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Today on Share the Struggle Podcast, the quest for self-improvement continues as we strive to unlock version 2.0 in you and me.
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We focus on progress over perfection, in our hearts instead of someone else's eyes.
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All that and more on episode 204 of Share the Struggle podcast.
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Let me tell you something Everybody struggles.
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The difference is some people choose to go through it and some choose to grow through it.
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The choice is completely yours.
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Which one you choose will have a very profound effect on the way you live your life.
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Profound effect on the way you live your life.
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If you find strength in the struggle, then this podcast is for you.
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Do you have a relationship that is comfortable with uncomfortable conversations?
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Uncomfortable conversations challenge you, humble you and they build you.
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When you sprinkle a little time and distance on it, and they build you.
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When you sprinkle a little time and distance on it, it all makes sense.
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Most disagreements they stem from our own insecurities.
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You are right where you need to be.
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One time we could fly the world, but in the old day gone We'll be behind.
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We're way too fast.
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We're way too fast.
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Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh.
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What it do, what it do, hot diggity.
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Damn, am I so excited to be back with you.
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Oh, it's true, girl, you know it's true.
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Oh, it's so damn true.
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Episode 204.
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204, can you believe that?
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That's 204 consecutive weeks.
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The streak continues All my day.
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Ones out there, my loyal ones, the day one listeners, get your ones up.
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Wherever you are today, if you're on a treadmill, you're in your car today, you're on the work site today the old job site you're feeling all right.
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You're on your couch, your porch, whatever the hell it is y'all be doing.
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I appreciate you, right, you're on your couch, your porch, whatever the hell it is y'all be doing.
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I appreciate you, I love you.
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Get your ones up.
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I recognize you, I acknowledge you, I thank you, I love you.
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Let me tell you, brother, I love you To all my new beginners and early believers that are out there.
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I appreciate you and I welcome you to Share the Struggle podcast.
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This podcast is precisely perfectly beautifully named Share the Struggle, because everybody struggles.
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The key is the truth is there is strength in our struggles.
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As long as we are willing to share our struggles, we can grow from them.
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Boys and girls, yes, we can.
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Everybody struggles.
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That's the truth, but that's also the key.
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The key to success and the strength is the safety in the numbers, the strength in the journey, being willing enough, open enough to share your story with those close to you.
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You don't need to have a podcast, you don't need to push record week after week.
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If you do, god bless you.
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I know the commitment that's there.
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But just share things with people that you care about because, number one, getting those things off your chest is going to make a big difference in you and your life and your mood and how you're feeling.
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And, number two, you might also be providing a great layer of safety and confidence and comfort in the relationships that you have that you're sharing with, because they too are struggling.
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The key is not to create a pity party woe is me atmosphere and attitude.
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The key is to raise your altitude and your attitude by having positive conversation.
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Right, we can have heartfelt, honest, transparent conversation where we can bear our souls and our stories.
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We can be truthful.
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We can say, hey, I'm struggling, this is what I'm going through, this is what I'm trying to grow through and hopefully, if they latch on to you, then that's where the happiness comes, that's where the strength comes, that's where the confidence and the hope and the progress begins.
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So share things with the people that you care about.
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Check in on those folks that you care about.
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You don't know the difference that your words can have.
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Those words, those conversations, and that difference is all we can ever hope for, and that's the reason why I continue to do more, week after week.
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Share the Struggle podcast for 204 consecutive weeks is about sharing our struggles, being open and transparent and saying my truth to you and hoping that they give you something, either some kind of hope or comfort.
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Comfort in knowing that you're not the only one that's struggling, com.
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Comfort in knowing that you're not the only one that's struggling.
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Comfort in knowing that you're not the only one that's trying.
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And comfort in knowing that it is okay.
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That's my powerful rant on the podcast and its meaning and the reason why we do what we do.
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Don't forget to find all things podcast related over to wwwsharethestrugglerpodcastcom.
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Yeah, I don't know why, when I read the podcast name as far as the website goes, I feel like I need to turn it like into a TV commercial or a radio ad.
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I don't know.
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I'm not sure why.
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I really don't know why.
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Here's the thing, y'all.
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Here's how it's going to go today.
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Boys and squirrels, we, as I said in the opening of the show.
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We're going to continue this quest for self-improvement, this desire to lift ourselves to a new horizon, to unlock version 2.0 and me and you, because version 1.0 isn't going to do what we need it to do we have rebooted the system, we have upgraded our software okay, we have downloaded all new devices.
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We are becoming the best possible versions that we can be, because to do what we want to do, to go where we want to go, to believe and achieve all that we have in our hearts and our minds for ourselves, we must be the best versions of ourselves.
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So today, boys and squirrels, we're going to talk about progress, because everybody strives for perfection, nobody stops to celebrate the progress and, as we've been talking over the past few weeks, we are starting to realize that true happiness happens in the here and now.
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True happiness comes from being present in the moment, and I'm also finding that being present and focusing right on where your feet are at this exact moment is also a very big key and factor into overcoming anxiety, overcoming stress, frustration, overcoming any damn unwanted emotion that seems to be rocking your ocean.
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Okay, being present, being mindful of the moment and the opportunity right in front of us not standing around, reflecting on, worrying about the past, not forecasting our future, stressing about what's to come, being present in the moment.
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And being present in the moment is going to connect hand in hand with focusing on progress and being happy with progress, celebrating progress over perfection.
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Because when we strive for perfection, first and foremost, let's put this on the table nobody's perfect, nothing's perfect.
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You can truly fully enjoy something, like you could have, this ultimate, perfect expectation about how something's going to go, and you might even have that interaction, that moment in time, that experience, even feel better than you expected.
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But was it perfect?
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Was it absolutely perfect?
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Probably not.
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But far too often we're going to realize that our quest for perfection often lets us down.
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Our quest for perfection, far too many times in life, takes away the joy in life, the actual celebration of achievement in life.
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Because the level of perfection that we put on the moments in time, even if it's something tangible, like the vehicle you want the house, you want the vehicle, you want the house, you want the job, you want the relationship you want there's a level of perfection that's never really attainable, because even the perfect house is going to need paint, even the perfect house is going to lose a dishwasher at some point.
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It's going to need to be re-shingled.
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You're going to find a leak, something's going to happen.
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Even that perfect vehicle someday is going to need to get towed.
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Somebody's going to run into it in a parking lot or you're going to be in an accident.
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Nothing's ever going to be perfect.
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The vision you have for the perfect relationship.
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I got news for you, cinderella.
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You're probably going to have a disagreement.
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You're probably going to have an argument At some point.
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Cinderella, you're probably going to have a disagreement.
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You're probably going to have an argument at some point.
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You're probably going to say some things that you didn't want to say, some things that you didn't really mean, because you were hurt, because you are emotional you know why?
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Because you ain't perfect and neither is this world and neither is that house or neither is that car.
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But we can truly appreciate and love those things for what they are, and we can truly appreciate and love those things for what they are and we can love and appreciate them for all the hard work that went into attaining them, to achieving them, to completing them.
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That is progress.
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Celebrating the journey towards the moment is going to help you to fully enjoy the moment.
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That is progress.
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That is what we're going to talk about today children and how we're going to do about it is in a true Loud, proud American fashion, I'm going to recap the weekend that it was, we're going to forecast the week that's about to happen and we're going to use some of those little insights and interactions to reframe and rework our conversation, our education on progress.
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Today, gotcha, the dictionary, defines progress as forward or onward movement toward a destination.
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Progress is where we should focus.
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Progress will continue to keep us grounded and living in the moment.
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The reason why I say this is if we are always focused on the goal and the destination, it's going to set us up for a lot of disappointment.
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And have we been talking over the past few weeks about?
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I've really been able to unlock some new optimism in my life by really truly focusing on where I am in that moment in my life.
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So for us to focus on progress and to connect it with being in the moment, I think they go hand in hand because, with me being in the moment, if I am doing, let's say, positive, productive, purposeful things towards my goals, towards the things that I want in life, then I'm making progress and by doing those things.
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Here's the key.
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They're happening, they're in the moment, they're real-time.
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They're real-time responses to your goals.
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I'm not so hard focused in the moment on the potential perfected outcome.
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I am actually living in the moment, like we've been talking about.
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But while living in the moment, I am being purposeful and productive towards my goals.
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Then I have unlocked the opportunity to celebrate today, not to anticipate the celebration when I attain my goal, when I achieve my dream, because some of our goals are bigger than others, folks.
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Some of our goals might take five years, ten years.
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If I'm waiting to celebrate for five or ten years, I'm going to build up a layer of disappointment that is going to crush me when I actually attain my goal, and it's not what I wanted it to be.
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Also, if I can't celebrate, then I don't have a reason to be happy for five or ten years.
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Lahore, have mercy.
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I'm gonna be one miserable son of a bitch.
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I feel like I was getting close to Boss Hogg right there from the Dukes of Hazzard Boy, you, some of my bitch, isn't it some of my bitch?
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That's him that said that.
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Right, boss Hogg.
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But the point I'm making here is if I don't celebrate what the fuck I'm doing today.
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Sorry, I swore already, but we made it past 10 minutes.
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If I don't celebrate where I am and what I'm doing in this moment, if I don't give myself a reason to celebrate, then this world is going to give me enough reasons, more reasons, ample reasons and freaking abundance of reasons to be miserable.
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Because news alert, news alert the world is miserable and some of the people that are around you y'all they be miserable.
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There's more miserable Nellies around you than there is jacked up excited, freaking Bronco Billies out there.
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I have no clue what any of that means.
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The point I'm making is people suck and there's shitty people all around us that you're going to encounter on a day-to-day basis, because so many of those shitty attitude people are focusing on a goal that they haven't achieved, that they're never going to achieve, or they quite possibly gave up working for weeks ago, months ago, years ago.
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So the point here is you need to find a reason to be happy, because you can't rely on the folks in your life to make you happy.
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You can't hope and dream that your loved one, that your spouse, is going to wake up and blow sunshine and roses up your skirt every damn day that your kids are going to give you, the ultimate reason that your boss is going to praise you, that your clients are going to love you All these things they ain't going to fix you.
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You can't rely on somebody else for your happiness.
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You need to self-create happiness, and part of the ways of creating happiness is to finding things to enjoy, things to be grateful for, things to count your blessings for.
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If we put an emphasis on progress over perfection, progress over some of those results, we're creating an opportunity to be happy each day because we can attain progress every day.
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So if every night I sit on the couch and I reflect on the progress, then I find a reason to be happy, I find a reason to be grateful, to count my blessings, to be thankful and to sleep a hell of a lot sweeter.
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Let's dig into this a little bit.
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I have an overwhelming to-do list of things that if you've been listening for a while, you might hear.
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At times in my life over the past few months it's been weighing on me and it's been crushing me.
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If we think back to, it's been six months since I lost my dad.
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There's a lot of things that my dad used to do around the farm, that they're my responsibilities, they're my things to keep up on and they're overwhelming and I can't keep up on all of those things tasks that he did for the farm, for the family, and then the things that he did outside of that for my mom, like bringing her to work and bringing her places to shop or to do whatever, like those things.
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I've taken those things on as well.
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So I take on my dad's tasks, both at home and some of the things he was doing with my mom, because I don't want her to lose her routines and her freedoms.
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And then I think about trying to grow my business, trying to bump the brand to a new level, understanding that I'm realizing the business is in the red by $40,000 to start the year.
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Full transparency, girls, we're coming at you right now.
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Girls and squirrels, I'm giving you the year.
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Full transparency, girls, we're coming at you right now.
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Girls and squirrels, I'm giving you the truth.
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This is hard-hitting, transparent truth.
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Loud, proud Americans starting the year off in the red $40,000.
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And with empty shelves, because I got a lot of product line that I have ones and twos of.
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I had enough to get me through the first few events.
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I'm at that crucial crossroads right now where you need to re-up and restock on some of those things, because if you don't do those things then you don't have the things to sell.
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But it's a real fine balancing act to pay your mortgage and your necessities, to try to chisel away on the 40k debt you've acquired and to have enough product and resources to keep yourself in business or you will sell yourself out of business and selling yourself out of business will just leave the debt over your head.
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So all those things that are on my plate.
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I also sold the business vehicle as I'm working on the new vehicle, trying to get that stuff finalized and taken care of and the work in progress and we're going to get into some of those things here shortly to trying to continue to have a loving, healthy relationship, a mixed beginning to welcome in a child and my wife being pregnant and her, you know, really trying to find a new norm and to deal with, like you know, all those pregnancy emotions which I'm just going to say this just completely transparent.
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Obviously, this pregnancy is a complete breeze for me because at this point nothing's changed, right, but my wife's cranking this out like a complete breeze for me because at this point.
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Nothing's changed right, but my wife's cranking this out like a champ.
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She doesn't complain, she's enjoying herself, she's having a great time.
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I can truly tell you that my wife loves being pregnant.
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She enjoys being pregnant.
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Any little antacid or cramps or pains that she might possibly have are far outweighed by just the fulfillment that it's provided to her heart.
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Little Paisley has already given her mother some of the greatest gifts she could possibly give.
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So my wife is riding on cloud nine right now and she won't complain about this pregnancy in one moment in time.
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That doesn't mean that it doesn't add another layer of challenges to the relationship Things to get prepared for, things to get ready for, the worry of the unknown, the fear of the unknown, all those things right.
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So if you're a guy like me that likes to list things, that likes to build a list of things that needs to get done, let's just give you a little quick screenshot of my day and what my mind's thinking you ready?
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Let's just put this all out there.
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I'm currently working on the bus.
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I've been out there painting the bus this morning.
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It's been an ongoing project.
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Yesterday, when I was painting the bus, I decided to turn it around so I could actually have shade on my side that I was painting.
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While doing that, the bus didn't want to shift and it was lunging in and out of gear.
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I was able to move it, only to find a massive puddle of what I've now identified as transmission fluid and I rolled under the bus and see that my transmission lines are rusted to the high heavens and there is fluid all over the place.
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So add that to the list, right?
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That thing ain't going to move until transmission lines get fixed.
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Thankfully, I called my cousin.
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He came right over, looked at it, he went and ordered the parts and hopefully in the next week or so we'll get that taken care of.
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But I'm working on that project and then in the bus itself it needs all this wiring.
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So I'm just looking at one project.
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So let's just focus in on one project, one aspect.
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So the bus I'm working on, I'm painting.
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I just ran out of paint and tape this morning.
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I have to try to go and figure that stuff out.
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The transmission lines are gone.
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There's wiring all over the high heavens.
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In there I have shelving to make rewiring to do radios, to put in mechanical things, to do registrations, inspections, all those things.
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Tires need to be changed at some point, windows need to be tinted, racks need to be built All that stuff right.
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All that going on just on one particular project.
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Sprinkle in the fact that today, as I'm recording this, is Tuesday.
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On Thursday of this week I have to be at Bentley Saloon setting up for Laconia Bike Week.
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Once I complete the setup of that, I will be there Thursday, friday, saturday, sunday, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday 11 days.
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I think Straight being there.
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That takes a big part of your routine away.
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Right, you're trying to structure everything around that.
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Right after that I have two days to restock, reload and then I'm going to a new event for the first time, a three-day small local fair next to my house.
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So you factor in A.
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I just mentioned to you I'm low on inventory.
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I just took all the finances I possibly could to reorder some inventory, was able to lock down a small loan from my credit card company to navigate some of those things, but I need to dedicate the time to working on the vehicle, to restocking this inventory.
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I have custom orders coming in at the same time.
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I have custom orders coming in at the same time, so I'm trying to navigate those when you're only going to be home for a few hours each day while you have all these events going on.
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So you're trying to factor all that stuff in.
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As I'm recording this podcast.
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I probably have 30 to 40 more minutes before I have to stop my recording, go pick my mom up at work and to take her to run her errands, to come back and return to this project.
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Right, and I think about some of my dad's other lists are grass that's out there, because we have two broken lawnmowers is probably 10 inches high right now.
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I got a big section of fence in the riding arena that's collapsing.
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That needs to be fixed.
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I got a ditch that needs to be worked on.
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I've got two culverts that need to be dug up.
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These are all just random things, right?
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I have many different messages out there to events that aren't responding to me, that I haven't locked in on, but I'm dependent on them and their responses and those opportunities for me to continue to pay my bills.
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And then, in the meantime, you're trying to think about what you have to do to bring a newborn child into this world.
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If all I did was focus on that bus being done, that event being over, that debt being paid and my child being here, I would not have the opportunity to celebrate, I would not have the opportunity to enjoy myself, to be myself, I would not have the opportunity to celebrate.
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I would not have the opportunity to enjoy myself, to be myself, I would be a miserable son of a bitch to be around is the fact that I can celebrate the purposeful movement that is being made to accomplish my goals.
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Let's just now look at some of the things that are going on in my life through the lens of progression, through the lens of celebrating progression.
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So my bus, nearly complete as far as being painted.
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I need one more can of paint and I'll be done painting the entire bus.
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Then I can clean it all out and get to the windows.
00:24:52.723 --> 00:25:01.695
Moving the bus and finding out the transmission lines are blown has given me the opportunity for the safety to be taken care of in the vehicle.
00:25:01.695 --> 00:25:10.150
It has given me the opportunity for my cousin to replace the transmission lines before I need to leave with the bus in a month.
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So now I have a month.
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This incident has created an opportunity to get it fixed, which has given me a timeline that is enough.
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I've got a month or so to get that fixed before I absolutely need it got a month or so to get that fixed before I absolutely need it.
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It's much greater and beneficial to have those transmission lines go or show that they're gone while moving it in my driveway than it is at a fair across the state.
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Because last year the ambulance broke down.
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I lost an alternator at the Thompson Fairgrounds and I sat out there sweating my ass off all day waiting for AAA, only to find out they weren't coming to get me.
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To then drive all the way home, meet my cousin and go all the way back and fix that thing in the field, only to get home at 11 o'clock at night.
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Knowing that we found this situation and this problem now at home makes this a much better pill to swallow right.
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Thinking about the fact that I was able to secure a loan for some more product with my credit card company and my credit card processing company, there's some great things to celebrate.
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In that Number one, my business is at a place where it's getting itself credit, it's providing for itself, it's showing itself in a positive light.
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They made me an offer that I took advantage of.
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The success of my business has provided me that offer.
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If this goes well, I might take another offer at the end of the season, going into my slow time to help sustain some of those down times.
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Another great opportunity that's celebrating progress.
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Celebrating progress because six months ago or a year ago I might not have had that offer.
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The consistent record and track record of my business has created that offer.
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I'm gonna celebrate that progress.
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It's all a different way of looking at things, but it gives you an opportunity to celebrate things.