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Nov. 25, 2020

Gratitude attitude 020

Gratitude attitude 020

Before you gobble till you wobble it's important to be thankful and establish a gratitude attitude. You attract more blessings when you are thankful for the blessings you do have. The Holiday season puts life in perspective and slows Keith down long enough to acknowledge all his blessings. This time of reflection inspires a Thank you bomb, a nontraditional wave of acknowledgment. When you take the time to craft a heartfelt personalized thank you for the people in your life that are important to you. The key to the thank you bomb is dropping it on them when they don't expect it, a random thank you that does not fall on the prescribed typical days like a holiday or a Birthday. You will be surprised by what happens when you tell someone how much they mean to you when they least expect it. When you feel positive you act positive and when you act positive you spread positivity. You attract what you believe so stop focusing on your problems and start believing in all your possibilities. Take time to give thanks and be grateful every day.
