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As a busy weekend ends before another begins, we pause to recap the results, we discuss the impact an anti-social society has on the rest of us and we ask ourselves if our friends and family truly want the best for us.
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And we end the show with a simple philosophy that unlocks true happiness.
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All that and more on today's episode of Share the Struggle Podcast.
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Let me tell you something Everybody struggles.
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The difference is some people choose to go through it and some choose to grow through it.
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The choice is completely yours.
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Which one you choose will have a very profound effect on the way you live your life.
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If you find strength in the struggle, then this podcast is for you.
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Do you have a relationship that is comfortable with uncomfortable conversations?
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Uncomfortable conversations challenge you, humble you and they build you.
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When you sprinkle a little time and distance on it, it all makes sense.
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Most disagreements they stem from our own insecurities.
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You are right where you need to be.
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Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh.
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What it do, what it do Way too bad.
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Episode 202.
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Hello chap, I don't know why, just the way the two sounded when I let it out there.
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I just I don't know man, I just felt so.
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Distinguished governor, hello chap, episode 202.
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Speaking of 202, I just spent a lot of time on Route 202 over the weekend.
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Anyway, this is already off to a weird start.
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God damn.
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Episode 202 of Share, the Struggle podcast, that's 202 consecutive weeks of me and you, and hot damn baby, I must say you look beautiful today.
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You do you really do Something?
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You're doing new.
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What is it?
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Haircut what did you go to Main Street Barbershop and get that thing lined up?
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Or did you go see Jenny and get your hair did?
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What is it?
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What is it?
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What did you do?
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Boo, something's got you looking oh so good.
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Maybe it's the way the sunshine is hitting you, because that sun is finally shining y'all.
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The heat is about to kick in.
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They're calling for a heat wave.
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You know what's ridiculous?
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I didn't feel this way until about 20 seconds before starting this recording today, but all of a sudden, my nose isn't functioning, I'm not breathing up my damn nose and my eyes are itching.
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I've got the windows and doors open trying to let the breeze on through here.
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You know, get that winter staleness out of here.
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Yeah, I just wanted to say we are gathered here today.
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I don't know why.
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I don't know why I have this thing where sometimes words rhyme in my head and then it makes me just go down this rabbit hole of nonsense.
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Maybe, I don't know, I could be an old Englishman, or I could be a southern preacher, I don't know.
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It all just kind of happens.
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But shit, man, I guess my allergies are kicking in with the windows open.
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God, oh, stuffy.
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That was probably really annoying to hear me do that, wasn't it?
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Right on the microphone like that.
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What a dick.
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This guy is.
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All right, disclaimer y'all.
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I was asked before episodes to let everybody know if it was going to be an emotional episode, if it was going to be like a tearjerker, because we've had a few tearful ones here as of late, and I'm just putting it out there no tears today, people.
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No tears, okay, unless we just get moved by the Spirit and it sets me free.
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And if that's the case, then here's my apology for me.
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Okay, but I'm not going into this with intentions of tears or anything emotional.
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We're going to have a fun show today because that loud, proud american schedule is really kicking into gear and we just wrapped up a ridiculously busy weekend and I just kind of wanted to come on here and hit y'all with the recap, let you in and then also share some things with you, some surprising things with you, some observations, observations that I've made.
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I'd like to share with you some philosophies and you got to tune in all the way to the end because in the end, we are going to share a simple philosophy that you probably heard before.
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But if you focus on it, if you spend time thinking about it and you actually try to implement it, it is the key to unlock true happiness.
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Yeah, it's all in today's show.
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Don't forget, if you like today's show, to share it with someone you know, hopefully somebody you like.
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That'd be the way to do it.
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Hit, subscribe, grow the tribe, find all things podcast related over to sharethestrugglepodcastcom.
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I've been noticing a lot of different cities and states popping it up and man, every time I say that I wish I would have written down before I came on here what they actually were, because it would be a lot cooler if I could share them that way, because I'm a big idiot.
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But instantly I'm also just kind of thinking about Detroit.
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I've got a few people in the D that have been listening to me.
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Appreciate you, everybody loves when you get solid listeners in the D.
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You know what I'm saying, huh, you're damn right, you do.
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But yeah, man, we got Detroit Rock City tuning in as of late we're starting to grow some listeners out in Tejas and one of my favorite states, the state of Texas, in Tennessee.
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We got some folks out in Tennessee, so I'm excited to see some places that I'm passionate about tuning in.
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So that's pretty damn cool.
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So I just want to say thank you to those new listeners that are climbing aboard this rock and roll love train.
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I appreciate you and send me a message sometime.
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Y'all Drop a line man, say hey, and who you are, introduce yourself and all that goodness.
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And send me a message sometime.
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Y'all Drop a line man, say hey, and who you are, introduce yourself and all that goodness.
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And one of these days I'll actually remember to write down some more cities and states, because that'd be a lot more useful than me just rambling on the microphone like I'm doing right now.
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But welcome to all y'all new listeners and to my day ones, to my OGs, to my original ones.
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Get your ones up.
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Thank you for tuning in, thank you for listening, thank you for being part of this Loud, proud American ride to Valhalla, the spiritual journey that we're on.
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That is properly, precisely, beautifully, perfectly named Share the Struggle.
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I appreciate each and every one of you.
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Everybody struggles and there is strength in each and everybody's struggle, as long as you have the courage to share it with the world, and that's what we're doing here, boys and girls.
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So, without further ado, I'd like to share with you my weekend.
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I couldn't think of anything cool to rhyme that with, but we just wrapped up a super successful weekend, really excited't think of anything cool to rhyme that with, but we just wrapped up a super successful weekend, really excited about it.
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Want to share some things with you.
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So Saturday morning was the first big event of the weekend.
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We headed out to Ledgeway Farm, 140 Stage Road, pittston, maine, out to the home of Matt and Sarah Perkins.
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You guys have heard me talking about this for a few weeks leading up to this event, something that I was really excited about, and I just wanted to say that we were excited and eager to go to this event, regardless of any financial gain, right?
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We love Matt and Sarah.
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We are firm believers, big supporters of their brand and their products.
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So being asked to be a part of this event, that's a home run.
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We're excited to be there and the people that tend to gravitate to, matt and Sarah.
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They're just all great people.
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So for us, just being there, just being involved, is something that we were happy to do, right.
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So when you sprinkle in some finances into that equation it makes it even sweeter.
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And I'm just going to let the cat out of the bag and say we had a really great, successful event there and super surprising to you, because what you go into it with, like I said, I wasn't going in there with this grand illusion of what I needed to make, because I was just happy to be there.
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Sometimes I think that maybe that's the philosophy, right.
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Sometimes, if you go into things and you're just happy to be there and in the end they just kind of turn out all right, then that's what it's all about.
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But I think that the pressures of the real world right, the pressures of life, the high demand, the bills we got to pay, the standards we got to keep up, right, those things get in the way.
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If we could just roll into everything without expectation and without necessity, like I don't need to make this much money today, I'm just going to go here and have a great time, we'd probably do better at every damn event.
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But when you roll into things and you're like, hey, man, my mortgage depends on this, this depends on that, and this over here equals that over there, that frustration, I think that that gets to us right and I'm so guilty of this.
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I can go into an event and I can get all worked up about what I needed to make, what I expected to make, and if you're not on track to make what you really feel like you need to make, then that pressure gets to you and it changes you and it changes your approach.
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It changes how you relate to people, how you react to people, how you greet people.
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Whether you realize it or not, it just changes you because in the back of your mind, you're focused more on the sale than you are on the interaction.
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So I was really coming out of this event feeling pretty fantastic and inspired by the fact that we went into it without a necessity, right, like I need to make money.
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But I went into this just wanting to show up and to represent and to do right by my friends and it turned out to be a much greater financial success than I expected.
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So that was rather rewarding.
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I really needed that shot in the arm.
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That was great.
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So I was excited by that and I got to say the day started off perfect and then it began to rain and be kind of dealt with that moisture all day long and I think it really drove some of the crowds out and we still had a great turnout, we still had great success.
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But I just want to put it out there and say that if it didn't rain, it could have been tremendous.
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It could have been way greater than it actually was.
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I'm thankful for all that it was, but the potential exists for this event to be even bigger and better.
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So to my fellow vendors that were there and to Matt and Sarah for hosting it, a big old thank you for being there and for doing what you do and being a part of this, and just know that next year could be even bigger and better.
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So to Matt and Sarah, thank you so much for inviting us out to Ledgeway Farm, inviting out some other vendors that are friends of mine Walston Woodcraft, scott Pettengill and his family Scott owns Freedom Designs.
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Walson Woodcraft, pam and Paul for them being out there, and the fam over to Underdog Metal, kyle and Julia.
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It's really rewarding that we have built this traveling vendor family that we have that pulls for each other, that roots for each other, that tries to inspire each other.
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It's really rewarding man.
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I often think about all the way back to my first event that I ever did, like my first fair.
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So let me share this little ironic story with you because it's something that I think about and just kind of shows you the growth of your business, of brand, and then it really makes you feel, uh, fulfilled that you're accomplishing something, that you're building something.
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So the first fair if I focus in on fairs, because this group of vendors is kind of what we focus on the first fair I ever did as a business was the Osprey Valley Fair and we're coming up full circle here because we're probably about 50 days away from that fair, coming back around on the calendar.
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So it's coming right up.
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And just to kind of put some things in a perspective, I'll just kind of paint a little picture for you.
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That was my first ever fair.
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I went there and I had a 10 foot display.
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They put me on a little side road off the beaten path.
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My success was definitely hindered by my location.
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The organizers actually came to me and said hey, man, seeing you.
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We would have much rather put you somewhere else, but this is kind of the starting spot for all of our first time vendors, so it is what it is.
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Next year we'll move you over on to Main Street here and that event it rained like a bastard.
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We lost one whole day to rain and I was sleeping in our ambulance.
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And actually me and my mom did the first part of this fair and then my wife came to help out the second half and my mom went home.
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So me and my mom came to help out the second half and my mom went home.
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So me and my mom.
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Imagine us sharing a air mattress inside of a freaking ambulance.
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All my inventory because I only had a 10 foot tent was outside of my ambulance and my camping spot, covered with two canopies and tarps and totes, trying to keep it dry.
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There was no place to go.
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When the fair shut down, for a few hours I slept outside in the pouring rain in a lawn chair.
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It was trying times, right, and we were alone.
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We didn't know anybody, we didn't have any relationships with anybody and we made the best of it and at the end of it we felt that we truly had a successful event and we've gone back every single year since then.
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What I want to say about that is that when I literally just speak of the fair itself, the following year they moved me over to a better location right on Main Street and it's a great location.
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I love my location there and I always write on my paperwork that please don't change me.
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I love this spot.
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And over the weekend I was a little nervous about losing my spot because there's other vendors coming in and all these sort of things.
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And yesterday the fair organizers actually shared my business page and said you know, one of our vendors look forward to having them back and you guys to come see them.
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And they showed some pictures and stuff.
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And you think about it and say and you guys to come see them.
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And they showed some pictures and stuff.
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And you think about it and say, here's this fair, that I was the new guy on the block and now they're showcasing me and my product.
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And since being there I've actually tried to bring other vendors along and last year Walson Woodcraft joined up and I got them to be able to sit alongside me and Underdog Metal was in one of the vendor craft barns there and this year they sent an email and asked about being on the main drag and being next to me and it's really just gratifying to have them write back and be like I'll do the best I can to put you right across the road from Keith this, this and that they know me, they know my brand, they know my location, they know my spot.
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That's a big accomplishment.
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And I went from one 10 by 10 tent to when I roll into the event this time around I'm going to have 20 by 20.
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So you know, you're four times the size that you once were.
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That in itself is is fulfilling.
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What's even more fulfilling, what's even more gratifying, is those relationships and connections that you made, because before we did all of that on our own right, at that first ospie valley fair, a man came into my tent, introduced himself, looked around, we sharedries and then he said he would come back and get something.
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He gave me his card and a few hours later he was in there talking again and that man was none other than Matt Perkins, owner, operator of Ledgeway Farm, him and Sarah Obviously they own it together and that one conversation led to this relationship that I have, this family feel and connection that I have with Matt and Sarah and their entire family.
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That all came from that one conversation, from that one rainy, freaking weekend in a 10-foot tent when I was at Ledgeway Farm and we were packing up all of our stuff and we're all gathered around.
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You have to take a moment to be present and to be thankful and to realize all that's happened and all that's come from the fruits of your labor.
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You understand, it's not always financial, it's about the relationships, it's about the connections and the difference that it makes on you and your life.
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So for me to be standing there with this family of vendors, right that we've all started as strangers and here we are now connected and united at the hip, it's pretty powerful.
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And at the end of the day, you know we were packing up our tent and everybody was helping us.
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You know Pam and Paul and Pete and Scott and Lindsey being oh so pregnant and so close to delivery everybody closing up the tent and Matt's over there helping and Kyle and Julia from Underdog and my mom we're all just kind of packing up my wife, we're all doing all these things and it was just so rewarding.
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Kyle and Julia knew that we were headed to another event and they said hey, it's not too far from us.
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Would you like us to come down there and help you set up, which is a tremendous offer?
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I obviously said no, because they have their own obligations and commitments and they just had a long busy day as well, so I didn't take them up on that, but it's so rewarding to know that you have that opportunity and that you have those abilities and that you have this support system.
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The next day, at our next event, the people from Freedom Designs Scott, lindsay and Pete.
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They came out, spent some time with us and then they hung around and helped us pack up because they knew I needed to get out of there as quickly as I could to make it over to a funeral, and they raided around to make sure they could help us get there on time.
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Man, that stuff is what it's all about, guys.
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That's what it's all about.
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It's not always about the transactions and the dollars and the cents.
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It's about the relationships and that's what makes the most sense when it comes to small business and what's right about this country and the reasons why that I am a true, loud, proud American, because there's not many places on this great earth that you could go to and have these relationships, these abilities and these opportunities so pretty damn eye-opening thing.
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So again, thanks to everybody that came out to Ledgeway Farms open house.
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I appreciate it.
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This has been a fun little thing for us because we've been doing these one-day events and we've been doing them out of my dad's pickup truck and it's the three of us right now doing some of these events.
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So imagine a single-cab pickup truck with my pregnant wife riding in the middle and my mom on the outside and we just load up and head up and go make it happen.
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So Saturday we headed out.
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We left here I don't know what time it was, man, maybe like 7am or so headed out to Matt and Sarah's set up for the event.
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The event went till three o'clock.
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We packed up everything and then we drove out to Bonnie Eagle high school, which was about an hour and 20 minutes or so away from Ledgeway Farm.
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And we got there and it was raining and it was miserable, but we found our spot and we put up our tent and we just tied in our grid walls for weight to kind of hold things down.
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What was really cool is the woman that was organizing all of this.
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That handles the bulk of the car show and, and you know, works with all the vendors.
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She come rolling in, uh, to check on vendors and to, uh, you know, get things prepared for the next morning.
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And I was tying up some grid wall inside my tent and, uh, this car pulls up and starts talking to my wife.
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When I look and I was like who is this lady?
00:21:02.971 --> 00:21:04.163
She's wearing one of my sweatshirts.
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I must know who she is.
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And I went over to start talking to my wife and I look and I was like who is this lady?
00:21:06.510 --> 00:21:07.253
She's wearing one of my sweatshirts.
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I must know who she is.
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And I went over to start talking to her and it was the lady that runs the actual event, michelle, and I was like, oh my God, you have one of our sweatshirts.
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And she's like, yeah, I got one of your sweatshirts.
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A friend got me the first one.
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And then we, you know, kind of find you guys at the fair.
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So when we started corresponding, I think it was her son that notified her who we were.
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So she was really excited to have us there.
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Man, that's a humbling feeling, that's a great feeling that this person that you don't even know who's in charge of all of these things is a loyal supporter of your business and your brand.
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That in itself was pretty cool.
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We knew at that point hey, man, this is going to be okay, this is going to work out for us.
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So we started getting all those things kind of buttoned up, tightened down.
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And then we come home, make dinner I think we were having dinner about nine o'clock at night and then I had to go back to my office and finish writing my eulogy for Big Al my godfather, if you listened to last week's show so we went over and I finished the eulogy and then came home and got a little bit of sleep and then I was up at 5 am to load a few more things into the truck and get on the road to our next event.
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So we get to Bonnie Eagle in the morning, start setting up.
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We got about an hour to finish our layout before the day starts and it started off good and then it was just overcast, cold and rainy and it pretty much rained the entire day.
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But it turned out to be a pretty damn successful event for us.
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When it was all said and done.
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We had a few people that came in that made the difference, that made the financial difference on the day.
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And you know you mix in some of your loyal supporters that come out to see you as often as they can and they're buying things.
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And you know we introduced ourselves to some new people and again it ended up being a successful event and overall on the weekend I think we exceeded our expectations on what we expected or what we hoped for, and it was just a really good feeling.
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It's a good shot in the arm to get the season going.
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And you know, just like the open house at Ledgeway, you leave there saying to yourself with some dry weather, with a little bit of sun, this could be even better.
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I'm going to tell you this I'm hopeful this season doesn't go a lot like last year where every damn time we set up it's raining because we're already off to that kind of start.
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So that better change, that better change real quick.
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But again it was successful.
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It was another good event for us and, as I said, Scott Lindsey Pete, they helped us pack up and and, as I said, scott Lindsay Pete, they helped us pack up and we rolled out of there as quickly as we could to head over to the funeral.
00:23:49.431 --> 00:24:02.333
I literally got all the way down to my underwear in a parking lot at a Hannaford, standing in a puddle changing my clothes, as my wife, she actually was a smart one and went inside and used the bathroom, but I didn't give that any consideration.
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I was already getting down and dirty, trying to change uh into something uh proper and appropriate.
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And, uh, we went into the uh funeral and, um, the tough thing was that, you know, I was kind of cutting it close, so I didn't have a lot of time to really settle in and, to you know, gather my thoughts and regulate my emotions.
00:24:26.383 --> 00:24:37.053
It was more or less like we're about to get going and here's a bottle of water and, um, everybody sit down and Kyle's up giving his speech and then he's calling me up.
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So it was difficult.
00:24:39.644 --> 00:25:22.226
It was a real difficult speech and, um, it was a great deal of what you guys heard from last week's episode, mixed in with some things that I realized over the course of the week, some super human powers that my godfather possessed, that I tried to relate to everybody in the room, some lessons that we could all take from such a difficult situation, like the opportunity to no matter how difficult the situation could be, the opportunity to laugh and I did the best thing I could and the best way I could to make everybody laugh, but also love and respect and honor my Godfather at the same time.
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And we talked about prioritizing things in your life and the fact that he always prioritized his family and the fact that he was one of the hardest working people that has ever lived.
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But he didn't work that hard so his life would be easier.
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He worked that hard so the lives of the ones he loved would be easier than his.
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And those are honorable qualities.
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And the last superhuman power was to love, because the only thing bigger than his laughter was his heart and he loved unconditionally and he was willing to show the people he cared about just how much he loved him.
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So those are those three superhuman powers that I truly feel like my godfather possessed, and that there are three keys to life and three secrets to live a fulfilling life.
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That, if you can enact those things, that no matter how difficult any situation, no matter how trying any day, there's always an opportunity to laugh.
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And if you can identify that opportunity to laugh, it'll pull you through.
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It'll get you through the deepest, darkest of times, the most difficult of days.
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All you got to do is just find a way.
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Find a way and an opportunity to laugh and to truly prioritize what's important in your life.
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Prioritize your family.
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And when I say family, there's a lot of family that we don't need to prioritize.
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There's a lot of family in my life that I've cut out, but the ones that are important to you, the ones that mean the most to you, the ones that are the biggest part of you, prioritize them.
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And I've said this many times, many ways that I heard this quote somewhere along the way.
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But in 40 years, the only people that are going to remember the fact that you worked late are your kids, your old boss and coworkers.
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They're not going to think about how late you worked.
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They're not going to think about all the hours and shifts you pulled.
00:27:08.955 --> 00:27:12.486
Your kids are your kids, are man, your wife, your husband.