00:00:02.567 --> 00:00:03.891
Baby mama's not impressed.
00:00:03.891 --> 00:00:05.163
We're coming to.
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You live from the side of 95, here, just outside the Gardner exit, exit 102, where my wife is about to kick me in the nuts.
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Good thing we already have a child in the oven, because I'm pretty confident after this adventure I wouldn't have a chance at a second.
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So just another day in the life and times.
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That's old Red.
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That's the camper here we are right there, side of 95.
00:00:25.373 --> 00:00:27.583
I'll be damned if we in to lose a radiator hose.
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You would have thought old glory over here was going up in a glory because it was, uh, like cheech and chong under the hood there.
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But uh, we were just talking about the fact we needed an idea for a podcast episode and here the fuck we are.
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We got an idea for a podcast.
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This podcast episode is going to be sponsored by underdog metal because kyle and julia are on their way to save our freaking ass, because they just happen to be shopping.
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Well, an hour down the road.
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But we didn't realize it was an hour down the road.
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We thought it was 20 minutes down the road.
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Kyle's getting supplies, he's on his way here and, lord willing, if the creek don't rise, this truck will come back alive and we'll be on our way to the Windsor Fair.
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So this feels expensive, so hopefully I see you out there at the fair.
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Let me tell you something Everybody struggles.
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The difference is some people choose to go through it and some choose to grow through it.
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The choice is completely yours.
00:01:28.968 --> 00:01:34.893
Which one you choose will have a very profound effect on the way you live your life.
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If you find strength in the struggle, then this podcast is for you.
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Do you have a relationship that is comfortable with uncomfortable conversations?
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Uncomfortable conversations challenge you, humble you and they build you.
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When you sprinkle a little time and distance on it, it all makes sense.
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Most disagreements, they stem from our own insecurities.
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You are right where you need to be.
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I'm running behind you asking you to wait.
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Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh.
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What it do, what it diddy-do, hot diggity.
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Damn, am I so excited to be back with you.
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Oh, it's true, it is damn true.
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Well, I don't know about you, but that little sneak peek, that B-roll, that little preview to open the show, that's how my Sunday went.
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That is how I spent my Sunday.
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We had a nice little day planned, but that's not the way it would all work out.
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Just putting that spoiler alert out there to start the show.
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We're going to get there today.
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That was my Sunday.
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We're going to get there today.
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That was my Sunday.
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We're going to end on that Sunday, but for your sake, I truly hope y'all had a better weekend than I did.
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Well, my weekend was good, but we just hit some bumps in the road, and that's what we're going to talk about today.
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Before we get into last weekend's little hoopla festivities little hoopla festivities I'm going to forecast the next few weeks activities for me.
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We are in a full on crunch season.
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This is go time.
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We've been leading up to this like 20 day window where we make or break the year for Loud, proud American and in between those 20 days we're going to pop out a beautiful angel named Paisley Rain and we're going to grow this family.
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So we are about to embark on the, let's say, craziest, busiest, most fulfilling, exciting whirlwind of a month that I could possibly imagine.
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And in the mix of all, that old boy here is going to turn 42.
00:04:03.879 --> 00:04:08.949
How do you freaking do Okay, working on a coffee here?
00:04:08.949 --> 00:04:17.622
Um, I hate to say it, man, but like I know, I don't have the willpower to quit coffee, but I really wish I could, because I mean, I did it once.
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I quit coffee once, but to quit coffee I used morphine, so I mean it was medically prescribed.
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Don't freak out, I was.
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I was in the hospital, um, this was years ago for a stomach surgery.
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I had some of my intestines ruptured.
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I cut out a you know freaking a few feet of the old intestines and I said this is a perfect opportunity to quit coffee.
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Because I was laying in a hospital bed and and at the time, um, my bank account had this accounting software in there.
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They had like a little pie chart and you could categorize things.
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And I put Duncan into a pie chart and I realized that my Duncan payment could have bought me a new pickup truck.
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So, um, I said, that's it.
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You know, I've got a.
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I've got a fricking morphine button here.
00:05:00.826 --> 00:05:02.007
I'm just going to click this fucker.
00:05:02.026 --> 00:05:06.831
Every time I get the old caffeine shivers and I quit.
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I quit caffeine.
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I stayed off of coffee for I mean a year or two years, unfortunately, back on that train, and it's a ridiculous habit because I spend so much money on the habit.
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Me and my mom are quite addicted and what's funny about the caffeine hook for me is number one.
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I feel like I'm at that point where I'm dependent.
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I need caffeine to function, but it also becomes part of a routine when you work from home and you don't commute to work every day, you don't have an office per se that you have to go to.
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There's something about that morning commute that makes you feel like you're going to work.
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So I jump in the car, go to Dunkin' and drive right back home and then I, instead of getting on the couch, I just go right into my office.
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So I feel like I've commuted to work.
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So it's part of this whole routine for me.
00:05:53.185 --> 00:06:09.322
But I've had two awful iced coffees in one day where I have to come home and remake them, and it's just getting bad, y'all it it's just getting bad, y'all it's getting bad.
00:06:09.322 --> 00:06:11.466
And I only say that because I just took a sip and I'm pissed about it, but I need the caffeine.
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So, this episode of the podcast will not be sponsored by Dunkin' Donuts, but it is indeed sponsored by Underdog Metal.
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We're going to get to that here shortly.
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But, as I was saying, this is crunch season.
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This is when we make shit happen.
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This is make it or break it season.
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I am gearing up in full effect for the Windsor Fair.
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It is crunch time.
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I have boxes and packages arriving multiple times a day and when things come in I just crush them and I'm finding things in my office that I am just crushing.
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We are just trying to prepare ourselves as best as we possibly can to maximize and make this event the best of the year so far.
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And then we're going to take that positive ball momentum and we're going to roll that sumbitch all the way into the Freiburg Fair, where we are going to capitalize on crush, seek and destroy 2024.
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You hear me?
00:07:03.992 --> 00:07:09.601
That's what I'm feeling.
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So it's been um, just all hands on deck between uh, like baby appointments, doctor's appointments.
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We're at that stage right now where it's one or two times a week that the wifey and uh, and then the baby to be there are having um appointments.
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So I'm getting there of doing those with her and um, you know, just getting all my other stuff in order, making things happen as as best we possibly can.
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I was shooting for having a couple of days to set up at the fair this year, but I think it's going to go right back to having one day to set up because, um, I'm just using every ounce of opportunity I have to continue to make as much product as I possibly can so I can maximize and make as much profit as I possibly can.
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So that's the old scenario for your boy here.
00:07:50.892 --> 00:07:54.906
That's how that's going, but that's what's to come.
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But what I want to share today is a little recap on the week that has been Okay.
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So last weekend we had been invited to a little event with some other friends of ours to support the Cora Shriners in their efforts to help actually raise money for the Shriners Hospital, and it was the Cora Shriners barbecue and motorcycle ATV ride all thrown into one.
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It was at the Osprey Valley Fairgrounds, a fair that you guys have heard me mention so many times.
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What was really cool about this fair is that we actually ended up having the exact same location for the fair as I did for this event, which was pretty cool, and their neighbors right next to us, walson Woodcraft.
00:08:38.629 --> 00:08:40.525
We did this all together.
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So me and Scott spent some time together this weekend making things happen, spent some time together this weekend making things happen, spent some time with the Pettengill family and I tried to cover, let's say, the first day and a half by myself.
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So how this whole plan went was on Wednesday of last week.
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We got up super early, the wife and I, and we hauled the camper.
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Actually, we went to an appointment for Paisley, first, had an appointment, a doctor's appointment, then we jumped in the truck and hauled the camper up to the fairgrounds, set that up.
00:09:11.923 --> 00:09:25.855
Then we came home, dropped the truck off, jumped in her car and then we drove out to the funeral service for Ali's and Nana and once we completed that, we came home and got back to work getting things ready.
00:09:26.580 --> 00:09:37.530
And then two days later, on Friday, I had loaded the bus up and I headed out to the fairgrounds and I wanted to give myself plenty of time because I was doing the setup by myself.
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I was running a touch smaller of a display and the festivities on Friday was just to start around 5 o'clock, only go to 8 o'clock.
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A nice little welcoming Szechuan, okay.
00:09:48.990 --> 00:09:52.009
So, campers already set up.
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I'm rolling up there with the bus, everything goes good, things are smooth.
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I get there, I get my old trusty spot, I start setting up and I'm crushing it, man, and I'm feeling good about being there and my setup's going nice and well, and I'm impressed by how fast I'm feeling good about being there and my setup's going nice and well and I'm impressed by how fast I'm moving.
00:10:05.639 --> 00:10:08.950
I'm looking at the clock and I'm like shoot man, I'm ahead of schedule.
00:10:09.580 --> 00:10:26.227
Before this place opens, I'm going to be in the camper with the AC on, maybe having a nice cold brewski, or maybe I'll record another podcast episode, because I brought all my gear with me because I knew that, hey, if time allows, I should go ahead and shoot a podcast episode here, because I got a lot of things coming my way.
00:10:26.227 --> 00:10:27.308
So let's get ahead of these things.
00:10:27.308 --> 00:10:28.889
So that was my plan.
00:10:28.889 --> 00:10:36.437
I get the tent walls up, I get everything staked in and tied down, I put all the grid wall in, I'm hauling everything out.
00:10:36.437 --> 00:10:53.496
I'm right to the point where I'm getting ready to take all the clothes off the racks and to hang them on the walls and I realize the hooks that you put on the grid wall that actually hold the hangers of clothes are not in your bus.
00:10:53.496 --> 00:10:54.578
No, not on the bus, Gus.
00:10:54.578 --> 00:10:59.629
I left the box of hooks at home in the freaking garage.
00:11:00.471 --> 00:11:04.822
So I text the wife, say, well, it's like I'm going to be heading home and I'm trying to map things out.
00:11:04.822 --> 00:11:15.936
So I'm like, well, let me get as much done here so then I can shoot home, grab those, get back and then get in here and, just you know, get enough set up so I can open the doors and try to make a few bucks.
00:11:15.936 --> 00:11:19.682
While I'm doing this, the wifey calls me and says start driving.
00:11:19.682 --> 00:11:21.163
I'll meet you halfway.
00:11:21.163 --> 00:11:26.647
I'm taking a long lunch break and you know my boss is going to let me do this for you.
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So, typical, true fashion.
00:11:29.308 --> 00:11:31.650
Here comes the wife to save the ever-loving day.
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Okay, but don't get me wrong, she's more than willing to save the day, but she's also more than willing to rub it in that she had to save the day Because I'm a freaking idiot.
00:11:41.378 --> 00:11:46.736
You're a stinking idiot, ren, but you know he forgets everything.
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She literally says to me you can't go to Cornish without forgetting a bunch of things.
00:11:52.010 --> 00:11:56.086
You think you're going to drive to Florida by yourself and remember things.
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Shots fired.
00:11:57.990 --> 00:12:03.764
God Jeez, I don't like a guy who feels special.
00:12:03.764 --> 00:12:06.149
Well, she saved the day.
00:12:06.149 --> 00:12:13.081
She even gave me some lunch when I met up with her, which is she's just a little sweetheart, right, she's a little sweetie, you know, guy.
00:12:13.081 --> 00:12:21.860
So get my stuff, get my hooks, and I'm like all right, here's the deal, heading back.
00:12:21.860 --> 00:12:22.984
We're going to make this happen.
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I'm totally ahead of schedule.
00:12:24.288 --> 00:12:25.270
I can still make this work.
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I pull into a gas station being a little thirsty Just was finishing the lunch that the wife gave me a little quesadilla, okay, and I'm like man, I'm a little thirsty and I know this gas station has the best lemonade ICs ever.
00:12:39.081 --> 00:12:49.866
Pull into the gas station, run inside, get me slippy icy and I come back out and the bus won't start.
00:12:49.866 --> 00:12:53.249
Nope, bus won't start.
00:12:53.249 --> 00:12:58.772
So I actually have a jump pack with me, thank the heavens right.
00:12:58.772 --> 00:13:05.296
But spoiler alert, she won't turn on the bus or the jump pack.
00:13:05.296 --> 00:13:08.658
So I wait for things to cool down.
00:13:08.658 --> 00:13:09.918
I'm having this issue.
00:13:09.918 --> 00:13:17.768
I don't know if it's the starter or the alternator or what, but after about a half an hour of driving sometimes she just gets too hot to restart herself.
00:13:17.768 --> 00:13:19.606
I tend to try not to turn the damn thing off.
00:13:19.606 --> 00:13:26.067
So, anyways, about 20 minutes or half hour later bus is cool enough, fire is up.
00:13:26.620 --> 00:13:27.522
I get to the spot.
00:13:27.522 --> 00:13:30.489
We set up Bada bing, bada, boom.
00:13:30.489 --> 00:13:32.634
Coolest guy in the room you know what I'm saying.
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But speaking of not coolest guy in the room, we're getting ready to open our doors and Scott and Paul were hanging out next door to me and I said, hey man, I'm going to run up to my camper because my computer and my cash and all that stuff's in the camper.
00:13:47.448 --> 00:13:48.250
I'm going to go get that.
00:13:48.250 --> 00:13:53.274
So do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do.
00:13:53.274 --> 00:13:55.096
That's a sound I make when I walk up a hill.
00:14:01.120 --> 00:14:02.261
So I get into the camper, open the door.
00:14:02.261 --> 00:14:02.783
It's a little hot in here.
00:14:02.783 --> 00:14:03.263
Let me turn the AC on.
00:14:03.263 --> 00:14:05.025
Okay, where's the fan?
00:14:05.025 --> 00:14:06.889
Huh, let's try that again.
00:14:06.889 --> 00:14:10.475
Nothing, nothing.
00:14:10.475 --> 00:14:14.605
Come on, give me some AC here.
00:14:14.605 --> 00:14:15.726
00:14:15.726 --> 00:14:17.811
I'm flipping breakers.
00:14:17.811 --> 00:14:22.349
I'm doing everything I possibly can here, folks, nothing.
00:14:22.349 --> 00:14:23.875
I'm not getting the ac to work.
00:14:23.875 --> 00:14:26.524
All the lights are on, everything else seems to be working.
00:14:26.524 --> 00:14:28.173
Air conditioner not working.
00:14:28.173 --> 00:14:29.017
I'm pouring sweat.
00:14:29.017 --> 00:14:30.041
I'm trying to figure it out.
00:14:30.041 --> 00:14:31.163
You know what?
00:14:31.163 --> 00:14:32.807
I gotta get down there and try to make some money.
00:14:32.807 --> 00:14:34.941
Old dr google will take it from here.
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So I'm at my tent, I'm desk googling things, I'm youtubing things and everything's telling me you're gonna want a training professional that has diagnosed this one.
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I reach out out to my buddy Lee over to Bentley Saloon and he's telling me what I got to do and it's completely above my pay grade.
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But in my head I'm thinking that can't be it.
00:14:51.412 --> 00:14:55.225
That can't be the reason for what's going on here, not the reason for the season.
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It doesn't add up.
00:14:55.966 --> 00:14:56.830
I'm going to figure this out.
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So, opening day what a pretty successful day.
00:15:00.368 --> 00:15:12.465
I was really encouraged by the amount of sales that I was able to capture in a short amount of time left me feeling rather encouraged for the next day, feeling like this event might be more successful than I actually imagined.
00:15:12.465 --> 00:15:16.332
So I took my sweet little ass back up the hill.
00:15:16.332 --> 00:15:20.086
Do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do.
00:15:20.086 --> 00:15:21.289
Into the camper.
00:15:21.289 --> 00:15:23.474
We go Try to work on the air conditioner.
00:15:23.740 --> 00:15:25.346
Again, same issues.
00:15:25.346 --> 00:15:27.748
I'm flipping every breaker I can.
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I'm outside swapping outlets.
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I'm taking our trailer plug and plugging it into different connections out there trying to find the right one.
00:15:35.565 --> 00:15:39.068
Maybe the outlet itself is blown.
00:15:39.068 --> 00:15:40.385
Nothing Can't figure it out.
00:15:41.019 --> 00:15:43.366
I go back inside and then I'm like you know what?
00:15:43.366 --> 00:15:44.431
This isn't going to work.
00:15:44.431 --> 00:15:52.123
I'm going to have to just turn the TV on, open the windows, figure it out, and to my pleasant surprise, the TV doesn't work.
00:15:52.123 --> 00:15:54.629
Okay, all right, I feel you.
00:15:54.629 --> 00:15:55.110
You just want to.
00:15:55.110 --> 00:15:56.092
You want to threaten me?
00:15:56.092 --> 00:15:57.081
Are you threatening me?
00:15:57.081 --> 00:16:00.091
Yeah, so no TV.
00:16:00.371 --> 00:16:02.759
Then I notice microwave lights not on.
00:16:02.759 --> 00:16:05.486
Then I noticed all outlets cease to exist.
00:16:05.486 --> 00:16:06.409
Nothing wants to work.
00:16:06.409 --> 00:16:12.253
This is telling my untrained eye that it's probably a GFI outlet that's causing this issue.
00:16:12.253 --> 00:16:14.027
So I go to the bathroom.
00:16:14.027 --> 00:16:19.493
That's traditionally where a GFI box would be in a camper, bathroom, kitchen, outdoors.
00:16:19.493 --> 00:16:21.065
Bathroom's not tripped.
00:16:21.065 --> 00:16:22.466
I can't find another outlet.
00:16:22.559 --> 00:16:30.261
I'm outside with my phone light on, trying to find another freaking breaker that I can flip GFI outlet.
00:16:30.261 --> 00:16:31.845
That's usually there next to water supplies.
00:16:31.845 --> 00:16:32.505
I'm looking everywhere.
00:16:32.505 --> 00:16:33.307
I can't find nothing.
00:16:33.307 --> 00:16:46.754
So I'm researching, I'm trying to figure everything out, I'm flipping breakers and then finally I'm saying to myself I said self, this can't be the camper, it's got to be the power supply that I'm connected to.
00:16:46.754 --> 00:16:54.480
So I go back outside and I look at like the small, like 110 outlets and I noticed that those are lit up green.
00:16:54.480 --> 00:16:58.811
So I get my adapter and I drop it down from the 30 amp service.
00:16:58.811 --> 00:17:02.145
I drop it down, I plug it in, everything starts to turn on.
00:17:02.145 --> 00:17:05.921
But you don't want to run an AC on that outlet, so I shut everything off.
00:17:05.921 --> 00:17:07.003
It trips my breaker.
00:17:07.065 --> 00:17:09.590
I go back in hoopity, hoopity, hoop, hoop, right.
00:17:09.590 --> 00:17:11.904
Jump through all the hoops I possibly can.
00:17:11.904 --> 00:17:17.423
Then I got to get brave enough to open the circuit panel for the campground and start flipping breakers.
00:17:17.423 --> 00:17:19.665
At this point it's pretty dark.
00:17:19.665 --> 00:17:27.468
I'm trying to guess what's going on here and I'm doing the best I can to not turn off my neighbor's power, okay, which you don't want to do that.
00:17:27.468 --> 00:17:39.986
So, by the good graces of God, I flip about six breakers and then I switch my plug to a new 30-amp plug and then we have power.
00:17:39.986 --> 00:17:42.752
America, we have power.
00:17:42.752 --> 00:17:44.663
Oh, it's a beautiful thing.
00:17:44.663 --> 00:17:46.188
It is a beautiful thing.
00:17:46.307 --> 00:17:49.243
So I fixed the air conditioner, I fixed the outlets.
00:17:49.243 --> 00:17:51.169
I'm feeling like a real man.
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Okay, I called the wife and I said you know what?
00:17:53.942 --> 00:17:57.951
I think my dad senses are starting to tingle, they're starting to kick in.
00:17:57.951 --> 00:18:03.536
Okay, I'm starting to flip the switch to dad mode, because here I am troubleshooting bullshit.
00:18:03.536 --> 00:18:06.407
It's not that I would have just freaked out on and kicked it.
00:18:06.407 --> 00:18:10.199
Okay, here I am troubleshooting and making things work.
00:18:10.199 --> 00:18:11.020
I was proud of myself.
00:18:11.020 --> 00:18:12.625
I was real proud of myself.
00:18:12.625 --> 00:18:21.472
Okay, you roll into Saturday and Saturday we had a nice little day and the wife showed up and spent the second half of the day with me.
00:18:21.940 --> 00:18:23.284
It was a successful event.
00:18:23.284 --> 00:18:26.412
Friday and Saturday were really good days.
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Saturday started off pretty great, then it slowed down and then it picked up.
00:18:31.148 --> 00:18:33.488
All in all, it was a successful event.
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More importantly, you feel like you're contributing to a good cause by being there.
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I mean, you're helping the Shriners, meeting some of the kids.