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Welcome to Share the Struggle Podcast.
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Today is episode 221, and we are looking to have a little Fry-Burg-Fair fun for episode 221.
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What's going to happen on today's show I don't know.
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I am too damn tired to make any promises.
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But what I can guarantee is that the streak continues.
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So today we are recording, yet again from the insides, the confines of the camper that's right, what my wife commonly refers to as Matilda, aka our travel camper.
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So buckle up, buttercup, and let's see what comes up.
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Let me tell you something everybody struggles.
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The difference is some people choose to go through it and some choose to grow through it.
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The choice is completely yours.
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Which one you choose will have a very profound effect on the way you live your life.
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If you find strength in the struggle, then this podcast is for you.
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Do you have a relationship that is comfortable with uncomfortable conversations?
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Uncomfortable conversations challenge you, humble you and they build you.
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When you sprinkle a little time and distance on it, it all makes sense.
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Most disagreements they stem from our own insecurities.
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You are right where you need to be.
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I'll take on for the fight, I'll risk my way to battle.
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Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh.
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What it do, what it hot diggity do.
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Good Lord, am I some excited to be back with you?
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Oh, it's true, it is damn true.
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Today's episode of Share the Struggle Podcast just happens to be 221, and I hope we are all geared up for some fun because, man, the Freiburg Fair has just begun.
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I'm recording this on a Monday it's actually Woodsman's Day here at the Freiburg Fair, which just happens to be one of the busiest days of the fair, but it tends to be the recording day for me because this is when we do shift change with the family.
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So my wife usually works with me on the tail end of the week, going into opening day on Sunday, and my wife's always here doing the setup with me and then she works opening day and then most of Woodsman's day and she goes home and usually returns to work and, uh, my mother will come in and spend, uh, the rest of the weekdays with me.
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But the wife is out on baby leave, right, maternity, paternity, I don't know the damn difference, but she don't have to work right now, y'all, because her full-time gig right now just happens to be paisley's servant at her beck and call.
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So the wife wife's going to go home with the baby, which is going to be a tremendous challenge for me because it'll be my first time away from me.
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Baby, me, little, little baby.
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You're going to take me.
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Baby, good Lord, my wife's going to take my baby.
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That's a tragic day.
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Y'all I've been trying not to think about it.
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Trying not to think about it, I mean I might sleep a little longer, but my feelings ain't going to be any stronger.
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You know what I'm saying.
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I don't know what that means.
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I blacked out.
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I am so sleep deprived right now and I'm just running on hopes and dreams and aspirations and perspiration, because currently I'm sweating quite a bit and I have the air conditioner off on the camper because I'm trying to create the best recording atmosphere possible.
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So please do know, as poorly as we might sound today, we could be sounding worse, but I could be sitting cooler in the AC.
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But I'm sacrificing for you.
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Okay, that's something you can take for granted for me.
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Sacrifices, I will sacrifice and I will sweat for the benefit of each and every one of you.
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What I can't guarantee is all the surround sound noise going on.
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I got a camper roommate behind me over here.
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I've never met these folks.
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I don't know who they are, but they're rummaging through the cooler left and right out here and I think they're preparing to barbecue.
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So I can't guarantee what kind of background effects we're going to hear.
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I can't promise you you're not going to hear helicopters going over because they're doing helicopter rides all day long.
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I can't promise you you're not going to hear all kinds of craziness.
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What I can tell you that you're not going to hear is cartoons in the background, which scared the bejesus out of me, because I sat down here, got ready to record and I was like who be in my camper?
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Who is in here, okay, what be happening in this camper?
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And I snuck down the hallway and TV was on and cartoons were on, which is an extreme change of pace for me in my life.
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So, wow, what a difference in the life and times of the lab proud American business and the man at the front of the business.
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Hot damn things are different.
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And I got to be honest with y'all.
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We're keeping the streak alive, we're going to 21 and we're going to have some fun.
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But I can't stay on here for too long today because if I painted a proper picture for you.
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It means that my mother and my wife are running the tent on one of the busiest days of the year, which is all great and all, but we're going to also sprinkle in a little little baby.
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We're going to sprinkle in the fact that they got to take care of Paisley at the same time.
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So I'm sure it's a high level of difficulty, and my wife wants to get home before it gets dark, so so she could take care of all the chores.
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But I wanted to keep keep things jiving and I wanted to keep things living on.
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I wanted to keep the streak going on.
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So I wanted to come on here and, uh, shoot a little update for y'all and give a little insight to all y'all.
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Okay, I think I might've met my quota on how many times I'm allowed to say y'all on a recording.
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Someone did the best I can to, you know, leave that little ditty behind.
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But no promises, cause I do believe part of me was born in the South.
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I just can't explain it, but I can't hide it or deny it.
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So, anywho, we are a day and a half in at the Freiburg Fair and it's crazy that we're here, and you probably heard a lot of that from our voices last week, talking about just how quickly we arrived at the fair and just how different life is this year at the fair.
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Not to, you know, rehash an entire episode from last week.
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But today, this day that we're recording, actually marks the last time that I saw my dad outside of a hospital.
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Today is the last day.
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365 days ago, today was the last time that I saw my dad outside of a hospital and I told y'all last week I had a little bit of a damn.
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It Did.
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I say y'all no, no, I couldn't have.
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I said all there's no, no, why on the front of it?
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No, ye, I think I I mean, I don't know, I might've let it slip by if I didn't bring it right back up like I just did.
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But the point I'm trying to make here is one year ago today was the last time I saw my dad outside of the four walls of a hospital, and he was so happy.
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It was one of the best days I can remember for him.
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He was so proud to be here.
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He was so proud to be here showing off everything that we've built, the business that we've built and the brand that we're growing.
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My dad was so, so happy about seeing us and being able to enjoy the moment with us, and I'm never going to forget that.
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It's truly bittersweet because, as I previously mentioned, this is the last thing that I'm going to do for the first time without my dad, because after this, this is when life changed.
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Everything changed.
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For me, today was the last day that I saw my dad on the outside enjoying himself, living life the way I always remembered him living his life, because in just a couple of days, I would get a phone call from my Uncle Mike telling me hey, I just got a phone call that I need to get to the flea market.
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Your dad's getting rushed to the hospital and, ironically, one of the last people I saw before I walked back to the camper today to record was my Uncle Mike.
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He's here with the family and this is a life circle moment for you.
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Let's just put a little perspective on this.
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Let's sprinkle a little perspective on this moment, because one year ago today, my father was at the Freiburg Fair, the last time that we did anything together, and one year later my uncle is here.
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Who is the person that called me to tell me my dad was sick, that rushed to my dad's side and then brought him to the hospital.
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That same person Mike Packard, is here today made the trip to the Freiburg Fair today to meet my daughter today.
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Man, I don't uh, I don't know how to put all this stuff into perspective and I don't know how to process all of this, and I think it's a great combination of being a new parent with a newborn and just being a touch sleep deprived and at the beginning of the biggest event of the year for your business, the one that has all the pressure, the one that you depend on.
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This event this next week keeps me in business or puts me out of business.
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All the pressure in the world is on this week, so it's hard to process things, it's hard to understand certain things, but to really legitimately think how much my life has changed in a year.
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I can't help but keep asking myself how did I get here?
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How did I get here?
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Last year I was here and there wasn't a worry in the world other than the normal pressure of staying in business.
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My family was intact, my father was healthy, my mother was healthy.
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A few days later, mike would call me and it would start a whirlwind for me, a downward spiral for me.
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This would set up all these times going back and forth to the hospital multiple times a day, all the trips to different hospitals and appointments, not knowing what man I was going to see, if it was going to be the one that was my here-to-since-birth for the first 41 years of my life, or was it going to be someone that didn't recognize me?
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Was it going to be someone that despised me, that blamed me, or someone that loved me?
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It's so hard to think about what I was about to go through.
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I remember this week vividly last year when I was processing all the pain and all the fear and all the emotions.
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If you're not a loyal listener, if you're not a day one listener, if you haven't heard this whole story, then I encourage you to go back and listen and go through some of this, grow through some of this with us.
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If you've been through any amount of loss, I would encourage you to go back and listen.
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If you find yourself having difficulty grieving, then go back and listen.
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And the reason why I say this is not because I'm some beacon of hope.
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The reason why I say this is because there is strength in everybody's struggle.
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The difference in life is that we all go through struggles, but some of us choose not to share those struggles.
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Some of us choose to swallow those struggles.
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So if you are going through something, I encourage you to grow through something.
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And if you can find safety in numbers, if you can find strength in a story, then go back and listen and be a part of my pain and my journey.
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I will tell you, if you've never listened to the podcast before, that we literally pushed record on my phone as I gave my father's eulogy and then we put that episode out for everybody to listen to, and I did that because I wanted my father's memory to live on.
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I wanted his legacy to live on.
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I wanted people to always know how much he meant to me.
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I wanted people to always know that he is and was and always will be a hero to me.
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And one of the reasons why I put that episode out there was that to hopefully put things into the universe that will always remain in the universe, because if I can record something and I can publish something, then I don't need to depend on somebody else to remember something or to repeat something, because it can always be left available for listening consumption.
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And I'm saying all of this because at the time that I did it, I told myself if you could have the strength to go through this, not only can you honor your father, not only can you literally just immortalize his memory, but you can create a legacy and you can create a history of your father for your son or daughter, for his grandson or granddaughter.
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If things were to ever work out that I would become a father, for me to be sitting here recording inside this camper and realizing I am a fatherizing that one year later, my uncle, mike the same one that called me on the phone to tell me he was rushing my father to the hospital drove here to meet my baby at the fair man.
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Today's been a whirlwind.
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We started the day off with my aunt and uncle showing up, my cousin showing up, everybody hanging out out back of the tent at picnic tables, just meeting Paisley and celebrating her and sharing her and everybody just taking it all in.
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And I'm busy, I'm just going strong inside the tent and I turn around and just see my family holding my daughter.
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And I'm busy, I'm just going strong inside the tent and I turn around and just see my family Holding my daughter.
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Man, it's something that I never imagined, even as I started to dream about this potentially happening someday.
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The reality of it happening, it's hard to process, y'all.
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It's hard to process and damn it.
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I told you today's episode was going to be fun.
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It wasn't going to be tears, it wasn't going to be emotions, right, so I got to snap out of this.
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But the thing is I can't help but think about the difference.
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I can't help but think about who I was last year and who I am this year.
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I'm doing the exact same things.
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I'm in the exact same spot, I'm taking the exact same steps, I have the same level of pressure, everything's there right, but we've flipped the script because my dad's not here but my daughter is.
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Last year, when my dad got rushed to the hospital, my wife ran to be by his side and then we quickly realized that my mom needed to be by his side and the decision that was made for the family was for me to remain at the fair and to make profit, to make opportunities, to keep our business and our family safe by making a living.
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And I stayed here and I got the updates and I worked by myself and I was checked on and helped out by many, many people.
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But it was just me trying to make things happen, to process the emotion, to get through the day, you know, and to be at the fair.
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You're open from nine in the morning till nine at night and you have to get down there before nine in the morning to get set up, to get things taken care of, to get things restocked At night.
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You never leave on time as the fair gets later and later in the week.
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I'm here till 10, 1030 at night and then you're back down there at you know, 7.30, 8 in the morning.
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They're long-ass days and when you're not sleeping and you're trying to process all that emotion and you're fearful of being away from your family, it's a lot.
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And I remember so vividly what my nights were like.
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I remember what it was like to go back to camp by myself and bawl my eyes out.
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I remember the times that I had to just get away from the public and go to our stock trail, which at the time was an ambulance.
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I had a 1994 Ford ambulance, just full of inventory, and I made a little path in there and I laid a bunch of totes and boxes down and I remember being strong.
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I remember being strong for my mother before she left to go see my dad and I went to the truck to get inventory and I just laid on a pile of boxes and I bawled my eyes out Like a child, scared and fearful.
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Now, this year, I don't have a Ford ambulance.
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I actually now have a Chevy school bus and I walk on that bus and every time I go in there to get inventory and I'm grabbing things.
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All I think about is last year being in that box truck, that ambulance, piled up on a bunch of boxes, crying my eyes out and I keep thinking last year your world was ending.
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This year there's a new beginning, because this year when I get inventory and I rush back to the tent, my little beautiful 27-day day old daughter is there waiting for me.
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Y'all damn it, you all.
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Life is fucked.
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It is man.
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It's painful, it's beautiful, it's demanding, it's rewarding.
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I can't explain it, but trying to process it has not been easy.
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What has absolutely helped me tremendously and made a difference for me is all the support and love for me and my family.
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These two days at the fair have been so special, such a blessing, and overwhelming at the same time.
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I can't even believe the love and support.
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We've had so many people come in the tent to see our baby, to meet our baby, to congratulate us, to bless us, to give gifts to us.
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It's incredible, dude.
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It's absolutely incredible.
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I've had people come in the tent that I did not know, like I don't have a close relationship with, I don't have a personal relationship with, but they've met us somewhere along the road at an event.
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They follow us on social media, they followed our journey and they wanted to stop in the fair to see our baby.
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That's amazing.
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It's over the top.
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All the family that we've made on the road, the vendors that have become family, coming in to see the baby, to bring gifts to the baby.
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It's amazing, matt and Sarah Perkins bringing stuff over for the baby.
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It's, it's amazing, matt and Sarah Perkins bringing stuff over for the baby.
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You know, um, candy and Larry coming over bringing things over for the baby.
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Everybody just coming in to bring love to the baby.
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My aunt showing up for the baby, like we're at the fair selling stuff.
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Y'all be bringing gifts, you're, you're coming into the gate gate hiding gifts for us.
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It's tremendous.
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The love and the support is overwhelming.
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It's funny because the past day and a half have felt like the busiest two days that we've ever been in business.
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But in reality, one of the reasons why it feels so busy is because every single person that we know has come in to see our baby.
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Whether they're buying something or not, they're coming in to shower us with love and to spend time and to say congratulations.
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We've been involved in so many conversations, so many handshakes, so so many hugs, so much love that at the end of the day, man, your emotions are tapped, they're used up, because not because they're drained, but because they're overflowing.
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Man, like the top is off, we are overflowing.
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I can't accept no more love y'all.
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It'd just be pouring out of us.
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It's, it's tremendous, it is absolutely tremendous.
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One thing that I must say y'all know how, know how, damn it, why do I keep doing that?
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Son of a biscuit gosh, dang it.
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It's only because I called myself out, because I pointed it out.
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It's gonna continue to happen.
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What was I even talking about now?
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Shit, I gotta go back and listen to what I was saying.
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Ah, confessional.
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A true professional would go back and edit that out, but I'm not the fair and I've only slept for a handful of hours.
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Consider it comedic gold.
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Here's the confession.
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Here's the truth.
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I'm going to take my left hand and I'm going to place it on the Cabela's catalog and I'm going to look to the sky and preach some truth from the sky Full on confessional.
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We might have underestimated how much of a challenge a newborn and the busiest event of the year would be at the exact same time.
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Oh my God.
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Hey, no excuses, we are doing it.
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Okay, we are making shit happen, but the difficulty level is far greater than it was before.
00:22:25.327 --> 00:22:28.825
The old difficulty meter is certainly riding on high.
00:22:28.825 --> 00:22:47.994
And speaking of riding on high, the wife and I certainly are riding on high because opening day this year, year 2024, freiburg Fair Sunday opening day just happened to be the greatest opening day we have ever had as vendors here at the fair.
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We set a new personal record as the best opening day we have ever had at the fair.
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It truly felt like one of the busiest days I've ever had.
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At the end of it we didn't finish with the best total we've ever had at the fair.
00:23:05.087 --> 00:23:11.688
We went off by a great amount, but it wasn't our highest dollar amount, but it felt crazy busy.
00:23:12.256 --> 00:23:18.388
As I was saying, all of our friends and family coming in to meet little Paisley, to say hi, to say congratulations.
00:23:18.388 --> 00:23:31.646
You're navigating all that while also going through all the sales and taking care of all the customers and we have to kind of let's just say like divide and conquer to make this work right.
00:23:31.646 --> 00:23:33.457
We have a newborn On Sunday.
00:23:33.457 --> 00:23:36.104
She's 27 days old, the wife's with her.
00:23:36.104 --> 00:23:44.279
You're going to have these moments where we can get her down, where she can sleep, and then we're both together trying to work, but everybody's coming in.
00:23:44.279 --> 00:23:55.799
So you're kind of navigating everything, but for the most part the wife's responsible for the baby, taking care of her, holding her, feeding her, changing her, cleaning her and I'm trying to navigate lines and make things happen.
00:23:55.799 --> 00:24:13.627
Let me just tell you there was times on Sunday when we were eight to 10 people deep waiting to cash out and the wife's right in the middle of having to take care of little Paisley, to the point where I am just completely on my own doing the best I can to navigate and to make it work.
00:24:14.455 --> 00:24:20.656
It was stressful, but a amazing rush, stressful, successful.
00:24:20.656 --> 00:24:21.440
You know what I'm saying?
00:24:21.440 --> 00:24:22.884
That's a t-shirt for y'all right there.
00:24:22.884 --> 00:24:24.356
Stressful, successful.
00:24:24.356 --> 00:24:26.480
We were getting after it.
00:24:26.480 --> 00:24:34.863
It was so busy and so crazy that we could not leave the tent to go to the bathroom until after three o'clock.
00:24:34.863 --> 00:24:41.907
So I got down there around eight it's not allowed to urinate, like how that rhymed until after three.
00:24:41.907 --> 00:24:45.759
We did not get a stitch of food to eat until after six.
00:24:45.759 --> 00:24:47.221
No breakfast, no lunch.
00:24:47.221 --> 00:24:48.243
Put it all together.
00:24:48.243 --> 00:24:55.767
Call it a lebrunch dinner, lebrunch dinner, lebrunch lunch dinner, lebr brunch dinner.
00:24:55.767 --> 00:24:56.628
That sounds sexual.
00:24:56.628 --> 00:24:59.194
I should not use that ever again.
00:24:59.194 --> 00:25:02.722
But we didn't get to eat anything until after six o'clock.
00:25:03.584 --> 00:25:05.909
There was around three o'clock.
00:25:05.909 --> 00:25:12.560
The wife says I have to go to the bathroom and she takes off of the bathroom little baby girl sleeping right.
00:25:12.560 --> 00:25:13.943
I'm doing what I got to do.
00:25:13.943 --> 00:25:14.807
I'm cashing people out.
00:25:14.807 --> 00:25:16.549
She starts fussing a little bit.
00:25:16.549 --> 00:25:20.242
I'm leaning over, putting the binky in her mouth, cashing people out.
00:25:20.242 --> 00:25:22.496
All of a sudden I get a little break in the line.
00:25:22.496 --> 00:25:24.378
She's losing it.
00:25:24.378 --> 00:25:26.462
I pick her up, get the bottle going.
00:25:26.462 --> 00:25:31.678
She's feeding, she's feeling good and now I'm five or six people deep in line.
00:25:31.678 --> 00:25:37.148
I am feeding little paisley with one arm, one hand and I'm trying to cash people out.
00:25:37.148 --> 00:25:40.765
Take credit card, fold sweatshirts, t-shirts, get them all out of here.
00:25:40.765 --> 00:25:42.319
That's what's going on.
00:25:43.556 --> 00:25:57.040
We are now entering meltdown mode and some friends of ours actually Allie's best friend, bestie, his parents are sitting behind us having some lunch or dinner and Candy comes in and says you want me to take the baby?
00:25:57.040 --> 00:25:59.523
And I says oh, yes, I do, thank you.
00:25:59.523 --> 00:26:08.041
She took little Paisley and started feeding her, so I was able to get back to the line, but it was like she knew that Mama left and I need to have a meltdown.
00:26:08.041 --> 00:26:12.079
The first time the meltdown started I got this line going.
00:26:12.079 --> 00:26:13.978
Mama must have just turned the corner and on.