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Aug. 3, 2022

Normalize Failure 108

Everything we touch does not turn to gold, we miss more shots than we make, and we end up with more strikeouts than home runs. The answer is not a participation trophy, the key isn't to look the other way. The secret is to never let success get to your heart and never let failure get to your heart. The most recent failure for Loud Proud American fuels today's episode and Keith's quest for success. In a world and society that glorifies success and shames failing, we must realize it takes a tremendous amount of failure to achieve success. Michael Jordan missed more than 9000 shots Babe Ruth was Struck-out 1330 times. Failure is Inevitable its time to normalize it and learn from it. Failure is not a great feeling but it is a great lesson and today's lesson is all about learning from failures and changing the way we process them. 

