 --> 00:00:21.486
The choice is completely yours.

00:00:21.486 --> 00:00:27.440
Which one you choose will have a very profound effect on the way you live your life.

00:00:29.204 --> 00:00:35.073
If you find strength in the struggle, then this podcast is for you.

00:00:35.073 --> 00:00:42.009
Do you have a relationship that is comfortable with uncomfortable conversations?

00:00:42.009 --> 00:00:47.726
Uncomfortable conversations challenge you, humble you and they build you.

00:00:49.479 --> 00:00:52.725
When you sprinkle a little time and distance on it, it all makes sense.

00:00:54.341 --> 00:00:57.871
Most disagreements they stem from our own insecurities.

00:00:57.871 --> 00:01:05.513
You are right where you need to be Back on time.

00:01:05.513 --> 00:01:07.376
We need to back off.

00:01:07.376 --> 00:01:13.251
We all take on what we find.

00:01:17.403 --> 00:01:18.968
Ooh ooh, ooh, ooh.

00:01:18.968 --> 00:01:20.865
What it do, what it do.

00:01:20.865 --> 00:01:24.930
Hot, emphasis on hot Diggity.

00:01:24.930 --> 00:01:29.406
Damn, am I so excited to be back with you, boo.

00:01:29.406 --> 00:01:31.846
I said hot because it's hot.

00:01:31.846 --> 00:01:34.090
It's too hot, too hot in a hot tub.

00:01:34.090 --> 00:01:36.004
Woo, get out of the hot tub.

00:01:36.004 --> 00:01:40.783
Too hot to trot you damn right, it is way too hot.

00:01:40.783 --> 00:01:44.022
Well, it's too hot for me, man.

00:01:44.022 --> 00:01:45.066
I'm a bit of a heavy breather.

00:01:45.066 --> 00:01:47.728
I'm not really optimized for these conditions.

00:01:47.728 --> 00:01:54.914
I got to reprogram, redownload, maybe a factory reset for me to be all set.

00:01:55.439 --> 00:01:56.385

00:01:57.040 --> 00:01:58.046
I don't want to go away.

00:01:59.441 --> 00:02:02.510
That's how you bring up your factory, restore.

00:02:02.861 --> 00:02:04.590
Aren't you making me fade to black?

00:02:04.609 --> 00:02:05.534
No, goodness you bring up your program restore.

00:02:05.534 --> 00:02:06.058
Aren't you making me fade?

00:02:06.078 --> 00:02:06.239
to black.

00:02:06.259 --> 00:02:09.269
No Goodness Bring up your program manager by control-alt-delete.

00:02:09.269 --> 00:02:11.868
This is why I'm IT and you're not.

00:02:12.280 --> 00:02:14.525
Is it a task manager or a program manager?

00:02:16.448 --> 00:02:18.111
Tomato, potato Okay.

00:02:18.151 --> 00:02:19.153
All right, fair enough.

00:02:19.153 --> 00:02:22.064
Fair enough Does the same thing?

00:02:22.064 --> 00:02:26.930
Episode 206, and we'll be back with your weekly fix.

00:02:26.930 --> 00:02:35.592
Hey y'all, I said we, and I said we because of you and me, and the fact is, folsom's here.

00:02:36.353 --> 00:02:36.913
Yeah him too.

00:02:37.120 --> 00:02:46.542
Truth be told, my hand on the Cabela's catalog and my beady little eyes to the sky, I don't want to do this episode alone.

00:02:46.542 --> 00:02:58.805
I'm still dragging, I'm still hungover and run down from the longest event of the season so far for Loud, proud American.

00:02:58.805 --> 00:03:04.407
Between that and all the festive festivities, and then you sprinkle in some heat.

00:03:04.567 --> 00:03:11.091
Yeah, man, I'm jealous of your hangover business.

00:03:12.139 --> 00:03:13.445
Go ahead and keep rubbing that in.

00:03:14.281 --> 00:03:15.887
Oh, it's not a rub, I'll tell you.

00:03:17.640 --> 00:03:20.109
Rubs are usually dry and this was certainly wet.

00:03:20.109 --> 00:03:22.325
It was a lot of wetness.

00:03:22.325 --> 00:03:31.129
There was many a times in there when I tried to have a dry day and I was badly influenced by those around me.

00:03:31.129 --> 00:03:38.628
Sitting in a parking lot telling myself I'm not going to drink, chris Woodcock shows up with a cold beer.

00:03:38.628 --> 00:03:39.772
You know what I mean.

00:03:39.772 --> 00:03:50.807
Yeah, sunday trying to dry out after 37 high lives and pickle juice and whiskey later, and I said, no alcohol.

00:03:50.807 --> 00:04:00.045
Today, brother Lance comes in with four shots of Red Stag and an Ultra in his hand and I knew that this day was going to turn.

00:04:00.347 --> 00:04:01.128
First one today.

00:04:01.750 --> 00:04:02.513

00:04:04.461 --> 00:04:10.122
All that's aside all that is aside, what is inside that I need to say today is thank you.

00:04:10.122 --> 00:04:21.552
Thank you for joining me on this week's episode of share the struggle podcast 206 consecutive weeks can't believe it, but together we continue to achieve it.

00:04:21.552 --> 00:04:23.983
And I know we got some new listeners this week, man.

00:04:23.983 --> 00:04:30.834
I met some people in the parking lot of the saloon that were surprised to hear that we have a podcast.

00:04:30.834 --> 00:04:35.391
They get some podcast stickers and they're promising to download and do some listening.

00:04:35.391 --> 00:04:40.170
This week's show is not going to be as deep as some of the other shows.

00:04:40.170 --> 00:04:58.632
This is more of a recap roundup and a big old thank you to everybody that showed up and made our week so special, and we have some definite thank yous to hand out today and some little sticky notes and I love yous and smelly stickers and stuff.

00:04:58.632 --> 00:04:59.093
You know what I mean.

00:05:01.055 --> 00:05:01.836
Smelly stickers.

00:05:02.279 --> 00:05:09.045
Like, if you were handing out a smelly sticker for somebody, what smelly sticker would it be?

00:05:09.045 --> 00:05:15.807
Probably the watermelon oh, okay, that's nice.

00:05:15.807 --> 00:05:16.942
You know what?

00:05:16.942 --> 00:05:19.571
How about for the people that we shout out today?

00:05:19.571 --> 00:05:24.391
Because we got a few, we're going to hand them smelly stickers.

00:05:24.391 --> 00:05:25.802
Okay, we got to think about.

00:05:25.822 --> 00:05:26.845
We're going to hand them smelly stickers.

00:05:26.865 --> 00:05:29.872
Okay, we got to think about what they're going to be, all right.

00:05:30.232 --> 00:05:30.512
All right.

00:05:32.259 --> 00:05:41.235
Your first one's going to be watermelon, so when you're ready to issue the watermelon because you know somebody deserving of the watermelon, then you just throw it in, okay, okay.

00:05:41.235 --> 00:05:46.872
Also, I'm going to apologize in advance if we miss anybody, because it's been a long stretch.

00:05:46.872 --> 00:05:48.165
It's been a long stretch at the saloon.

00:05:48.165 --> 00:05:54.283
We've had some great conversations with many people, we made new friends and we got to reconnect with some longtime friends.

00:05:54.283 --> 00:05:57.206
Some family episode was dropping on a winning Wednesday.

00:05:58.127 --> 00:06:19.473
I had mentioned to you guys that we were off about 60% on the week, but I felt like the big things, the good things, were about to happen, like good things were about to happen, and that certainly was the case.

00:06:19.473 --> 00:06:28.855
Just to get it out there now, spoiler alert we definitely closed the gap on where we were looking as far as the event goes.

00:06:28.855 --> 00:06:31.208
I mean, we didn't match last year.

00:06:31.208 --> 00:06:36.552
Actually, we didn't beat last year or match last year or the year before.

00:06:36.552 --> 00:06:48.769
So it wasn't one of our best bike weeks, but I would say that we definitely had a respectable number and we really really closed the gap over the last few days of the week.

00:06:49.500 --> 00:06:51.925
Yeah, we definitely weren't as behind as we were.

00:06:51.925 --> 00:06:53.610
No, that's good.

00:06:53.930 --> 00:06:58.831
We made a big difference and that big difference is because of many of the folks listening right now, that's for sure.

00:06:58.831 --> 00:07:10.315
So, with that said, when this episode, as I said, was doing that little last rendezvous, I mentioned that we were getting ready for the tattoo contest.

00:07:10.315 --> 00:07:13.870
I was a little nervous about the tattoo contest because it was a Wednesday, right.

00:07:14.379 --> 00:07:16.809
Yeah, it was a pretty scarce day, midweek's tough.

00:07:16.809 --> 00:07:19.288
Nobody wants to party on a Wednesday.

00:07:19.819 --> 00:07:23.511
You know you have people that are there on bike week, but Unless you're an alcoholic.

00:07:23.511 --> 00:07:25.485
Well, I guess that's me.

00:07:25.485 --> 00:07:34.148
Three o'clock, three to six, middle of the week, is a tough time slot to fill, but I was just excited about the opportunity.

00:07:34.148 --> 00:07:36.507
So you know it is what it is.

00:07:36.507 --> 00:07:37.250
You run with it, right.

00:07:38.319 --> 00:07:39.446
Yeah, we did.

00:07:39.939 --> 00:07:43.165
And it rained a little bit so that was making it tough.

00:07:43.165 --> 00:07:51.971
But moral of the story is it was a great opportunity to uh do an event with tommy tommy tattoo for the first time in a long time.

00:07:51.971 --> 00:08:01.507
You guys have heard me talk about tommy leading into this week's show because I've been kind of, you know, pushing you towards uh coming out to hang out with us and spend some time with us.

00:08:01.507 --> 00:08:17.899
And I mentioned that Tommy owns Tommy's Tattoo Supplies, which is a big tattoo supply company, and he also puts on two tattoo conventions a year and one of them is like top five in the world when it comes to attendance.

00:08:17.899 --> 00:08:24.110
So pretty awesome to be part of that and to do an event with him when it's somebody that's done so many events.

00:08:24.110 --> 00:08:30.244
When I was talking to him before this event, he was in Puerto Rico at a taxi convention Spending time with him.

00:08:30.244 --> 00:08:30.725
This weekend.

00:08:30.725 --> 00:08:33.269
He was headed to Sweden for a taxi convention this week.

00:08:33.269 --> 00:08:34.565
That's pretty crazy.

00:08:35.047 --> 00:08:35.327

00:08:36.240 --> 00:08:37.205
Yeah, he's all over the map.

00:08:37.245 --> 00:08:40.971
Yeah, it's pretty cool to listen to his stories about when he went to.

00:08:40.971 --> 00:08:43.048
Was it Mexico with his girl?

00:08:43.048 --> 00:08:47.501
I think it was puerto rico or something.

00:08:47.543 --> 00:09:07.822
Yeah, because he they were speaking spanish wherever he was and he was trying to find directions or whatever, and his girl at the time, like, spoke like, very like, fluent spanish, walked into a tattoo parlor because he's like this is my comfort zone right and basically was like in spanish oh my god, what is he doing here?

00:09:07.822 --> 00:09:09.967
And she didn't know who he was like.

00:09:09.967 --> 00:09:25.466
She knew of him but didn't know that he was like big and famous yeah and like for what he does, and so she was like, he was like oh my god, I'm gonna get shot like yeah, yeah, this is pretty crazy but it was really like the guy was like over the moon that he was like in his tattoo shop.

00:09:26.140 --> 00:09:28.229
So it was kind of cool that we got to hang out with him.

00:09:29.020 --> 00:09:34.048
Completely genuine dude, which is awesome, and a really humble guy.

00:09:34.048 --> 00:09:40.527
And what I want to say about Tommy is that he was totally invested in our event, like he wanted it to go good.

00:09:40.527 --> 00:09:50.474
He actually took $500 out of his pocket to spice up the contest, to get more people to sign up, and he literally went table to table to register people.

00:09:50.474 --> 00:09:52.158
It was awesome.

00:09:52.158 --> 00:09:58.210
He was just trying to push and pull for it Jimmy Snaz from Ink Masters he's an 11 and 13.

00:09:58.210 --> 00:10:00.455
He was super cool.

00:10:00.539 --> 00:10:02.725
We've only had a couple of conversations going into this.

00:10:02.725 --> 00:10:05.272
It was a blast hanging out with him.

00:10:05.272 --> 00:10:14.451
He was super genuinely interested in the business and the brand was passionate about the fact that we're an American brand.

00:10:14.451 --> 00:10:16.548
It was pretty cool and he had a great time.

00:10:16.548 --> 00:10:29.692
It was awesome to catch up with him after and to hear him say just how much fun he had, because obviously these guys all do this stuff all over the place right, so for us to do something in a saloon and kind of make all this happen.

00:10:29.692 --> 00:10:33.408
It was also really cool to give chad chase some local shine.

00:10:33.668 --> 00:10:55.535
I mean, people in our state don't realize how good chad actually is yeah, he's like they take it for granted that that dude's been like on the cover of Ink Magazine and stuff, and I thought it was really cool to kind of give him his shine, put those guys, you know, get them on the platform and the pedestal that they deserve and then see them get some love reciprocated.

00:10:55.616 --> 00:11:02.153
After the event, like the next day, chad came in and I saw a bunch of people like recognizing him from the event and stuff like that was just cool.

00:11:02.153 --> 00:11:13.674
I just made me feel good that like, hey, we, we accomplished something here for our first tattoo convention in 10 years, or tattoo contest, I should say I think it went great.

00:11:13.674 --> 00:11:14.236
I think we did a good job.

00:11:14.236 --> 00:11:20.394
Uh, it was a lot more work than I expected, trying to, uh, dj mc and you know, go through the cue cards the whole time.

00:11:20.394 --> 00:11:26.361
Uh, thankfully tommy has a system and he brought rick with him and rick obviously he was a stud the whole time.

00:11:26.361 --> 00:11:41.907
So I think you take our first event of the week that we had to get down and dirty with and it was a tremendous success, I feel like yeah, I think we had like at least 20 people, yeah, joined in the guy that won had a super sweet tattoo as well.

00:11:42.067 --> 00:11:43.109
He deserved a win.

00:11:45.111 --> 00:11:47.315
We did a Bent Me Saloon contest as well.

00:11:48.282 --> 00:11:49.206
With the actual staff.

00:11:49.206 --> 00:11:49.520

00:11:50.082 --> 00:12:03.071
I think it went really well and we didn't get to make much money that day because we were closed, because we had these obligations, but the connections made the conversations, the relationships that we started to build foster.

00:12:03.071 --> 00:12:04.726
I think it was great.

00:12:04.840 --> 00:12:07.109
So Wednesday tremendous success.

00:12:07.299 --> 00:12:11.827
Thursday we kind of get back to business, trying to figure things out, get back into the routine.

00:12:11.827 --> 00:12:15.066
Every morning we're making more things to get down to the saloon with.

00:12:15.066 --> 00:12:17.707
You're still working full-time during all this.

00:12:17.707 --> 00:12:28.032
Friday was a special day because we had the opportunity to spend some time with some folks that we consider family, some folks that are family.

00:12:28.032 --> 00:12:37.313
And Friday you had a idea of a little birthday dinner, am I right?

00:12:37.855 --> 00:12:47.000
Yeah, it's pretty traditional for us to go out to dinner, or, if you it's your birthday, you choose what you want for dinner.

00:12:47.000 --> 00:12:58.804
So, um, I was like, all right, let me figure out what's a local place that has, like, um, live music or you know, some good food.

00:12:58.804 --> 00:13:12.631
That way we can get get a few of our friends together like we normally do, because we I knew the weekend was going to be really long and we weren't going to do anything on Saturday other than event related.

00:13:12.631 --> 00:13:15.089
So I figured why not?

00:13:15.089 --> 00:13:20.472
And so I found a local hole in the wall barbecue place.

00:13:20.472 --> 00:13:21.221
I think it's called.

00:13:21.221 --> 00:13:22.044
What did we decide?

00:13:22.044 --> 00:13:22.928

00:13:23.320 --> 00:13:24.018
Texas Barbecue yeah, I think so, genuine Texas Barbecue, like mm called.

00:13:24.018 --> 00:13:24.405
What did we decide?

00:13:24.405 --> 00:13:25.371
Ornell's Texas Barbecue?

00:13:25.371 --> 00:13:26.601
Yeah, I think so, genuine.

00:13:26.863 --> 00:13:31.208
Texas Barbecue Like I left there.

00:13:31.208 --> 00:13:33.605
Slap your mama.

00:13:34.880 --> 00:13:38.163
Slap, your mama is right Well deserved.

00:13:38.163 --> 00:13:39.268
Is that cornbread?

00:13:39.268 --> 00:13:40.965
I'm still thinking about it.

00:13:40.985 --> 00:13:41.807
I didn't even have any.

00:13:42.820 --> 00:13:43.481
I didn't even have any.

00:13:43.481 --> 00:13:44.345
We'll go back tomorrow.

00:13:44.947 --> 00:13:47.465
You're going to bring me back Just for the cornbread.

00:13:49.621 --> 00:13:51.809
I can't afford all them big fixings.

00:13:52.941 --> 00:14:03.948
It was a lot of food for the price and it was genuine Texas barbecue, Like meat's falling off the rib bones.

00:14:03.990 --> 00:14:04.490
Meat sweats.

00:14:05.261 --> 00:14:06.726
I got meat sweats just thinking about it.

00:14:06.726 --> 00:14:08.568
It was delicious.

00:14:08.912 --> 00:14:17.726
And they had southern sweet tea Like real, genuine southern sweet tea, not your fake, unsweetened business.

00:14:17.726 --> 00:14:22.744
Yeah, and they also had mommy mocktails, which I was even more excited.

00:14:22.744 --> 00:14:25.125
That's true, while you guys were getting smammed.

00:14:26.051 --> 00:14:26.955
I was getting smammed.

00:14:26.975 --> 00:14:34.869
I was getting smammed, I was getting juice boxed up, you were getting all juiced up, getting your sugar counts all whacked, I know.

00:14:35.340 --> 00:14:36.605
So we had.

00:14:36.605 --> 00:14:38.389
That's probably why I failed.

00:14:38.389 --> 00:14:40.721
Yeah, let's not talk about it.

00:14:40.721 --> 00:14:51.235
We had a brother and sister, lance and Jennifer Banz, make the road trip from just outside of Syracuse, new York.

00:14:51.235 --> 00:14:56.832
They wanted to come up for your birthday and for the pinup contest and to spend a little time, so they came up.

00:14:57.159 --> 00:14:57.581

00:14:57.581 --> 00:14:59.287
Jen just wanted to see how fat I was getting.

00:14:59.649 --> 00:15:02.407
Maybe they wanted to take you out to dinner for your birthday.

00:15:02.407 --> 00:15:03.109
It was their idea.

00:15:03.109 --> 00:15:05.447
They said hey, you pick a place, we're doing this.

00:15:06.379 --> 00:15:10.169
Should have seen the sticky note on my desk of all the local places.

00:15:10.169 --> 00:15:11.272
I was like where are we going?

00:15:11.272 --> 00:15:17.028
And it wasn't about where I wanted to go, it was where little Paisley wanted to go.

00:15:18.120 --> 00:15:22.706
I'm confident more and more each day by her food choices that this is my kid.

00:15:22.706 --> 00:15:26.429
I had my questions for a while based off of the food.

00:15:26.429 --> 00:15:26.870
Get a grip.

00:15:27.410 --> 00:15:28.572
Get a grip.

00:15:28.572 --> 00:15:30.173
You know that's not accurate.

00:15:30.394 --> 00:15:31.735
Now we're getting into some barbecue.

00:15:34.921 --> 00:15:35.422
It's starting to add up.

00:15:35.422 --> 00:15:36.923
She does love barbecue and potatoes.

00:15:37.663 --> 00:15:38.823
Potatoes is definitely you.

00:15:38.823 --> 00:15:49.551
All that aside, lance and Jen were super awesome to want to come up, spend the time with us and want to take you out to dinner for your birthday.

00:15:49.551 --> 00:15:56.095
We talked Dirk into coming out with us because we have to right, you can't go anywhere without Dirk.

00:15:56.095 --> 00:15:56.975
Think about it.

00:15:57.416 --> 00:15:59.817
No, you can't celebrate a birthday without Dirk.

00:15:59.837 --> 00:16:01.739
You need Dirk His birthday's this weekend.

00:16:01.739 --> 00:16:04.274
Dirk, his birthday's this weekend.

00:16:04.274 --> 00:16:17.649
Anyways, I actually got a surprise phone call that day from one, matt Perkins from Ledgeway Farm, that said hey, man, I'm going to make this dinner.

00:16:17.649 --> 00:16:18.744
What's the scenario?

00:16:18.744 --> 00:16:25.546
Me and Sarah are going to make it down and we want to come out with you guys and celebrate for Adley's birthday, which is so frigging awesome.

00:16:25.546 --> 00:16:28.926
Matt and Sarah, they've we've known them for a few years now.

00:16:28.926 --> 00:16:34.068
They've never been able to fit Bethany's into the schedule, so they don't get to come down this way.

00:16:34.068 --> 00:16:43.169
Obviously they have a full farm and they have, you know, the business and everything going, and right now they're both working full time, plus their event schedule, just like ours, is taken off.

00:16:43.169 --> 00:16:45.214
And matt said I'm making this work.

00:16:45.254 --> 00:16:45.494
I want to.

00:16:45.494 --> 00:16:48.307
It's like an hour and some change.

00:16:48.427 --> 00:16:52.801
Yeah, all the way down here so that was part of the surprise for you.

00:16:52.801 --> 00:16:55.265
I told the barns about it but I didn't tell you.

00:16:55.265 --> 00:17:03.807
And um matt said meet me at your house, and that was a little suspicious he said meet, meet me at your house.

00:17:03.827 --> 00:17:04.910
I got a surprise for you.

00:17:05.211 --> 00:17:06.653
He didn't even tell me he had a surprise.

00:17:06.653 --> 00:17:12.678
He just said you got to go by your house to get to the restaurant and I said yes, and he said all right, I'll meet you there.

00:17:13.740 --> 00:17:15.047
Which also is suspicious.

00:17:15.047 --> 00:17:16.526
How did you know the address?

00:17:17.921 --> 00:17:19.287
He's on things okay.

00:17:19.460 --> 00:17:20.665
Yeah, he's a secret spy.

00:17:21.180 --> 00:17:26.912
Yeah, he might be, I think he is, so they decided they were going to put down.

00:17:26.932 --> 00:17:29.445
He probably flies a drone down here, follows us all the way home.

00:17:29.445 --> 00:17:32.592
He's probably got that bus microchipped.

00:17:33.396 --> 00:17:34.742
He's just a wicked smart guy.

00:17:34.962 --> 00:17:36.469
I think he's got the bus microchipped.

00:17:36.469 --> 00:17:38.346
He's going to know our locations.

00:17:39.281 --> 00:17:40.085
It's not a bad idea.

00:17:40.085 --> 00:17:42.246
I would have done the same thing.

00:17:42.246 --> 00:17:44.426
Maybe I put a microchip in their shack.

00:17:46.160 --> 00:17:46.986
Probably I would have done the same thing.

00:17:47.006 --> 00:17:59.779
Maybe I put a microchip in their shack, probably alright, you're getting me off topic and it's too hot for me to be off topic the point I'm trying to make here is I had to say a little fib to you on the way home and I said hey, you lied no, I created an opportunity for a surprise.

00:17:59.779 --> 00:18:05.482
That's not a lie, that's an opportunity maker you guys.

00:18:06.605 --> 00:18:07.789
You didn't tell me the truth.

00:18:07.789 --> 00:18:12.891
He told me that he had to call his mom to find his wallet.

00:18:13.030 --> 00:18:14.233
Yeah, that's a lie.

00:18:14.233 --> 00:18:15.766
Pretty quick thinking really.

00:18:15.766 --> 00:18:21.884
Actually, what I said to my mom is hey, matt and Sarah are on their way, can you keep an eye out for them?

00:18:21.884 --> 00:18:23.867
And then I told you that I forgot my wallet.

00:18:23.867 --> 00:18:24.904
My mom was getting it.

00:18:24.904 --> 00:18:31.307
Then, when we rolled in, not only was Matt and Sarah Perkins here, but so was a freaking Toro lawnmower.

00:18:32.761 --> 00:18:32.962
Are you?

00:18:33.063 --> 00:18:33.424
kidding me.

00:18:33.424 --> 00:18:35.068
I couldn't believe it.

00:18:35.068 --> 00:18:37.365
I thought the surprise was all about you.

00:18:37.365 --> 00:18:39.365
I didn't think it involved a freaking lawnmower.

00:18:40.260 --> 00:18:42.265
Well, let's just tell the people what they want to hear.

00:18:42.265 --> 00:18:45.272
Why exactly did Matt drop off a lawnmower?

00:18:45.440 --> 00:18:47.067
Because he knows I'm struggling over here.

00:18:47.067 --> 00:18:52.792
He's heard me complain many times on here that my dad blew up both lawnmowers.

00:18:52.792 --> 00:19:00.471
Toby had to come over and save our ass once, and we're trying to sell random things to create enough cash to buy a freaking lawnmower.

00:19:00.471 --> 00:19:11.071
So Matt called me a couple weeks ago and he asked me how our lawn was doing and I said out of control actually let me put this into perspective for y'all.

00:19:11.834 --> 00:19:12.958
I am five three.

00:19:12.958 --> 00:19:14.141
I'm just a little.

00:19:14.141 --> 00:19:16.305
You know dynamite comes in small packages.

00:19:16.305 --> 00:19:18.248
I am a little stick of dynamite.

00:19:18.248 --> 00:19:25.130
Okay, this grass of ours is hip level.

00:19:25.961 --> 00:19:30.750
The only thing on that little stick of dynamite that's still showing when you go across the lawn is your fuse.

00:19:30.750 --> 00:19:32.054
That's it.

00:19:32.054 --> 00:19:37.819
All I can see is your fuse showing as you go bobbing through the forest over there.

00:19:38.101 --> 00:19:41.128
We let our dogs out on the lawn and you can't even find them.

00:19:41.670 --> 00:19:42.593
No, they're gone.

00:19:42.593 --> 00:19:44.205
You just see blades of grass moving.

00:19:44.440 --> 00:19:49.010
If you're in the dooryard, you cannot look across the lawn and see my horse.

00:19:49.612 --> 00:19:50.153
No, it's true.

00:19:50.861 --> 00:19:52.365
Like I can just see his ears.

00:19:52.968 --> 00:19:53.730
It's out of control.

00:19:53.730 --> 00:19:57.435
The point I'm trying to make here, though, is that it's a jungle out there.

00:19:57.435 --> 00:19:57.740
It is.

00:19:57.799 --> 00:20:04.114
It's so much so that the deer have gotten comfortable laying on the front lawn.

00:20:07.640 --> 00:20:08.663
Yeah, gotten comfortable laying on the front lawn.

00:20:08.663 --> 00:20:10.932
Yeah, if I was a hunter, this would have been a conspiracy, because the deer just moved into our front lawn.

00:20:10.932 --> 00:20:12.680
They think we're an abandoned house at this point.

00:20:12.740 --> 00:20:24.112
They think it's just part of the forest I literally could have rolled down my passenger window and pet one of them, because they were in the dooryard like and just hung out there Like they're just content.

00:20:31.160 --> 00:20:34.051
The thing is is that, like we've talked about trying to you know all the things that are going on.

00:20:34.051 --> 00:20:42.044
We've talked about living in the moment, being present and trying to focus on, um, you know what you can control, when you can control it, and kind of letting the rest, the rest happen.

00:20:42.044 --> 00:20:59.048
And unfortunately, some of those things that have, just you know, we've let happen haven't really happened the way they should right, like certain tasks like mowing the lawn, doing random nonsense you know what I mean Like we just hauled a massive load of trash to the freaking dumpster just a few minutes ago.

00:20:59.721 --> 00:21:01.326
You did say you wanted to build a wall.

00:21:02.160 --> 00:21:10.648
Oh, I've built one but unfortunately I can't tell where our land starts and stops anymore well, maybe we just hear me out, hear me out.

00:21:10.729 --> 00:21:23.077
Maybe we just mow the bush but leave the long parts up by the the the road keep the people out, just let it keep going.

00:21:24.765 --> 00:21:25.567
Yeah, it's an option.

00:21:25.707 --> 00:21:30.607
It's an option it's that long you could braid it yeah, well, stop distracting me, okay.

00:21:31.348 --> 00:21:35.326
I'm trying to tell a story here all right, go ahead, I'm just too hot.

00:21:35.326 --> 00:21:37.819
I'm gonna get distracted and I'm gonna ramble and I'm gonna pass out.

00:21:37.819 --> 00:21:42.729
Matt reached out to me and said hey man, how's the long going?

00:21:42.749 --> 00:21:44.311
I said it's out to me and said hey, man, how's the lawn going?

00:21:44.311 --> 00:21:45.394
I said it's out of control.

00:21:45.394 --> 00:21:46.695
And he said have you found a mower yet?

00:21:46.695 --> 00:21:50.750
And he said I've got a backup mower right here.

00:21:50.750 --> 00:21:54.832
You can just come up and get it, borrow it and mow the lawn, no worries.

00:21:54.832 --> 00:21:56.787
And I was like, no, I really appreciate it.

00:21:57.700 --> 00:22:06.182
We're actually just been selling some random things we don't need so we can create a little extra cash for a mower that doesn't come out of like our actual bill funds.

00:22:06.182 --> 00:22:14.690
And, uh, we were just kind of chatting and checking in on each other and matt said, uh, how about you come up here and get my mower and just keep it?

00:22:14.690 --> 00:22:16.333
Like, just just keep it.

00:22:16.333 --> 00:22:23.890
If I can do something for you guys as a, as a gift that can help a situation, then just take it.

00:22:23.890 --> 00:22:29.319
And that in itself is amazing, it's.

00:22:29.862 --> 00:22:34.047
I mean, I don't know how do you meet people like this in this world.

00:22:34.047 --> 00:22:36.880
Man, this is going to be kind of the theme of our podcast here today.

00:22:36.880 --> 00:22:48.012
Is that like we're just surrounded by so much love that we are beyond fortunate, like we are so beyond fortunate right now by the people that we have in our life.

00:22:48.012 --> 00:22:50.488
It just blows me away.

00:22:50.488 --> 00:23:00.962
So Matt not only gave us a lawnmower, he also knew that it would be weeks before I had a weekend off to go actually get the mower.

00:23:00.962 --> 00:23:02.643
So he delivered the damn thing.

00:23:02.643 --> 00:23:06.413
I can't, I don't know.

00:23:06.925 --> 00:23:09.153
I want to hand out a smelly sticker right here.

00:23:09.625 --> 00:23:10.066
I'm giving.

00:23:10.145 --> 00:23:14.455
Matt Perkins, a pineapple smelly sticker Pineapple.

00:23:14.455 --> 00:23:15.377
I love pineapple.

00:23:15.665 --> 00:23:18.234
I don't think I've ever smelled a pineapple sticker.

00:23:18.384 --> 00:23:20.051
It's my favorite of the smelly stickers.

00:23:20.051 --> 00:23:22.990
Dude, it's a little pineapple with sunglasses on.

00:23:23.752 --> 00:23:24.915
Oh, okay, yeah.

00:23:24.915 --> 00:23:31.413
Well, I find it only to be fair to give Sarah a scratch and stiff.

00:23:31.914 --> 00:23:33.057
Smelly, smelly sticker.

00:23:33.136 --> 00:23:34.318
Have you thought of your flavor?

00:23:34.798 --> 00:23:38.153
Yeah, A dancing strawberry.

00:23:39.548 --> 00:23:41.996
Ooh, nice, that's pretty good.

00:23:41.996 --> 00:23:45.275
I only have a couple more in my mind, so I better not lose them all.

00:23:45.275 --> 00:23:45.486

00:23:45.486 --> 00:23:46.550
Before you take the next one?

00:23:46.550 --> 00:23:57.219
Before you take the next one, before you take the next one, I'm gonna give brother Lance a smelly sticker you gotta give a reason what you gotta give a reason.

00:23:58.489 --> 00:24:02.280
I gotta give a reason yeah, you can't just stand out participation.

00:24:02.280 --> 00:24:13.173
I just mentioned the reason they came all the way from New York to spend time with us for your birthday and took us out to dinner and then unintentionally took us out to dinner twice and stayed an extra freaking night.

00:24:13.173 --> 00:24:18.126
I'm going to get to that part of the story in a minute, but Lance is going to get himself a peach smelly ticket.

00:24:19.250 --> 00:24:22.828
Oh my God, he's getting a peach for the wrong reason.

00:24:23.250 --> 00:24:23.711
Oh, my God.

00:24:26.748 --> 00:24:27.630
I didn't think about that.

00:24:27.670 --> 00:24:28.892
Yes, you did, I didn't.

00:24:28.892 --> 00:24:29.692
Yes, you did.

00:24:29.712 --> 00:24:33.159
But that's so perfect, I will elaborate on Lance's peach.

00:24:33.964 --> 00:24:34.426
For the love of God.

00:24:34.446 --> 00:24:35.692
In the next segment of today's show.

00:24:36.326 --> 00:24:37.509
Yeah, when I'm not here.

00:24:38.973 --> 00:24:39.556

00:24:39.744 --> 00:24:41.491
Because I'm not going to listen to that episode.

00:24:41.491 --> 00:24:43.709
You guys are gross.

00:24:43.709 --> 00:24:44.211
It's coming up.

00:24:44.250 --> 00:24:44.833
It's hilarious.

00:24:45.173 --> 00:24:45.335

00:24:51.605 --> 00:25:05.778
Anyways, as we're talking about how fortunate we are and all these people that are in our life if I think I didn't even bring this part up but just kind of talking about just genuine gestures, right Like Lance and Jen coming from New York, matt and Sarah coming from Pittston and bringing us a freaking lawnmower.

00:25:05.778 --> 00:25:09.307
Dirk coming out to dinner with us and bringing us a freaking lawnmower.

00:25:09.307 --> 00:25:10.407
Dirk coming out to dinner with us.

00:25:10.407 --> 00:25:14.391
And while we were doing the tattoo contest I had mentioned, you know, tippy bartenders.

00:25:14.391 --> 00:25:17.473
Inflation's a bitch and oh yeah, I buy my stuff.

00:25:17.473 --> 00:25:18.454
Diapers are expensive.

00:25:18.454 --> 00:25:25.800
And the band manager for Shovelhead came over, brought us both together and said I want to start the diaper fund.

00:25:25.800 --> 00:25:26.661
Here's 20 bucks.

00:25:26.661 --> 00:25:28.786
Yeah, right, yeah.

00:25:28.786 --> 00:25:32.596
And then the sound guy for Shovelhead came up and gave us the same thing.

00:25:32.596 --> 00:25:40.097
Then the next morning, all of them from the band came in and bought a bunch of merchandise Pretty damn awesome.

00:25:40.278 --> 00:25:40.979
It is pretty awesome.

00:25:41.545 --> 00:25:42.611
I think it's pretty damn awesome.

00:25:42.785 --> 00:25:43.852
Yeah, I think it's really awesome.

00:25:44.625 --> 00:25:45.846
So that gets us through dinner.

00:25:45.846 --> 00:25:53.490
We get to Saturday, the 12th annual pinup contest, which is a ton of fun, but it's a lot of work.

00:25:53.490 --> 00:26:00.095
People don't realize how much work this actually is like navigating all these people talking for the whole time.

00:26:00.095 --> 00:26:06.798
We generally start around 1 o'clock I think we were a touch late and we try to finish by like 6.

00:26:06.798 --> 00:26:10.280
So that's a day, dude, that's a day.

00:26:11.342 --> 00:26:12.762
Yeah, it's a day for sure.

00:26:17.704 --> 00:26:21.997
When you start talking in the four, five, six-hour range where you're DJing and talking for that amount of time.

00:26:21.997 --> 00:26:24.151
It's a mess of work.

00:26:24.151 --> 00:26:25.214
Dude, it's a lot of work.

00:26:25.214 --> 00:26:31.867
People just think it's just all you know peaches as far as the eye can see.

00:26:31.867 --> 00:26:32.930
It's not.

00:26:32.930 --> 00:26:33.951
It's not all peaches.

00:26:33.951 --> 00:26:41.375
There's definitely some duds in there and there's a lot of work in there it is when all you're doing is staring at girls booties.

00:26:41.777 --> 00:26:47.491
It's peaches for days listen, I was working okay.

00:26:47.491 --> 00:26:49.915
So it's a lot of work being a judge too.

00:26:49.915 --> 00:26:51.978
In case you were wondering, I've done it before.

00:26:51.978 --> 00:26:53.240
I don't understand.

00:26:53.279 --> 00:26:55.768
I know what it's like Speaking of judging.

00:26:56.269 --> 00:27:02.955
You were over there, judy, judging everybody, and you had your sidekick with you, joe Brown or Tommy Tattoo.

00:27:02.955 --> 00:27:05.528
You and Tommy hung out the whole day.

00:27:05.528 --> 00:27:06.411
You guys had some fun.

00:27:07.032 --> 00:27:07.934
Yeah, we had some fun.

00:27:08.557 --> 00:27:08.916

00:27:08.916 --> 00:27:10.852
I think Tommy was loving it.

00:27:10.852 --> 00:27:14.810
Man, they brought cases of shirts they were throwing out him and Rick we were getting after it.

00:27:14.810 --> 00:27:24.348
We were pumping the crowd, doing a bunch of crazy freaking dance routines and promos and stuff the pin-up contest.

00:27:24.348 --> 00:27:25.974
I think it went pretty damn smooth.

00:27:25.974 --> 00:27:28.587
I mean it was a decent amount of people.

00:27:28.587 --> 00:27:40.240
We probably went a little long per contestant just because we were trying to fill in some of the time, but I think we went like according to time and I think it was a good mix Like you always have good and bad.

00:27:40.240 --> 00:27:51.700
But I'm happy for everybody that gets up there and tries it, because it takes a hell of a lot of confidence to get up there and and and do it.

00:27:51.700 --> 00:27:53.895
Even if you're intending to make a fool of yourself, it still takes a great deal of confidence to get up there and do those things.

00:27:53.825 --> 00:28:12.491
So yeah, I mean it takes a lot of confidence and it also is a confidence booster, so like you know, if you get up there and you were posed like I feel like you just ride this like ultimate high, you're like I did that, that's fucking sweet.

00:28:12.491 --> 00:28:33.845
And then like also, like after your pictures and after you've gone, like I mean I know my experience when I used to do it, like you'd be walking around and people would stop you and ask you for pictures and ask you like, tell you that your outfit is perfect and you think they think you should win, and ask you like tell you that your outfit is perfect and you think they think you should win, and so so, like you just still ride this like ultimate high.

00:28:33.845 --> 00:28:37.451
I mean, that's how I experienced it when I was in the contest.

00:28:37.451 --> 00:28:47.594
Um, but I, you know, I also have seen girls cry over the situation yeah, it's a lot.

00:28:47.634 --> 00:28:48.214
It's a lot.

00:28:48.234 --> 00:29:18.757
It hits hard, you know, I've seen girls scratch and not want to do it at all, after we lost a couple on saturday yeah, but I mean it's pretty calm, common for us to have a couple of girls just watch the competition and then get up there and be like yeah, no, I'm not doing that, which to me is really is really heartbreaking, because I know how much fun and like the reward of getting those pictures at the end and also like walking around on that like confidence high, like how awesome that is.

00:29:18.757 --> 00:29:25.038
So for those girls to scratch because they don't think that they're good enough is always like really hard.

00:29:25.038 --> 00:29:26.269
It's really heartbreaking for me.

00:29:26.269 --> 00:29:28.510
I mean I've been even being a judge.

00:29:28.510 --> 00:29:31.017
I've been in a few conversations with a few girls.

00:29:31.017 --> 00:29:43.486
I mean how many times like girls just bawling their eyes out, like didn't think they were good enough or something, and then it was just like just wait till the pictures, like you will definitely feel a completely different and I mean it's not easy For everybody.

00:29:43.506 --> 00:29:47.050
That's listening that doesn't know what we're talking about, how the scenario goes.

00:29:47.050 --> 00:29:53.380
Basically, we're in the parking lot of the saloon, there's a whole judge's table I'm emceeing everything.

00:29:53.400 --> 00:29:54.365
Yeah, I think so right.

00:29:54.365 --> 00:30:01.888
Uh, ray was there from hogwash and rhinestones, who she's the lady that took our product to nashville for us.

00:30:01.888 --> 00:30:08.351
Tommy was a judge usually, matt, who's from white claw as a judge, but he had to take care of some beer stuff.

00:30:08.351 --> 00:30:16.196
So so one of Tommy's guys, rick, stepped in Lewis, who's one of Bentley's best friends, the bike that we used for the contest.

00:30:16.196 --> 00:30:22.577
Lewis won six AMA National Championships on that exact motorcycle, which is pretty damn awesome.

00:30:22.577 --> 00:30:29.573
Last year's winner, tracy, was also at the judges' table and our first original winner, carrie, was there.

00:30:29.673 --> 00:30:37.854
So pretty freaking awesome, um, but how this works is we have this, this classic motorcycle, and we have a professional photographer.

00:30:37.854 --> 00:30:46.076
Everybody dresses up, pin up and they pose on the motorcycle, so they get a full-on photo shoot right there in front of about a hundred people.

00:30:46.477 --> 00:30:47.771
What's that in a in front of about a hundred people?

00:30:47.771 --> 00:30:49.644
Oh way that In front of about 100 people, oh, way more than 100.

00:30:49.845 --> 00:30:50.126
I know, but.

00:30:50.146 --> 00:30:50.930
I'm just saying.

00:30:51.705 --> 00:30:53.090
Yeah, there was hundreds of people.

00:30:53.211 --> 00:30:54.034
I would say for sure.

00:30:55.144 --> 00:30:59.692
Busiest day I've seen at the saloon in many years actually that place was a freaking zoo.

00:30:59.692 --> 00:31:02.571
You've got a professional photo shoot.

00:31:02.571 --> 00:31:05.029
The winner's going to get $1,000 cash plus.

00:31:05.029 --> 00:31:09.078
The winning photo is going to end up on the back of a T-shirt that gets sold all year long.

00:31:09.078 --> 00:31:10.750
So pretty awesome.

00:31:10.750 --> 00:31:13.330
And this was your birthday, so we're celebrating your birthday.

00:31:13.330 --> 00:31:15.873
The crowd went nuts for your birthday announcement.

00:31:15.973 --> 00:31:17.038
I thought yeah, they did.

00:31:18.025 --> 00:31:21.695
And then one of the other pinups, Tracy, was her birthday as well.

00:31:21.695 --> 00:31:26.074
It was a few birthdays in the crowd we were 10 years, 10, 20 years, 20 years apart.

00:31:26.074 --> 00:31:32.835
I think so, yeah, exactly she said that she was turning 52 and I was turning 32.

00:31:32.835 --> 00:31:38.768
This is that few month window where I'm not 10 years older than you.

00:31:39.450 --> 00:31:39.832
I know.

00:31:40.232 --> 00:31:40.714
You know what I mean.

00:31:41.826 --> 00:31:42.750
I'm gaining on you.

00:31:42.930 --> 00:31:43.854
You're damn right you are.

00:31:43.854 --> 00:31:50.411
So I thought it was a great time, great turnout, great contest.

00:31:50.411 --> 00:31:56.258
The contest wouldn't be possible for us to do if we didn't have support.

00:31:56.637 --> 00:31:58.941
Yeah, if we didn't have family, we need to lean into some help.

00:31:59.085 --> 00:32:08.118
We need to count on some family for this and so thankful that Jen stepped up and just shouted out and got after it in the tent.

00:32:08.665 --> 00:32:09.710
I'm handing out a sticker.

00:32:09.710 --> 00:32:10.653
Hit me.

00:32:10.653 --> 00:32:19.357
I am handing out a sliced watermelon with the cheesiest smile, okay.

00:32:20.118 --> 00:32:20.921

00:32:20.921 --> 00:32:23.152
That's a pretty good-looking smile you had there.

00:32:23.152 --> 00:32:25.271
Your seeds were showing.

00:32:26.884 --> 00:32:27.746
Don't eat the seeds.

00:32:27.746 --> 00:32:28.247
You end up like me.

00:32:28.247 --> 00:32:28.707
Don't eat the seeds.

00:32:28.707 --> 00:32:29.528
You end up like me.

00:32:29.528 --> 00:32:32.070
Yeah, fat nappy.

00:32:32.632 --> 00:32:33.071
That's right.

00:32:33.071 --> 00:32:35.875
You're handing out your watermelon sticker right here.

00:32:36.096 --> 00:32:38.397
To Jen you are Jen Bonds.

00:32:39.038 --> 00:32:39.619
She crushed it.

00:32:39.720 --> 00:32:40.961
She earned it.

00:32:40.961 --> 00:32:41.986
She crushed it.

00:32:41.986 --> 00:32:45.273
She was slinging t-shirts like it was her job.

00:32:45.314 --> 00:32:46.155

00:32:46.356 --> 00:32:47.571
Yeah, and she was like I love this.

00:32:47.571 --> 00:32:48.539
Yeah, and she was like I love this.

00:32:48.539 --> 00:32:51.231
Yeah, I said quit your day job, dude yeah.

00:32:51.271 --> 00:32:51.794
Let's do this.

00:32:52.826 --> 00:32:54.330
She's ready to do the next event.

00:32:54.692 --> 00:32:55.435
Yeah, she's fired up.

00:32:55.435 --> 00:32:57.151
Yeah, she crushed it on the computer.

00:32:57.151 --> 00:33:01.517
She was doing displays, making displays, wearing the getup, getting after it.

00:33:01.684 --> 00:33:05.588
It was pretty damn awesome At the end of the night she was like did we meet the goal?

00:33:05.868 --> 00:33:24.888
I need to know if we made the goal, because I felt like I was doing work and I told her and she was like, heck, yeah, let's close and drink the best thing was the day before or the morning, I think it was the day before I was showing her the computer a little bit and she was like can I change the sales people in here so I can make sure that I'm beating Lance?

00:33:24.888 --> 00:33:29.698
She wanted to track the sales to see who was winning that was pretty cool and uh.

00:33:30.138 --> 00:33:33.919
One of the best things about the whole weekend was, after all the responsibility was done.

00:33:33.919 --> 00:33:41.228
We just sat at the edge of our tent with the doors open, an umbrella hanging out, crushing beers, just talking to people like that was so much.

00:33:41.248 --> 00:33:42.291
That was her favorite part.

00:33:42.291 --> 00:33:43.478
Yeah, the whole time.

00:33:43.478 --> 00:34:00.413
Like other than like, obviously like slinging lpa, like, but she talked about like sitting out at the edge of the tent just people watching and like just soaking up the time, like she loved every minute of it it was awesome a lot of fun, I'm gonna drop a war.

00:34:00.595 --> 00:34:09.655
I can't say watermon, I'm gonna drop a smelly sticker right here okay, go ahead for jen's co-pilot for her compadre.

00:34:09.675 --> 00:34:10.597
Her new best friend.

00:34:10.657 --> 00:34:12.460
For her sidekick and new best friend.

00:34:12.659 --> 00:34:13.405
Yes, mr.

00:34:13.445 --> 00:34:14.751
BP Brian Pomelo.

00:34:14.965 --> 00:34:16.909
Someone else who took the trip out.

00:34:17.291 --> 00:34:20.329
Yes, he came from the woods to be there to make things happen.

00:34:20.329 --> 00:34:23.251
Brian's so good at this event.

00:34:23.251 --> 00:34:24.990
Now he shows up with a cooler.

00:34:24.990 --> 00:34:26.228
He shows up with a cooler.

00:34:26.228 --> 00:34:27.992
He shows up with lawn chairs and shit.

00:34:28.012 --> 00:34:29.436
Yeah, he's prepared, he's ready to roll.

00:34:29.476 --> 00:34:30.257
He knows what he's doing.

00:34:30.485 --> 00:34:31.791
He loves every minute of it.

00:34:31.791 --> 00:34:33.951
And especially since we put the chairs there in the front.

00:34:33.951 --> 00:34:35.574
Yeah, oh, my God, oh, he had a front row seat.

00:34:35.574 --> 00:34:36.277
He was in his glory.

00:34:42.331 --> 00:34:43.452
They were in there crushing it BP.

00:34:43.452 --> 00:34:44.954
This is what.

00:34:44.974 --> 00:34:47.056
The third year, fourth more because he's done all of them.

00:34:47.056 --> 00:34:58.469
I've been a judge for at least five years well, I wasn't always um so yeah, four yeah, you're probably right then yeah, because you've been in business for four years but I'm gonna.

00:34:58.590 --> 00:35:03.690
I'm gonna throw a smelly sticker don't throw up a smelly sticker okay, what are you giving him?

00:35:03.690 --> 00:35:12.355
I mean I could have given Lance an apple like the New York apple but, I'm giving the apple to BP.

00:35:12.355 --> 00:35:14.172
Apple is just a clutch.

00:35:14.172 --> 00:35:28.887
He's the apple to my eye and, knowing Brian, like I do, I'm confident he probably turned an apple into like a bong or something at some point in his life did you say bomb or bong bong?

00:35:29.349 --> 00:35:30.072
yeah, I figured.

00:35:30.072 --> 00:35:33.728
Yeah, yeah, that's bp for you yeah.

00:35:33.987 --> 00:35:43.527
So, man, feeling blessed by the people that came out to uh help us out, which I guess we should elaborate on lance earning the peach.

00:35:43.527 --> 00:35:48.494
No, all right, let's have this out right now.

00:35:48.494 --> 00:35:53.820
So, the winner of Miss Bentley's 2024, the 12th annual pinup contest.

00:35:53.820 --> 00:36:02.074
I think her name was like Tiana or Tammy or Tanya to Tiffany, it had a T in it, remember.

00:36:03.677 --> 00:36:03.898

00:36:04.338 --> 00:36:04.998
It had a T in it.

00:36:04.998 --> 00:36:06.260
It had a T in it.

00:36:06.260 --> 00:36:08.757
Anyways, the point I'm making on this one that had a T in it, had a T in it.

00:36:08.757 --> 00:36:13.893
Anyways, the point I'm making on this one you're going to just say that it comes down to her assets that were exposed.

00:36:13.893 --> 00:36:19.311
That's what you're going to say, that's what you're thinking, that was the reason.

00:36:19.311 --> 00:36:20.353
That's what you're going to say right now.

00:36:20.353 --> 00:36:24.407
You're not saying anything.

00:36:24.407 --> 00:36:26.586
Actually, you're just looking at me like I did something wrong.

00:36:26.947 --> 00:36:56.672
I didn't pick her outfit, I didn't put it on, I just hosted goodness this is how it goes america, this is how it goes get married, they said goodness the point I'm making here is she was the only one in the entire contest that actually embraced what the motorcycle was and wore a race-inspired outfit, with her butt cheeks out but a race jersey Like she had like a race uniform on.

00:36:56.672 --> 00:37:00.755
It was the perfect way to play pinup for that motorcycle.

00:37:00.755 --> 00:37:04.295
I actually said this going into the contest, remember.

00:37:04.295 --> 00:37:06.800
Hey, I'm talking to you over there.

00:37:07.163 --> 00:37:07.284

00:37:07.847 --> 00:37:14.436
I literally said because everybody was like I don't know about this motorcycle and I said listen, if you play it right, it's going to be perfect.

00:37:14.436 --> 00:37:18.596
If you do something race related, mechanic related, it all makes sense.

00:37:18.596 --> 00:37:23.436
So she actually put the thought and time into the outfit to make that work.

00:37:23.436 --> 00:37:30.117
I'm not saying that I'm giving her the peach smelly sticker.

00:37:30.117 --> 00:37:41.518
I didn't say that, don't roll your eyes at me, but I do think her peaches probably benefited her in a way that raised her votes.

00:37:41.518 --> 00:37:44.614
Could you give her straight eights across the board?

00:37:44.885 --> 00:37:46.050
No, not a fucking chance.

00:37:46.050 --> 00:37:47.356
Why would you not?

00:37:47.356 --> 00:37:52.614
I don't know, because I think that there was a few others that were better.

00:37:52.614 --> 00:38:00.436
I think that, honestly, she could have also done pretty well.

00:38:00.436 --> 00:38:03.295
Would you have kept your ass in your fucking shorts?

00:38:03.295 --> 00:38:19.481
Like I don't, literally like I think that sure, she fed into the motorcycle and also fed into the drunk people and anticipated it being crowd participation.

00:38:19.481 --> 00:38:22.713
She still ended up winning, but I don't know.

00:38:25.427 --> 00:38:26.210
You seem salty.

00:38:26.210 --> 00:38:31.235
If I could give out a smelly sticker for you, it would be Himalayan salt.

00:38:32.217 --> 00:38:32.898
I love salt.

00:38:39.485 --> 00:38:40.027
Oh my God, be himalayan salt.

00:38:40.027 --> 00:38:40.268
I love salt.

00:38:40.268 --> 00:38:40.851
Oh my god, I thought it was.

00:38:40.851 --> 00:38:52.086
I thought it was hands down that she was the winner and the other people that I think we had a really good top three, that everybody took the contest serious, like yeah, showed up, did a good job, I mean overall, all the way one through 30, whatever.

00:38:52.086 --> 00:38:53.090
We had a great contest.

00:38:53.110 --> 00:38:55.135
Like yeah it was a good contest, everything was great.

00:38:55.244 --> 00:39:04.034
I know some ladies might not agree with how much of the peach was out, but I don't think it was over the top and I do think that she deserved a win.

00:39:04.034 --> 00:39:12.474
But Lance earned the peach sticker because he posed for a photo that set off a conversation slash debate.

00:39:12.474 --> 00:39:16.844
That set off a conversation slash debate.

00:39:22.186 --> 00:39:23.989
So that's going kind of a lot like the one that I'm having right now.

00:39:23.989 --> 00:39:24.489
Get a grip.

00:39:25.050 --> 00:39:26.490
I don't know why I recap things.

00:39:26.490 --> 00:39:28.452
You know what I mean.

00:39:28.452 --> 00:39:29.875
Yeah, I'm just trying to talk to the people.

00:39:29.875 --> 00:39:30.315
You know what I mean.

00:39:30.315 --> 00:39:31.775
I'm just trying to talk to the people over here.

00:39:31.775 --> 00:39:34.940
I got mean Just trying to talk to the people over here.

00:39:34.940 --> 00:39:45.067
I got a spoon right here, keep digging oh my God, oh boy Moving on Goodness.

00:39:45.286 --> 00:39:45.567
All right.

00:39:46.226 --> 00:39:48.228
On that note bringing us to Saturday evening.

00:39:48.228 --> 00:39:53.331
I'm going to shout out my brother, Kevin from Rhode Island.

00:39:53.331 --> 00:39:58.094
Kevin Jr, coming up here all the way from Rhode Island, Brought the whole crew with him.

00:39:58.094 --> 00:40:03.778
We were able to get after it over the weekend, Saw him Friday night Saturday.

00:40:03.778 --> 00:40:08.501
Him and the boys all bought a bunch of stuff from us, which was much appreciated.

00:40:08.501 --> 00:40:14.579
But Kevin's been making the Bike Week trip for a few years and it's great to stay in touch with him and his dad.

00:40:14.579 --> 00:40:15.242
We had a blast.

00:40:15.985 --> 00:40:17.387
Yeah, we're going to see him in a couple of months.

00:40:18.009 --> 00:40:19.010
Yeah, he's going to come back, right.

00:40:19.893 --> 00:40:20.655
No, we're going to them.

00:40:21.896 --> 00:40:22.719
Oh, that's in October.

00:40:22.719 --> 00:40:23.989
I think he's going to come back before that.

00:40:24.068 --> 00:40:35.907
Actually, he's going to try to we're going to up and spend some time at the saloon with us.

00:40:35.907 --> 00:40:36.840
So trying to pan that out, his dad's always so protective of me.

00:40:36.840 --> 00:40:37.353
Oh my God, his dad's awesome.

00:40:37.264 --> 00:40:37.853
Yeah, he really is protective.

00:40:37.853 --> 00:40:41.409
I told Lance and Jen the same thing that Kevin's like.

00:40:41.409 --> 00:40:42.695
He's got you covered.

00:40:42.824 --> 00:40:45.335
He's always protecting you yeah he's hilarious, he's awesome.

00:40:45.335 --> 00:40:50.565
Well, it's usually because I'm the one girl hanging out with you hooligans.

00:40:51.047 --> 00:40:51.407
That's true.

00:40:51.847 --> 00:41:02.958
And y'all are usually getting pretty twisted, Huh, and I mean he's already told me, I know you can hold your own, but I'm just here to watch out.

00:41:03.297 --> 00:41:05.360
He does always talk about you getting scrappy.

00:41:05.360 --> 00:41:13.460
He does bring that up quite a bit, but it was a great dispensive time with Kev and with his boys.

00:41:13.460 --> 00:41:14.204
That was awesome.

00:41:14.204 --> 00:41:15.567
I got a handout, a smelly sticker for kevin.

00:41:15.567 --> 00:41:16.869
What, what's a good smelly sticker?

00:41:16.869 --> 00:41:21.079
We've gone through apple, watermelon, pineapple I like the grape.

00:41:21.786 --> 00:41:23.731
It's a bunch of grapes oh, they, I did.

00:41:23.751 --> 00:41:24.572
It's cool looking.

00:41:24.572 --> 00:41:25.094
It's cool.

00:41:25.094 --> 00:41:26.885
The grape smellies are cool looking.

00:41:26.885 --> 00:41:31.675
Got the shadies on oh and a bundle of grapes.

00:41:31.675 --> 00:41:34.059
Bundle of grapes, because I'll tell you what.

00:41:34.585 --> 00:41:35.590
And his little stick legs.

00:41:36.867 --> 00:41:37.952
Yeah, that's true.

00:41:37.952 --> 00:41:49.474
But to take the road trip on the motorcycles from Rhode Island to New Hampshire for Laconia Bike Week, then to Maine on some of the motorcycles them boys were driving.

00:41:50.456 --> 00:41:53.432
Okay, they were riding some wild rigs okay.

00:41:53.452 --> 00:41:57.465
Yeah, they were driving.

00:41:57.485 --> 00:41:58.588
Okay, they were riding some wild rigs.

00:41:58.588 --> 00:41:59.070
Okay, yeah, they were.

00:41:59.070 --> 00:42:06.068
And then, uh, kev also strapped a couple of ceiling fans, or what box and box fans to his chest, because the ac was out at the motel room, at the sketchy motel.

00:42:06.068 --> 00:42:14.938
I'll tell you right now to drive around like that, to ride around with box fans, take some serious grapes, take some grapes.

00:42:14.938 --> 00:42:16.228
He's going to get the grape smelly.

00:42:16.791 --> 00:42:19.666
It's a good one, so did you have a?

00:42:19.686 --> 00:42:20.429
good birthday, dear.

00:42:21.012 --> 00:42:24.893
Yeah, I had a good birthday, I was going to say I thought you had a great birthday.

00:42:24.893 --> 00:42:25.467
I did.

00:42:26.309 --> 00:42:38.653
It seemed like you fully enjoyed your birthday and you got to spend it with people that we love, and we didn't expect to get to spend it with yeah, I even got to see Kimmy and my brother, yeah.

00:42:38.653 --> 00:42:43.414
Yeah, that surprised the heck out of me when they showed up Me too.

00:42:43.844 --> 00:42:47.815
I got to hang out with my little baby niece.

00:42:48.144 --> 00:42:53.389
She had a super cute little outfit on and her pinup little bow she had her ones up too.

00:42:53.389 --> 00:42:53.911
Did you see that?

00:42:53.911 --> 00:42:54.735
Oh my God, she had her ones up too.

00:42:54.735 --> 00:42:55.139
Did you see that?

00:42:55.139 --> 00:42:56.244
Oh, she did, she did, she had her one up.

00:42:56.385 --> 00:42:59.414
She was just hanging out with her one up, yeah.

00:43:00.465 --> 00:43:02.389
I thought overall it was a special day.

00:43:02.630 --> 00:43:03.552
Yeah, it was very special.

00:43:03.552 --> 00:43:05.918
Yep, I agree, yep.

00:43:07.206 --> 00:43:11.217
Now, your birthday often happens right around Father's Day.

00:43:14.485 --> 00:43:24.271
I usually share it with Father's Day, which we decided that you will not celebrate Father's Day on my birthday you can have Flag Day, because hello Liberty.

00:43:24.672 --> 00:43:29.510
Flag Day, father's Day Right to the back seat, Y'all people heard this man Get a grip.

00:43:29.612 --> 00:43:30.454
It's my birthday.

00:43:32.088 --> 00:43:40.817
You give a guy a peach smelly sticker and then you lose Father's Day Before the little one even shows I've already had Father's Day taken from me.

00:43:41.786 --> 00:43:45.673
It's half religious Flag Day for you just makes way more sense.

00:43:45.673 --> 00:43:48.644
Your last name's Liberty, for God's sake.

00:43:48.644 --> 00:43:50.672
Yours is too, you hooligan.

00:43:50.672 --> 00:43:52.047
Yeah but I'm not a dad.

00:43:53.068 --> 00:43:53.750
A dad.

00:43:53.769 --> 00:43:59.639
Yeah, oh, but I'm not a dad, a dad, yeah, oh, my gosh, all right.

00:43:59.639 --> 00:44:01.773
Well, this topic is a little sensitive for me.

00:44:01.773 --> 00:44:11.876
As we kind of change the clocks here a little bit, sunday was the first Father's Day for me without my dad.

00:44:11.876 --> 00:44:30.485
Father's day for me, uh, without my dad, the first father's day that, um, that I've had, you know, in my nearly 42 years of existence without, without my old man, and, um, it's kind of crazy that I'm like kind of half my first father's day, right, I don't like taking full credit because I haven't had to do anything yet.

00:44:30.485 --> 00:44:32.867
You know what I mean as far as being a dad goes, you know.

00:44:34.068 --> 00:44:36.572
But I'm still growing it over here.

00:44:36.871 --> 00:44:39.876
No, I get that, but I'm not growing it.

00:44:39.876 --> 00:44:40.456
You know what I mean.

00:44:40.456 --> 00:44:41.617
I've seeded.

00:44:41.617 --> 00:44:42.898
I planted the seed.

00:44:43.298 --> 00:44:47.030
You said that you're Johnny Appleseed, you said you're growing it because you're eating all my cravings.

00:44:47.425 --> 00:44:52.152
I am putting weight on it, which I don't, but staggering rate anyway.

00:44:52.152 --> 00:44:54.898
So this is my first father's day without my dad.

00:44:54.898 --> 00:44:58.648
And um, what I?

00:44:58.648 --> 00:45:03.277
I think I realized this on I don't know what day man, friday or saturday.

00:45:03.277 --> 00:45:07.130
I realized no thursday or friday, something like that.

00:45:07.130 --> 00:45:17.197
I realized it was also going to be lance's first father's day without his dad no, that was during the week, because they weren't even here yet, because you said something and then you texted lance, so I think it was like tuesday or wednesday going to be Lance's first Father's Day without his dad.

00:45:17.217 --> 00:45:20.702
No, that was during the week because they weren't even here yet, because you said something and then you texted Lance, so I think it was like Tuesday or Wednesday.

00:45:20.702 --> 00:45:23.409
You actually realized that you guys were going to be together yeah, which was really nice.

00:45:23.724 --> 00:45:25.170
I think good for both of you.

00:45:25.170 --> 00:45:36.340
I did the math on it that Brother Lance without his dad, and us as well, Like just there's, I don't know.

00:45:36.340 --> 00:45:48.094
There's a great deal of comfort in spending that day together and being in there for each other, having the opportunity to share some stories about our dads.

00:45:50.847 --> 00:45:51.871
Share a shot together.

00:45:52.264 --> 00:45:53.610
Share a few shots as well.

00:45:53.610 --> 00:45:54.827
Share a shot together.

00:45:54.827 --> 00:45:56.048
Share a few shots as well.

00:45:56.048 --> 00:46:11.273
I think the cosmos wanted us to be together for that day, you know I really, truly feel like, yeah, the universe was definitely aligned for that it was meant to be I agree so spending father's day um with lance, I felt like it.

00:46:12.295 --> 00:46:32.449
There was just safety and comfort there and obviously, obviously love and appreciation, and it helped to like lessen the I don't know how to put it like lessen the anxiety and the depression that could happen from that situation.

00:46:32.449 --> 00:46:36.112
You know what I mean yeah, of course like just being there with lance, I just felt like it.

00:46:38.016 --> 00:46:40.847
I don't know, it was like well, you guys have like a different connection.

00:46:40.847 --> 00:46:47.911
You guys have a connection that's like brothers that, but you're not blood, you're not.

00:46:47.911 --> 00:46:48.612
You know what I mean.

00:46:48.612 --> 00:46:54.275
Like it's that organic friendships that just happen naturally, that like there's no work that needs to be put in.

00:46:54.275 --> 00:47:01.217
You guys understand each other and I feel like that it's across the board with all of New York.

00:47:01.217 --> 00:47:03.072
It's all an organic friendship.

00:47:03.072 --> 00:47:08.028
But you and Lance have really connected on a whole other level even before this.

00:47:08.028 --> 00:47:24.840
But now, more so than ever, you guys both can relate to one another and, you know, be there as support, like because you know you're a few months ahead of the healing process and he's experiencing it.

00:47:24.840 --> 00:47:28.614
So to be able to, you know, lean on one another is really important.

00:47:28.614 --> 00:47:33.735
I think it's awesome for you too it's, um, it's, it's crazy.

00:47:33.795 --> 00:47:45.233
Like Life is crazy and you talk about blessings and being thankful for things and it comes full circle, just kind of talking about Bentley Saloon and being there in the parking lot, because that's how I met Lance.

00:47:45.233 --> 00:47:46.811
I met him at Bentley Saloon.

00:47:46.811 --> 00:47:48.449
We were out back.

00:47:48.449 --> 00:47:51.313
Actually, I think I might have met Lance before you and me were together.

00:47:51.492 --> 00:47:52.456
Yeah, I think we talked about that.

00:47:52.456 --> 00:47:54.452
It was like the year before we got together.

00:47:55.184 --> 00:47:59.992
So I was out back giving away a motorcycle and that's how I met Lance and Jen and we just kind of started as friends.

00:47:59.992 --> 00:48:11.996
But we've certainly become family and I 100,000% consider Lance a brother and I look at him and consider him my big brother.

00:48:11.996 --> 00:48:15.255
There's no blood needed there.

00:48:15.255 --> 00:48:19.733
Our relationship is at that point, you know, and that we're always going to be there for each other.

00:48:19.733 --> 00:48:23.295
So it was so damn fitting that we spent the day together.

00:48:24.425 --> 00:48:37.492
I mean so much so that it's both of him and Jen are the godparents to Paisley, like that's how like in tune we are and feel like they are family.

00:48:38.186 --> 00:48:59.014
It's crazy to think that you know we meet at a bar giving away a motorcycle, drinking beers, doing a promo, and then you fast forward, you know, 10 years later, and you know they're a part of the biggest events in your life and you life and they become family and godparents for your soon-to-be daughter.

00:49:01.572 --> 00:49:11.855
It's crazy and I think that, if anybody that's listening, if we're going to try to take a positive message or a lesson from today's episode, it really needs to be to allow yourself to meet people.

00:49:11.855 --> 00:49:15.264
It really needs to be to allow yourself to meet people.

00:49:15.264 --> 00:49:41.811
It really needs to be to open yourself up, have a conversation, talk to people, because every single person that we've talked about outside of your brother and Danny, every single person we've talked about on this podcast, has all come to us, has all been a part of our life and become an amazing, important part of our life because we just talk to people, right, like everybody in this podcast.

00:49:41.811 --> 00:49:48.092
That has made this major impact on our lives, that has us feeling so blessed and so grateful and so fortunate.

00:49:48.092 --> 00:49:49.697
All come from a conversation.

00:49:49.697 --> 00:49:55.556
All comes from being willing enough to share things, to be transparent, to be vulnerable, to have conversations.

00:49:55.675 --> 00:49:58.547
Yeah, those are all organic friendships, every single one of them.

00:49:58.907 --> 00:50:05.534
It just shows that everybody that's listening, that is looking for somebody, struggling for someone, for something, that needs somebody in their life.

00:50:05.534 --> 00:50:07.565
Just open up, dude.

00:50:07.565 --> 00:50:10.668
If you go to lunch today, sit at the bar when you order lunch.

00:50:10.668 --> 00:50:11.911
Talk to the person next to you.

00:50:11.911 --> 00:50:12.572
You know what I mean.

00:50:12.572 --> 00:50:16.496
Like, just just share your stories, man.

00:50:16.536 --> 00:50:35.306
People, people want to be heard and it's it's incredible to find yourself in certain conversations, and I think that's the reason why the podcast has been such a great thing for us and for everybody else that tunes in, all the loyal ones that have been here for 206 episodes going all the way back to July 2020.

00:50:35.306 --> 00:50:38.132
We've always said Share.

00:50:38.132 --> 00:50:46.215
The Struggle podcast is a raw, real-time response to life, and the fact is that every single person listening right now has a story.

00:50:46.215 --> 00:50:49.007
Everybody struggles, everybody wins.

00:50:49.007 --> 00:51:04.878
But the truth is, if you're willing to share your struggles, if you're willing to share your victories, your triumphs, your failures, your fuck ups, all those things in between, if you can just talk to people, be vulnerable and share your stuff, you're going to be so amazed by what the world gives back to you.

00:51:04.878 --> 00:51:13.099
You're going to be so blown away by the people that God puts in your life, by the relationship that you get to build by just being you and sharing you.

00:51:16.085 --> 00:51:31.572
The relationship that you get to build by just being you and sharing you, being being strong enough to share some of the things, like if we didn't come on here sometimes and cry about the things in our life, like being transparent about losses in our life, like your, your meme and and like my dad, all those stories has connected us to other people.

00:51:31.572 --> 00:51:32.956
You you know what I mean Exactly.

00:51:32.956 --> 00:51:42.748
It's powerful and I feel like just past week at Bentley's in the parking lot I met a lot of new people and I've had this conversation with a few people.

00:51:42.748 --> 00:51:43.893
That has literally been.

00:51:43.893 --> 00:51:46.594
You just have to be willing to talk to people, man.

00:51:46.594 --> 00:51:51.293
There's more people out there in this world that are like you than you could possibly imagine.

00:51:51.865 --> 00:51:58.376
If you sit at home on your couch on your ass eating Fritos and cheese curls and bonbons, watching the news all the time.

00:51:58.376 --> 00:52:00.119
You're going to feel awful separated.

00:52:00.119 --> 00:52:04.422
You're going to feel like the world is against you and there's nobody else out there like you.

00:52:04.422 --> 00:52:09.806
You just need to have enough confidence, courage and ability to open your mouth and say hey, I am a grape smelly, okay, hey.

00:52:09.806 --> 00:52:15.505
I am a grape smelly, okay.

00:52:15.505 --> 00:52:18.835
Hey, I am an apple smelly.

00:52:18.835 --> 00:52:22.471
I'm a pineapple smelly, okay, I'm a peach over here.

00:52:23.333 --> 00:52:23.554

00:52:23.554 --> 00:52:25.951
I know that was a rant.

00:52:26.346 --> 00:52:57.503
That was a rant, okay, but the point I'm trying to make here is that we have literally talked about how amazing our week has been, all the fortunate things that have happened to us, and it's crazy to think that this is all cultivated by conversation and we are coming off a week where I could sit here and give a recap and say, all right, we've done four bike weeks in the history of the business and this is our third slowest one, so, but we're not.

00:52:57.503 --> 00:52:58.085
We're not.

00:52:58.085 --> 00:53:01.614
We're here having a different conversation saying, man, am I blessed.

00:53:01.614 --> 00:53:06.012
We had an amazing week and we finished strong, like it's a whole different outlook.

00:53:06.012 --> 00:53:20.266
It's a whole different outlook on life when you are surrounded by amazing people in your life and that's I've been nothing but fortunate, and that's all I keep thinking about this week is just how much of an amazing weekend we had and all the people we got to spend it with.

00:53:20.266 --> 00:53:22.210
That's, that's my two cents.

00:53:22.210 --> 00:53:23.112
How about you over there?

00:53:23.735 --> 00:53:26.148
yeah, I think it was a well rounded weekend for sure.

00:53:26.148 --> 00:53:38.141
All the memories that we created, like going out to dinner, like twice this weekend with family you know, we we wrapped up father's day like going to dinner twice this weekend with family we wrapped up, father's Day going to dinner with the same crew.

00:53:39.364 --> 00:53:40.409
We had a Carl to the mix.

00:53:40.690 --> 00:53:41.251
And my mom.

00:53:41.251 --> 00:53:42.275
My mom came out with us.

00:53:43.965 --> 00:53:56.693
Traditionally for the past four years, on Father's Day we would be at the saloon, we would close up and then we would go across the street and have a seafood dinner with my dad and I was telling lance that and and for, like, your birthday.

00:53:56.693 --> 00:54:00.547
It's really common to have like, uh, you know, a chinese dinner and stuff.

00:54:00.547 --> 00:54:09.956
So it was nice to just put all those just you know histories and memories together and make new ones with all those folks and just kind of go out and do that.

00:54:10.016 --> 00:54:17.632
You know what I mean, uh, funny, you should say that I'm glad that we did not go across the street and do that.

00:54:17.632 --> 00:54:25.235
Three people got food poisoning on Father's Day Across the street.

00:54:25.235 --> 00:54:26.338
That's no good.

00:54:26.338 --> 00:54:29.847
Yeah, jen from my work was one of them.

00:54:30.530 --> 00:54:30.831
Oh boy.

00:54:31.284 --> 00:54:32.628
Yeah, not good.

00:54:33.309 --> 00:54:38.239
Are these folks that I mean just aren't used to eating a lot of seafood, because that stuff will go through you?

00:54:38.239 --> 00:54:39.833
I'm not sure.

00:54:40.257 --> 00:54:40.760
You know what I mean.

00:54:40.780 --> 00:54:45.949
I'm really not sure If you ain't been around lobster and you get into some lobster and some butter and you overdo it.

00:54:45.949 --> 00:54:49.806
You will go on a fast track to weight loss.

00:54:49.967 --> 00:54:54.237
Jen thought that it was actually like the tartar sauce might have just been left out on the counter.

00:54:54.416 --> 00:54:55.987
Oh, that's interesting, that could happen.

00:54:56.088 --> 00:55:04.431
Which gets kind of warm and in that heat that would make you sick, and who doesn't use tartar sauce for their seafood?

00:55:04.431 --> 00:55:06.010
It probably wasn't.

00:55:06.010 --> 00:55:08.492
She said that it wasn't the food.

00:55:08.492 --> 00:55:12.612
She thinks that it was more like the condiments.

00:55:13.574 --> 00:55:26.318
Well, condoms will get you in trouble oh, condiments, yeah, that's different, but it's different nonetheless, it all, it all makes sense.

00:55:26.318 --> 00:55:29.489
I don't know what else to say, man.

00:55:29.489 --> 00:55:31.652
We had a tremendous time.

00:55:31.652 --> 00:55:32.914
It's been an amazing week.

00:55:32.914 --> 00:55:34.597
I'm thankful for everybody.

00:55:35.518 --> 00:56:00.864
Um, you know just I even had the chance I just thought about it randomly on sunday, wrapping up sunday, I even had the chance to go over and see nana, my 102 year old nana for your birthday, for my birthday yep, that was fun, random, but, but I just thought about it, I was like spending, because you said spending time with people 102 years old, she's precious.

00:56:01.465 --> 00:56:13.096
We had the opportunity to spend time with some of the most important people in our life this past week and we've added some tremendous new people to our life this past week.

00:56:13.096 --> 00:56:20.072
We've created new opportunities for our business, for ourselves, we've made future plans.

00:56:20.072 --> 00:56:25.597
This was as well-rounded of a week and weekend as you could possibly have.

00:56:25.844 --> 00:56:37.320
And this is the first time that we've been out, where I've been pregnant in a sense that we were in front of, like a lot of our friends and family.

00:56:37.320 --> 00:57:00.092
Like we're at the saloon all the time doing events, but like this was like the big event, so it was like all of the friends and family were coming out so they got to see, like and just to be able to experience how excited and happy all these people are for Like they were already happy and like genuine to us in our relationship and but like just it's.

00:57:00.092 --> 00:57:08.184
It's rather amazing Like how many people first of all have been waiting for us to have a baby.

00:57:08.184 --> 00:57:28.139
Like they have more confidence in us than we do, which is hilarious, but like overall, like the consensus is that like people have just been waiting for for us to have the baby like yeah, they're like I couldn't have, you know, thought of two better people to have have a baby.

00:57:28.179 --> 00:57:30.887
You guys are like genuine people and that sort of thing.

00:57:30.887 --> 00:57:36.858
Like that's that's what I hear like a lot of and it's it's rather cool, like you didn't realize, like you see these people all the time.

00:57:36.858 --> 00:57:38.266
They're like hey, how are you, how's your mama?

00:57:38.266 --> 00:57:41.153
And them like great, have a good weekend, see you next time.

00:57:41.153 --> 00:57:48.945
But no, they like want to come over and like have those conversations like how are you feeling, how are you doing, do you need anything?

00:57:48.945 --> 00:57:51.628
Like when's the baby shower, when are you, you due?

00:57:51.628 --> 00:57:52.731
Like it's really cool.

00:57:53.170 --> 00:58:00.300
One of the things that kind of hit me is like I never realized how many people get excited about somebody having a baby.

00:58:00.300 --> 00:58:09.911
You know what I mean, like kids never really been my thing, so like you know, people coming up just giving you money, strangers just giving you free things, like all that stuff is wild.

00:58:09.911 --> 00:58:23.771
And when I'm on the microphone at the saloon and I announced that, like number one, it's your birthday and the place goes wild, and then I announced that, like you're pregnant and we're you know, expecting in september, oh, my god, it was crazy.

00:58:23.853 --> 00:58:25.836
The ovation that people gave us.

00:58:25.916 --> 00:58:28.369
I wish we had that recorded I know, you know what I mean.

00:58:28.391 --> 00:58:37.057
I know that was crazy, like the whole bar went nuts yeah, you're talking about like 500 people cheering and screaming, saying it's your birthday and you're pregnant.

00:58:37.237 --> 00:58:44.719
Yeah, because you like made a joke about like my wife wants me to tell you guys that she didn't put on any weight, she's actually pregnant.

00:58:44.719 --> 00:58:47.293
And it was just like just like a funny, like joke.

00:58:47.293 --> 00:58:49.432
But like everyone was like wait what?

00:58:49.432 --> 00:58:51.833
And then they were like, oh my God, pregnant Got.

00:58:51.833 --> 00:58:52.034
Wait what?

00:58:52.034 --> 00:58:53.135
And then they were like, oh my God, pregnant Got it.

00:58:53.135 --> 00:58:56.780
It was really cool it was awesome and I was dressed to the nines in my getup.

00:58:56.780 --> 00:58:58.088
Yes, I was dressed pent up.

00:58:58.088 --> 00:58:59.992
Check for the pictures.

00:59:00.614 --> 00:59:06.431
I was there, I was traditional fashion running late to this scenario.

00:59:06.612 --> 00:59:06.994
Oh, me too.

00:59:07.425 --> 00:59:13.273
Brian and Lance were helping me set up so I don't think I even get photos.

00:59:13.273 --> 00:59:17.170
Usually lance were helping me set up, so I don't think I even get photos.

00:59:17.170 --> 00:59:18.898
Like usually I like I pose with like all the judges, like I might have that one photo.

00:59:18.898 --> 00:59:20.985
Usually you and me take photos with a bike together.

00:59:20.985 --> 00:59:21.847
We didn't do that.

00:59:21.847 --> 00:59:29.211
Take photos with like bentley, lisa the winner, all those things like I didn't do any of that, like it was just all business the whole time.

00:59:29.251 --> 00:59:39.018
It was the only pictures that are going to be like, of us are going to be like at the table yeah working yeah yeah, because I was slinging it yeah no

00:59:39.079 --> 01:00:00.641
time for fun, just work it because they were parking us all the way in the campground so I had to be like bust in, for god's sakes, like you were so fashionably late that I had to vacate my booth because I was tired of getting asked where you were and getting reamed out for you not being on time.

01:00:00.641 --> 01:00:05.695
So I went to the tent and I said to Lance and Jen I said, by God, have you seen, elliot?

01:00:05.695 --> 01:00:06.898
Nope, nothing.

01:00:06.945 --> 01:00:13.494
And I go over to Lance and I was like I'm going to hide in here with you, because if I got to go stand over there one more time and say that you're not here, I'm not doing it.

01:00:13.516 --> 01:00:16.032
It wasn't my fault, it was their Bentley's driver.

01:00:16.052 --> 01:00:21.335
I understand that when I looked and saw you, there I was like, okay, I can go to work now, because it was I was, I was, I was.

01:00:21.335 --> 01:00:27.175
The look you were giving me when we were talking about peaches pales in compare to the look I was getting when you weren't on time.

01:00:37.405 --> 01:00:37.565
I had to.

01:00:37.565 --> 01:00:38.186
I'm thankful that Bentley's.

01:00:38.186 --> 01:00:58.039
One of Bentley's drivers was, yeah, robert, picked you up driving by on a golf cart and I said hey, robert, I need a ride to the judges table immediately because they parked me all the way in the back and it literally would have taken me at least five minutes to walk all the way from out back up front, where I belong, like, mind you, the sweat that I would have created.

01:00:58.405 --> 01:01:01.914
I'm sweating right now because we had to turn the air conditioner off while we recorded.

01:01:02.155 --> 01:01:02.336

01:01:03.646 --> 01:01:10.934
Because you know we care about our people and the sound quality here, even though you're using a pillow for a microphone holder.

01:01:11.505 --> 01:01:14.614
Actually I'm using my Miss Paisley and my boob.

01:01:15.144 --> 01:01:19.831
Oh, okay, and it is actually almost 11pm as we're.

01:01:19.831 --> 01:01:24.545
I see you over there, squinting Preladora, it's getting late 1155.

01:01:25.146 --> 01:01:26.103
1055, I mean.

01:01:26.846 --> 01:01:40.385
On that note, I really think that if we haven't already drove the point all the way across New England, I want it to be heard that we're so thankful, we're so blessed and so fortunate, absolutely, of course.

01:01:40.385 --> 01:01:49.338
All the people in our life that made this week so special, the amazing gestures and gifts and things and conversations.

01:01:49.338 --> 01:01:52.791
I'm blown away, man, me too.

01:01:52.791 --> 01:01:59.487
Resolutions, um, I'm blown away, man, like I don't need to.

01:01:59.487 --> 01:02:01.572
I often ask myself, like, at what point did we do something to deserve?

01:02:01.592 --> 01:02:01.932
what's happening?

01:02:01.952 --> 01:02:02.153
to us.

01:02:02.153 --> 01:02:02.614
You know what I mean.

01:02:02.614 --> 01:02:11.789
Like we all deal with stuff right, we all have difficult things and we talk about it all the time and we've, you know we had a year of great loss and all those things.

01:02:11.789 --> 01:02:29.079
But if you spent all the time thinking about all the loss, you would not have the opportunity to realize all the great fortune that happens around us, and this week was one of those weeks that really just has left me feeling blessed and thankful.

01:02:29.764 --> 01:02:30.931
I agree, me too.

01:02:32.224 --> 01:02:33.275
Yeah, it's amazing man, I'm tired as all get out.

01:02:33.275 --> 01:02:33.659
And I agree, me too.

01:02:33.659 --> 01:02:34.264
Yeah, it's amazing man, I don't.

01:02:34.264 --> 01:02:54.514
I'm tired, as all get out, and we've been working our ass off and we're in the middle of one of our big stretches for business right now and we're behind on so many things, but I still can't take the smile off my face because of the people that are in our lives and it just makes everything seem worth it it definitely does so to anybody listening out there.

01:02:55.125 --> 01:03:00.313
If you could take any piece of advice from us today, it's to share yourself.

01:03:00.313 --> 01:03:04.251
Open yourself up to conversations, to opportunities, to people.

01:03:04.251 --> 01:03:22.746
You don't know what impact they're going to have in your life down the road you know it could be somebody that you meet at a bar ends up being a brother and a sister to you, ends up being godparents for you, ends up being business mentors for you, best friends for you.

01:03:22.746 --> 01:03:26.052
You'd never freaking know.

01:03:26.052 --> 01:03:27.717
It's amazing, man.

01:03:27.717 --> 01:03:43.271
I'm blessed and I really hope that people have heard our message today and they decide to talk to somebody new today and and two months or two years, when you guys are besties, call us up and say hey thanks for that.

01:03:43.371 --> 01:03:43.932
You were right.

01:03:45.817 --> 01:03:48.949
On that note, thank you for supporting.

01:03:49.391 --> 01:03:49.932

01:03:50.434 --> 01:03:51.677
Okay, american.

01:03:53.086 --> 01:03:55.653
Now go wash your fucking hands.

01:03:55.673 --> 01:03:56.757
Don't be savage.

01:03:56.757 --> 01:03:58.648
Throw the air conditioner back on.

01:03:58.648 --> 01:04:02.911
Hot damn, that's it and that's all, biggie Smalls.

01:04:02.911 --> 01:04:24.885
If you're a loud, proud American and you find yourself just wanting more, find me on YouTube and Facebook.

01:04:24.885 --> 01:04:29.434
At Loud, proud American, put a face page, as my mama calls it.

01:04:29.434 --> 01:04:36.617
If you're a fan of the Graham Cracker, you want to find me on Instagram, or all the kids by tickety-talking on the TikTok.

01:04:36.617 --> 01:04:44.014
You can find me on both of those at loud underscore, proud underscore, american.

01:04:53.786 --> 01:05:00.331
A big old thank you to the boys from the Gut Truckers for the background beats and the theme song for this year's podcast.

01:05:00.331 --> 01:05:08.231
If you are enjoying what you're hearing, you can track down the Gut Truckers on Facebook, just search Gut Truckers Give them motherfuckers.

01:05:08.231 --> 01:05:32.121
A like, too, I make it bleed, I hate to say, supporting my American dream.

01:05:32.121 --> 01:05:34.914
Now go wash your fucking hands, you filthy savage.

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