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As a young boy exploring history books, I never imagined living through an attempted presidential assassination.
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Saturday was another day in American history that will always be remembered.
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Today we reflect on Saturday's emotions and we look forward to a united future.
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Let me tell you something Everybody struggles.
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The difference is some people choose to go through it and some choose to grow through it.
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The choice is completely yours.
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Which one you choose will have a very profound effect on the way you live your life.
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If you find strength in the struggle, then this podcast is for you.
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Do you have a relationship that is comfortable with uncomfortable conversations?
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Uncomfortable conversations challenge you, humble you and they build you.
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When you sprinkle a little time and distance on it, it all makes sense.
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Most disagreements, they stem from our own insecurities.
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You are right where you need to be.
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Bad words the whole day gone, walking behind Way too fast, way too fast, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh.
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What it do, what it do, hot diggity.
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Damn, am I so excited to be back with you.
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Episode 210, and we're looking to do it again.
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Thank you to each and every one of you for tuning in each and every week.
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All my day ones.
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Get your ones up.
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I acknowledge you, I appreciate you.
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I thank you to all my new ones, the people that are just tuning in and listening for the first time.
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Thank you and welcome to the loud, proud, proud, american sponsored podcast, properly precisely, beautifully, perfectly named Share the Struggle, because everybody struggles and the truth is, the moment that we are brave enough to get vulnerable, to be transparent and to share our struggles, we will help somebody else out there who struggles, and this week, y'all man do, we have a struggle on tap.
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It's going to really blend the lines between last week and this week because last week I came on here and I said to y'all I'm sorry to have to do this, I'm sorry to have to get political.
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I know that we try to avoid a lot of the hot, hot, contested, debated political topics.
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Y'all probably already know where I stand, based off of my last name and the mission at hand for my brand.
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I care deeply about this country.
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I love this country by my grandfather, a Marine, to instill a lot of faith and belief in humanity and freedom, to not take for granted our freedoms, to appreciate our opportunities to love this great country.
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Saturday was a very difficult day for this country, a sad, disappointing day for this country.
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The emotion and approach and overall sentiment of this conversation on this podcast is a hell of a lot different today than it could have been today, because we avoided one of the greatest tragedies in American history on Saturday.
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There's some people that are listening right now that I know aren't Trump supporters.
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I'm just going to let you know.
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Had that gone in a different way another centimeter difference, a millimeter, an inch, a half an inch difference if we lost President Trump on Saturday, I am willing to bet we would have had a revolutionary war on our hands.
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This country would have been so far divided we would not have been able to put it back together.
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That's just an honest statement from an honest man, a loud, proud American man.
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Last week we had a political conversation.
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This week we have to have another political conversation because we have to address what happened over the weekend.
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This isn't fake news.
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This isn't some news channel you're going to put on the tube, right?
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This isn't your local news.
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This isn't CNN.
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This isn't Fox.
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This isn't anybody.
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This is just your fellow Americans having a conversation.
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We're not going to get super deep in the weeds here.
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We're just going to talk about reality here.
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We're going to share a few facts today and we're going to preach a lot of reality today, and I'm going to hope, just like last week, that we are unifying each other, that we are building a united America, that we are realizing by the topics today that it's never been more important to be a loud, proud American than it is today.
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We need to stand up for America.
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We need to fight, fight, fight for America.
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Now I'm going to put this disclaimer out there Fighting doesn't mean violence.
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To fight for America doesn't mean we need to enact violence on fellow Americans.
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We need to be bold enough and we need to be adult enough to stand up and acknowledge right and wrong, to put an end to the chaos that's going on.
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That, folks, is a fight.
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That fight doesn't need violence, it doesn't need guns, it needs voices, it needs courage, it needs strength, it needs transparency, it needs compromising, it needs conversations, difficult and uncomfortable conversations.
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It needs vulnerability, transparency, all those things that I could repeat day in and day out.
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America needs change and it needs to happen now.
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We avoided the unthinkable, truly by fate.
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Whew, man, I don't know where I'm going with this today, guys, I have some things that I know I want to cover, but I'm full of emotion, because the moment that I start to speak about what's been happening, the moment that I start to speak about what I'm feeling, I am just welling up with energy and emotion.
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My eyes are swelling up, holding back tears right now, because I love this fucking country.
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I love this country and the opportunities that we all get from this country.
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Last week, we had a conversation about this country being taken from us, america being taken from us.
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Saturday, somebody tried to take this country from us.
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That is not the answer.
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Let me just put this out there, folks, if you don't think there's something fishy going on here, if you don't think there's something that is alarming going on here, then I beg of you, I pray of you, to open your eyes.
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Think about it.
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They have tried to censor the man, they have tried to indict the man and now they are trying to assassinate the man.
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There's a lot of statements and t-shirts and memes and things that are out there that are pictures of Donald Trump, long before this happened.
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When there's a statement on those photos that says they're not coming for me, they're coming for you, I just happen to be in their way, guys, that could not be any more true.
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The man almost lost his life because he's standing in the way.
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He's in the way of them taking away our freedoms and our country.
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I said last week, any vote not for Donald Trump was a vote against America.
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I hope y'all have your eyes open.
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I hope you were watching, I hope you were listening and I hope you were taking notes of the people that are out there spewing this hateful rhetoric.
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I hope you were taking notes of all the people that are denying what's happening in this country.
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Let me just say this Right after this happened watching social media timelines, reading things the amount of people that were out there saying I wish he didn't miss, you can go fuck yourself.
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All the people out there that were saying that maybe next time we'll have a good shooter, maybe next time he'll have a better aim take note of those people.
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Take note of those people.
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If somebody comes into my tent saying that type of shit or they're in my face talking about that type of shit, I'm probably going to smack a hoe.
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Okay, I'm going to send them all the way back to Tribe Smack-a-Ho.
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I know I'm getting a little heated.
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I apologize.
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I apologize because I'm fired up today.
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I'm disappointed today and I'm fired up.
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Today, man, I opened the show talking about being a young boy exploring history books.
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Don't quiz me on US history.
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I know it.
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I don't memorize it.
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I don't know dates.
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I don't know all the facts.
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I know what's important and I know what has given us the freedoms that we have.
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I know all the things that we need to be thankful for, all the blessings that we need to count day in and day out.
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I'm thankful for our American history, for who we are and how we got here.
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As a young boy exploring those history books, you learned of all these things that you never thought would happen.
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Think about it when I was a young kid here I am now about to be 42.
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We weren't at war.
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We weren't living in a war.
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There's young Americans out there that are legal drinking age, that don't know anything but America being at war.
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That's a different time.
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This is a different time.
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It's a scary time To think about some of those things I think about in the history books just over the past few years.
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How much we have put into those books.
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Think about the pandemic.
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Think about the wars.
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Think about the social injustice stuff.
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Think about all the riots, the looting, the murders, the crimes.
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Think about all that's gone into those history books, all those disappointing facts that we've been a part of, all those disappointing chapters that we have all helped to write.
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Listen, I will never not be a loud, proud American.
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I can be disappointed in what's happening in our country, but I can be strong enough, I can be man enough to stand up and fight for this country and I'm hoping each and every one of you are willing to do the same.
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As I think about those history books and I think about all the new chapters that we're writing.
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As a child I could have never imagined those things you think about reading about, like the plague.
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You think about reading about Nazi Germany plague.
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You think about reading about Nazi Germany.
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You think about all those things that happen in the history books, that are recreating themselves, that are manifesting themselves all over again All the violence, all the hate.
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It's scary.
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Saturday we put another chapter into a disappointing part of our American history.
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I never imagined we would ever live through an attempted presidential assassination.
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You got to think about it, folks.
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I have always felt that America is the safest.
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America has the most technology, the most ability.
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You think about America as this leading empire this just beautiful piece of freedom on a president, a former or current president.
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The last thing I could imagine is anybody having the opportunity to assassinate that president.
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Think about the technology and the ability at the fingertips of all law enforcement, all military, cia, fbi.
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You, in a million years would not imagine anyone would have an opportunity to take out a president.
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Saturday was one of those days where I will always remember what I was doing, where I was and who I was with.
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It's one of those days in history that we will always remember.
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This is a day in history that someday you will tell your children, your grandchildren and your great-grandchildren about as you lived through.
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This is one of those days.
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You think about those memories in the history book JFK.
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You think about those stories you've heard from your grandparents, your great-grandparents, those moments in time where everybody remembers where they were.
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I remember what I was doing, where I was when 9-11 happened.
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This is one of those moments that you're always going to remember.
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So I want to take you to that moment and I want to express to you some of my emotions and some of my fears, because we're going to take this conversation in a different direction.
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This conversation isn't the one that you're going to find on CNN, it's not the one you're going to find on Fox, it's not the one you're going to find on any who's who.
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What you do.
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Okay, this is a conversation coming from my heart, from my lips, to your ears, telling you the fears that I have, the emotions that I feel, and I hope they connect with you and I hope that we can share the struggle together and we can unite each other.
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On Saturday I was at the Osprey Valley Fair, set up in my loud, proud American tent.
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I was sitting at the back of my tent.
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I was on my phone, talking to my wife, playing music, greeting customers, trying to support my family, trying to make a dollar, selling that proudly made in America merchandise.
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When a fellow vendor came up to me at the back of the tent and said did you just hear?
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Get your phone.
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Go to the news.
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They just tried to assassinate Trump.
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Uh, what did you say to me?
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Trump's rally, he just got shot.
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Trump's at a rally and he got shot.
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They tried to assassinate President Trump.
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I went into panic mode.
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I pulled out my phone looking for the information and I can see the video, the video that all of us have seen him going, looking around, turning his head, grabbing the side of his head, hitting the ground.
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The fear that hit me in that moment to think that he's not going to get up from that moment.
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I was heartbroken right there.
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So many questions, just even in those precious seconds.
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How did this happen?
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How is this possible?
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Why was there so many shots?
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How did he have this opportunity?
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How was this person so close?
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Like you start to think, did somebody go rogue?
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Is this somebody in the CIA, the FBI?
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Is this somebody in the crowd that that was allowed in with a weapon?
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Because because they are, you know, they're on the job, because there's no way we let somebody get this close To see our president grab his head and be tackled by his security and hit the ground to see the blood.
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To think we might have lost our only hope to save America.
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We got a whole conversation last week about the fact that we need Trump to save America.
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We're being lied to America.
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We're having our freedoms taken from us.
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We had a whole conversation about opening the borders and denying the ability to ask for IDs to vote, to give illegals the opportunity to vote.
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That's how you steal an election.
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That's how you steal a country.
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That's how you outnumber your citizens.
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That's how you have one party.
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That's how you create dictatorship.
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That's how you take our freedoms.
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That's how you create dictatorship.
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That's how you take our freedoms.
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You're selling America's freedoms.
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Only one man is in the race with the opportunity to end this.
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If you're out there and you're not a Trump supporter, I can understand and we can have those conversations.
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But what I'm saying to you is if you don't feel lied to, if you don't feel misled, if you don't feel that you've been taken advantage of, if you're happy with this country and the way things are going and you're living comfortably and you don't have any issues, and you believe what you see on the news, and you think it's okay for tens of millions of illegals to come in and they should have the right to vote and it's okay to give them $2,000 a month, but that veteran that defended this country, that gave you that freedom, he doesn't deserve shit.
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If you feel that way, then okay, you continue your vote.
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You continue to vote for Joe Biden.
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You do what you have to do.
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But if you are a blue-blooded American that loves this damn country, that wants better for this country, that wants to continue to live with the freedoms of this country.
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You need to save this damn country and there's only one dog in the fight that can save this country.
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You need to vote for Donald J Trump and on Saturday they tried to eliminate your opportunity to save this country.
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You're listening right now and if you're doubting me, you might be saying, hey, why the hell would me?
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You might be saying, hey, why the hell would a president or a political party hire some 20-year-old kid without a clue to do this?
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I'm not saying that he was hired to do this, but what I'm saying is this Democratic Party has been putting this violence, this hatred, into the minds of impressionable people, knowing that someday, someway, one of them is going to take a chance, knowing someday, someway, somebody is going to want to make a name for themselves.
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Just days before this happened, just days before this attempted assassination, your current president took a microphone and said that Donald Trump is a threat to America, that he is a danger to democracy and he has to be dealt with.
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He literally said put a bullseye on him Just days before an attempted assassination.
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He's a threat to America, he's a danger to democracy.
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It's time to put a bullseye on Donald Trump.
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Biden's been walking that statement back the past couple days.
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But think about this he made a statement.
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It's time to put a bullseye on Donald Trump Just two days later.
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An attempted assassination on former President Trump.
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An attempted assassination on former President Trump.
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If you are somebody that is listening that believes that Donald Trump incited the violence on January 6th.
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If you are somebody listening right now that feels that when Donald Trump took the podium, he incited violence and he was the reason for the January 6th capital nonsense.
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If you believe and you blame January 6th on Trump for what he said, don't you dare walk back.
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Don't you dare walk back on the notion that Joe Biden said put a bullseye on that man and two days later he's getting shot at.
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If that's the case, if you want to charge Trump with January 6th, I want to charge Biden with July 13th.
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You understand what I'm saying?
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There needs to be a damn investigation.
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And how is he not being called to the carpet?
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Right freaking?
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Now they want to talk about the fact that Trump didn't come out soon enough during January 6th and say, hey, stop the violence.
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Let me ask you this how long did it take for Biden to make a statement about Trump getting shot at.
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Hmm, think about that.
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He made a statement a hell of a lot quicker in regards to who Trump nominated or selected as his vice president.
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He came out within minutes to blast that choice.
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It took him hours, it took him forever to come out and say we need to cool things down on the violence.
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We need to cool things down on this political hatred.
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He gave every opportunity for violence to ensue.
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He's the man that said put a bullseye.
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So if you want to charge Trump with January 6th, I want you to use that same energy.
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You take that same energy and apply it to your president.
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I'm not one to say it's his fault, because I'm not one to blame January 6th on Trump.
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But I want to make one bit of difference here.
00:21:01.948 --> 00:21:06.390
Trump ended his speech with the words go in peace.
00:21:08.780 --> 00:21:12.482
Biden ended his statement with it's time to put a bullseye on Trump.
00:21:12.482 --> 00:21:14.489
He's a threat to America.
00:21:14.489 --> 00:21:16.374
He's a danger to democracy.
00:21:16.374 --> 00:21:19.000
Let's think about the difference here for a second.
00:21:19.000 --> 00:21:41.311
Can you imagine, can you imagine for one millisecond, if Trump ended a press conference, an interview, a phone call, a conversation by saying it's time we put a bullseye on Biden and then, two days later, he was shot at, trump would be arrested and thrown in prison right now.
00:21:42.259 --> 00:21:44.028
There's a double standard in this country.
00:21:44.028 --> 00:21:54.775
These double standards need to be cautionary tales, blinking lights for you to open your eyes and to say this shit ain't right.
00:21:54.775 --> 00:21:59.131
They tried to censor him, they tried to indict him and now they tried to kill him.
00:21:59.131 --> 00:22:03.049
We need to stand up and make a difference.
00:22:03.049 --> 00:22:07.089
This shit is absolutely crazy.
00:22:07.089 --> 00:22:10.988
Whew, man, am I fired up right now?
00:22:10.988 --> 00:22:16.326
I still cannot believe that.
00:22:16.366 --> 00:22:24.711
You have the crowd notice a gunman on the roof nearly two minutes before the shots are fired.
00:22:24.711 --> 00:22:34.968
There's multiple videos, multiple interviews and just cell phone footage of a man crawling on a roof with a fucking rifle.
00:22:34.968 --> 00:22:37.415
The CIA doesn't do anything about it.
00:22:37.415 --> 00:22:39.121
The FBI doesn't do anything about it.
00:22:39.121 --> 00:22:46.340
One minute and 57 seconds before the first shot was fired, he was seen and they were notified.
00:22:46.340 --> 00:23:02.229
There's all kinds of video out there about them having him in their crosshairs, having them video of them with him and their scopes for 40 seconds before the first shot rang out, and they still let him get off another 12 shots.
00:23:02.229 --> 00:23:06.104
First off, he should have been neutralized long before the first shot.
00:23:06.104 --> 00:23:13.026
Number two, the fact that they let him get 12 more off when he was in their crosshairs absolutely insane.
00:23:13.026 --> 00:23:16.973
All of this smells all too familiar.