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On last week's episode of Share the Struggle podcast, we were identifying our guiding words for 2025.
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One week later, that guiding word is already coming alive.
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Join me today as I lean into some courage.
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But before we go down that road of positivity, I absolutely have to share with you one of the most ridiculous customer service incidents that I just went through, one that left me lashing out just a bit outside of my character.
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All that and more on today's episode of Share the Struggle Podcast.
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Let me tell you something Everybody struggles.
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The difference is some people choose to go through it and some choose to grow through it.
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The choice is completely you If you have a relationship that is comfortable with uncomfortable conversations.
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Uncomfortable conversations challenge you, humble you and they build you.
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When you sprinkle a little time and distance on it, it all makes sense.
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Most disagreements, they stem from our own insecurities.
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You are right where you need to be.
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I'll take on what I find.
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I'll rescue my friends.
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Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh.
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What it do, what it do, hot diggity dog.
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Do I have some ridiculousness to share with you?
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Boy, I'm still a little hot and bothered y'all.
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I am still a little hot under the collar.
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Okay, I'm a little fired up today.
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But before we get into what's got me all fired up, I want to say thank you.
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Thank you for tuning in, thank you for listening to the podcast proudly sponsored by, brought to you by Loud Proud American.
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The podcast precisely perfectly named Share the Struggle because everybody struggles.
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Today is episode 235.
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That means we've been getting together and keeping it live for 235 consecutive weeks of Share the Struggle podcast.
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Don't forget to find all things podcast related over to wwwsharethestrugglepodcastcom.
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In the year 2025.
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I truly hope to bring to you some of the best shows that I can possibly bring to you, and I set a goal for this show to double down on the growth for this show, I'm going to give our podcast, our audience, this little positive tribe we're building the best that I possibly can.
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I'm going to give you what I have and I'm going to put it all on the line to to grow the show this year.
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Try to do some different things this year.
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That's a new year's resolution for the show.
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This year, if it does not end off where we want it to, if we lose sight of it throughout the year or the year wraps up shy of where we want it to be, then I've decided to end share the struggle podcast for what we want it to be, then I've decided to end Shade of the Struggle podcast for what we know it to be the weekly episodic show, the continuous week after week podcast episode.
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I will change the direction of the podcast and make it more of an occasional show, one where we kind of swoop in with updates, maybe an occasional story, some laughter, and continue to provide a legacy, one that can live on, that really encapsulates the journey of the business, the brand and raising Little Paisley Reign.
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Because I've always said one of the biggest benefits of this show is having a history, a history of us, the brand myself, the lessons, the lifetime.
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Because if I could go back right now and listen to stories from my old man, from my brother, from my grandfather, I would love it.
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It would mean so much to me.
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So I want to always have these episodes living on living life on the internet for anybody to tune into when they need a voice of reason or some strength, but to also provide that history for my family, the history of me and my loved ones, and my journey have a week to week show.
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This show takes a tremendous toll on, uh, on myself, on the family.
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I lean in to help from you know, from Allie, to join the show, for my mother to watch the little one, things like that being on the road recording from from campers, from, you know, inside of vehicles, all the sacrifices that we make to keep this show coming on week to week.
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I will continue to do that.
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I will continue to sacrifice, I will continue to lean into this show if I hear from each and every one of you that you are continuing to enjoy this show.
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We've seen some growth in random areas all throughout the country and outside of this country that are tremendous and it's what I have been leaning into to keep the show alive.
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But week after week, we have noticed fewer and fewer listeners of the podcast.
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So if there's something that I'm doing or not doing that is preventing you from coming back and there is something that you would like to hear on the show to make you want to always come back, please let me know.
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If you see a benefit from this show, then help it grow.
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Share the show with somebody you know, Help this podcast grow, because if it does grow and I do see that everybody is continuing to benefit from these stories from me then I absolutely wholeheartedly 1000% will continue to commit myself and my time and my efforts to this show.
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If I know it's landing on people out there and making a difference, then I will continue to bare my soul with this show.
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But I've just noticed over the past five or six months we continue to be losing listenership and it saddens me.
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I don't come on here to have this massive audience of popularity.
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I do it to know that people are getting a benefit from it and recently I just have not heard from as many of you and I've seen week after week we seem to be losing listeners on the show.
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So I just wanted to put that out there.
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I didn't plan this little conversation.
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So I guess this is something that I've been stewing on for some time and I just wanted to put that out there.
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I didn't plan this little conversation, so I guess this is something that you know I've been stewing on for some time and I just haven't mentioned it because I just continue to tune in and plug in Because, like I've said, I hear from some of you week after week and it makes me want to keep on doing this and I think about Little Paisley Rain someday 10, 15, 20 years from now being able to go back and listen to these episodes, 15, 20 years from now being able to go back and listen to these episodes.
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I know the benefit that has been here from some of these shows, the strength it gives people, the courage it gives people, which is where we're headed today.
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Some of these stories you know like the legacy of my father and my loved ones that I've shared.
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I want that to always live on and I will always commit to keeping the show, to helping this show grow.
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But it just gets harder and harder to do it each week if I just feel like people aren't listening anymore.
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So that's a sad confessional.
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I didn't plan that one y'all.
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I don't even have a Cabela's catalog around me.
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I didn't put my hand on the catalog, I didn't put my beagle eyes to the sky.
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That just came out.
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That just came out.
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But it probably came out because I'm fired up.
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I am, I'm hot and bothered.
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I'm some kind of fired up.
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I want to share with you a recent and I mean very recent, as in within the past hour little customer service experience that I had.
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That has me right derailed.
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Okay, so here's a scenario.
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Let me set the scene for you.
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I have a Dunkin' Donuts addiction.
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You've heard it.
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If you've been listening to the show, you've heard me talk about it.
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My wife brings it up.
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I have recently been scaling back on my Dunkin's visits.
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I'm traditionally a two visits per day guy.
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I've got that down to a one visit per day most days, with the occasional two visits maybe like on a weekend or on a day where you just absolutely need it.
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Now one of those two day scenarios has been Tuesday and Thursday.
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And the Tuesday Thursday double cup scenario is because I bring my mom to work at 5.30 in the morning.
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So when I go through the drive-thru at 5.30, same Dunkin' Donuts not the Dunkin' Donuts that I like to traditionally go to.
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This one just happens to be closer to my mom's work.
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We go through this Dunkin' Donuts twice a week, four times a week, I should say two days a week.
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On Tuesday we go through there at 5.30 in the morning.
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I order a large iced coffee for me, a large iced coffee for the wife and a medium hot coffee for my mom.
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When my mom gets out of work at two o'clock I pick her up and we return through that drive-thru line and we get one more large iced coffee for me and one more medium hot coffee for my mom.
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So we go there twice a week and in the twice a week scenario, what's that?
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10 cups of coffee.
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Does that sound right?
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So 10 cups of coffee from this one Dunkin Donuts twice a week?
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Now, traditionally they give awful service.
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Nobody ever wants to talk to you.
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There's a lady there that will take your order and then when you get to the counter, she literally half the time won't even tell you what the bill is, just waits for you to read the screen.
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But she'll tell you 1223, 770, and you would give them the money or have them scan the app.
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And if they have to give change back, she doesn't say here you go.
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She doesn't say change, she doesn't say thank you, she doesn't hand the coffee out the window and say you're welcome or thanks, or have a nice day.
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Nothing Doesn't even communicate, just drops things and lets you leave.
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Okay, I've come accustomed to receiving poor service.
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I've come accustomed to, of the 10 cups of coffee you get through there in a week, that maybe two or three of them are going to be good, maybe two or three of them are going to be manageable, but you're going to have the rest of them just be abysmal.
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Okay, it is what it is.
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I don't know why this is something that we just agreed upon.
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This needs to happen so frustrating right Now.
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Three coffees in the morning, that ends up being $12.23, and then $7.70 for the afternoon rush.
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So let's say, $20 a day, two days a week for this one location.
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So 40 bucks a week right Now, that's a couple hundred dollars a month just to this one location.
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Just spelling this out there because I'm kind of painting a picture here.
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This afternoon I come through the drive-thru lane.
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I am driving my dad's pickup truck.
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It is a single cab, long bed pickup truck.
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It is me, my mother and little Paisley.
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Paisley's in the truck with me and where her car seat goes it covers the cup holders.
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There's no cup holder option.
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So when I have the baby, if I'm drinking my coffee, I have one hand to drive, one hand to drink coffee.
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Sometimes my mom has my coffee and I'm helping the baby with one hand, driving with the other.
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Or my mom is working with the baby with one hand drinking a coffee with the other.
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I'm driving with one and drinking a coffee.
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I'm painting a picture here.
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Okay, bear with me.
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So we get in line.
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Me and Allie text each other back and forth while I'm in line at Dunkin'.
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So now there's a time stamp in my phone based off of how long I've been in line or when I arrived at the Dunkin' line.
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So I'm waiting.
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There's not many cars, there's maybe five cars in the entire drive-thru lane and I realize, man, I've been in this line for at least 10 or 15 minutes and I haven't ordered a coffee yet.
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So we get up there, I order the coffee.
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We move, you know, four pesos ahead, sitting there, sitting there, I look at my mom and I said, man, how long have we been in this freaking line?
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I feel like we've been in here forever.
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I go back to my phone and I look at the text message and I see the timestamp and I tell my mom like wow, we've been in this line already for like 22 minutes.
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Right, crazy, crazy to sit in line for 20 plus minutes for now.
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Maybe five cars in front of you, if that.
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So I turn the corner.
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I can see the window and I'm still waiting and waiting, and waiting.
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We get up to the window.
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They don't come to the window, they're just walking around doing whatever.
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There's like six employees in there.
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I look at my clock and I tell my mother we are two minutes away from 30 minutes.
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Two minutes away from 30 minutes in the drive-thru lane.
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There's nobody in the lobby.
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The lady comes to the window, opens the window and tells me $7.27.
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And I give her my cash and she turns around and I realize $7.27, it's normally $7.70 for the bill.
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I know that a mistake's been made, but she shut the window and she's gone off to making coffee and doing whatever.
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We continue to wait, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick.
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Time Waiting, waiting, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick.
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Time Waiting, waiting, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick.
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Baby Starting to get fussy.
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We've been sitting here and doing nothing.
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She's starting to complain and fuss and she's no longer happy in the car seat.
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So we're waiting and we're waiting.
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I tell my mom I think they made me a hot coffee Because the bill.
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So lady comes to the window, she's fussing around looking at things and I tell my mom screw it, we paid for the hot coffee.
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I'm going to drink a hot coffee at this point because you know, I just I'm not going to wait any longer.
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She gives me my mom's coffee.
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And then she goes to hand me the hot coffee and she starts to read off the order and she hands it to me as I take it into the truck and she says milk, m-i-l-k.
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And I said, oh, there's milk in this.
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I said oat milk.
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And she says no, whole milk.
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I said, oh, I ordered oat milk.
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She's like oh, you did.
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I passed the coffee back through the window.
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Here's a key point here, folks.
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I passed the coffee back through the window.
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I said also for whatever it's worth, I'll drink that if it was right.
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But I ordered an ice coffee.
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I ordered a large ice coffee with oat milk.
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She's like oh, really you did.
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Turns around and goes, oh, and then surprisingly hands my coffee through the window Large ice coffee.
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Oh, it was right, there Must have grabbed the wrong coffee.
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Fine, whatever, I don't know what you were giving me for a sales pitch on the unlabeled hot coffee.
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That clearly wasn't right anyways.
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So I take the iced coffee.
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I've now been in line at Dunkin' Donuts for over 30 minutes right, we're talking 33, 35 minutes just to get a coffee.
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Through the drive-thru lane, baby's fussing and freaking out.
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I pull out of there, I take one sip off the coffee and I go son of a sea biscuit.
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This is not right.
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I look at it.
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This is milk, not oat milk.
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I've waited for 35 freaking minutes.
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I'm not going to drink this cup of coffee.
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I turn around, I go back.
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I should have gone inside.
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When I rolled up I saw there was only like one or two cars in the entire drive-thru.
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So instead of getting out it's cold, it's windy, the baby's fussy I just go back to the drive-thru lane and I get to the window and I tell him hey, you know I ordered a coffee.
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This is what happened.
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You know I have the wrong one.
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All right, come on up, I'll give you one.
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Wait again, get to the window.
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We're now at a point where we've spent about 45 minutes in the drive-thru lane to get two frigging coffees, correct.
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So this is your third attempt at my coffee, because you tried to give me a hot coffee Wrong.
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Gave me an iced coffee Wrong.
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You go to give me a hot coffee wrong.
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Gave me an iced coffee wrong.
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You go to give me a coffee out the window.
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That's a small, like full cream iced coffee, not the right coffee.
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Third mistake realizes, puts that down, goes to give me the correct coffee.
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She goes.
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Here you go.
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I'm like, oh thanks, can you take this for me?
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I don't have any room and and I go to pass the Mistaked coffee, the mistaken, the mix-up, the mess-up, the shitty coffee they gave me.
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Right, I can't take that.
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I'm sorry, what I'm not going to take, that You're not going to take the coffee back.
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No, I can't take that.
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And I said, well, I don't have any room in here.
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Can you please just take the coffee?
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00:16:43.621 --> 00:16:44.221
I don't have any room in here.
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Can you please just take the coffee?
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What do you mean?
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You don't have any room.
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I don't have any cup holders.
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I have a baby here.
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She has her hands full.
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I can't drive with two coffees.
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Can you please just take this coffee?
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And she says, no, you can throw it in the trash.
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And I said, well, I'd love to do that, but you removed the trash can.
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Mind you, where I'm parked?
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Right, you know?
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Eight paces ahead, there is a spot where there's been a trash can since this Dunkin' Donuts was built when I was 10 years old.
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Okay, it's been there the entire time.
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They recently took it out of the ground.
00:17:19.733 --> 00:17:23.170
It was one of the ones that had like a, you know, like a rock structure around it.
00:17:23.170 --> 00:17:25.243
Whatever, they removed it no more trash can.
00:17:25.243 --> 00:17:30.944
I said, yeah, but you guys removed the trash can, so there is no trash can on my way out of here.
00:17:30.944 --> 00:17:32.428
I don't have any room.
00:17:32.989 --> 00:17:33.830
This was a mix up.
00:17:33.830 --> 00:17:34.893
I have two coffees.
00:17:34.893 --> 00:17:36.083
Can you please just throw it out?
00:17:36.083 --> 00:17:37.005
She goes.
00:17:37.005 --> 00:17:40.173
Well, you passed a trash can on the way to me.
00:17:40.173 --> 00:17:50.962
Okay, disclaimer I'm about to start swearing.
00:17:50.962 --> 00:17:51.664
Okay, I'm about to start swearing.
00:17:51.664 --> 00:17:52.266
I'm gonna put it out there.
00:17:52.306 --> 00:17:52.988
Dunkin Donuts drive-thru lady.
00:17:52.988 --> 00:17:55.153
You passed a trash can on the way to me.
00:17:55.153 --> 00:17:56.961
Are you fucking serious?
00:17:56.961 --> 00:18:03.462
You want me to get back in this long ass drive-thru lane just to throw a coffee in there that you messed up?
00:18:03.462 --> 00:18:07.836
You want me to get in line to use a fucking trash can for a coffee that you fucked up?
00:18:07.836 --> 00:18:09.260
That's what you want me to do right now.
00:18:09.260 --> 00:18:13.348
And she starts giving me an attitude well, I'm not taking it.