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john stallone

john stallone Profile Photo


Hello, I am the VP for Howl for Wildlife and I am reaching out to you because I would like to be a guest on your podcast to help reach hunters and anglers with this message. “That it is important to get involved in all hunting and fishing related legislation whether or not it’s in your state or it directly affects you.” I can get this point across in 5-10 mins and make the remainder of the podcast the subject of your choosing by sharing tips, tactics, stories etc. ( I am well versed in elk, predator, deer and all things bow) or make we can do the whole podcast on the importance of being involved and what’s at stake. I appreciate your consideration and hope to speak with you soon.

Thank You
John Stallone
Host Of Days In The Wild Podcast
VP HOWL For Wildlife
Host of Days in the Wild TV
Days In The Wild Outfitters
Marketing Director The Hunting Channel

480 772-6847
