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April 19, 2023

Does destined friendship exist? 145

Is friendship destiny? The relationships that we value most are they meant to be? Does the universe already have a plan for you and me? If you believe destined friendships do exist how far are you willing to go for a person you just met? Would you travel over 2,000 miles for a friend you just met? What if you were traveling from Maine to Texas to be in that friend's wedding? Today's episode of Share the Struggle podcast is a unique story and a special situation. Keith and Alli jump out of their comfort zone and leave time zones, a few flights 10 hours in a rental car, and 4 nights in a house full of strangers all because a friendship with Carter and Liz is destiny! 

This week's show starts with a major Share The Struggle announcement and two funny encounters that involve sex and theft! 

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