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Politicians and media continue to lie, while us loud, proud Americans continue to try.
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Try to build a brand and prepare to be parents for the very first time.
00:00:14.813 --> 00:00:22.388
This week is a political, I told you so a brand update and a due date.
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Let me tell you something Everybody struggles.
00:00:25.646 --> 00:00:31.568
The difference is some people choose to go through it and some choose to grow through it.
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The choice is completely yours.
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Which one you choose will have a very profound effect on the way you live your life.
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If you find strength in the struggle, then this podcast is for you.
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If you have a relationship that is comfortable with uncomfortable conversations, uncomfortable conversations challenge you, humble you and they build you.
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When you sprinkle a little time and distance on it, it all makes sense.
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Most disagreements they stem from our own insecurities.
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You are right where you need to be Back on time.
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We can fight for us.
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We all take on what we're behind the whole day, gone from the fight Too fast and way too fast.
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Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh.
00:01:32.787 --> 00:01:36.950
What it do, what it diddly diddly do.
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Ha diggity.
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Damn, am I so excited to be back with you.
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How do you do, baby boo?
00:01:46.409 --> 00:01:49.365
Oh, I miss you.
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Oh, it's true, it's damn true.
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Wow, episode 211.
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As in 7-11, but with a 2 for 200.
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Because it's 211.
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With a 2 for 200, because it's 211, 211 consecutive weeks of the Loud, proud American podcast, properly, precisely, beautifully, perfectly named Share the Struggle.
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Because everybody struggles.
00:02:19.664 --> 00:03:10.431
And the truth is, if we are willing to share our struggles, if we have the ability to be transparent, share our struggles, if we have the ability to be transparent, to be vulnerable and to share our stories, to express our feelings, our emotions, our fears, our hopes, our desires, whatever it is that's right there in front of us, the stuff that we are struggling with, those things that we are growing through going through having the ability and the courage to say it, to express it, to share it, will provide strength, not only for the person that is being vulnerable, not only for the person that is sharing their story, but for anybody that's listening, because there is strength and safety in numbers, and that is the reason why we have been growing our numbers, week after week after week, 211 consecutive weeks to be precise.
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We gather here each and every week to share our stories, our fears, our hopes and our desires.
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And because of each and every one of you that continue to come back week to week, we continue on this spiritual road to Valhalla.
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Oh, I'm feeling kind of feisty, I'm feeling just a little bit spicy.
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To all my day ones out there, to all my original ones, to my OGs, the down and dirties that have been here since we went live 210 episodes ago, get your ones ones up.
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I acknowledge you, I appreciate you and I thank you.
00:03:46.455 --> 00:03:55.467
And to all of you that are tuning in for the very first time, I welcome you and I appreciate you and I truly hope that you, that you, stick around here.
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I truly hope that you join this, this positive tribe and this positive vibe that we are building, because I do believe we have something special.
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Don't forget to find all things podcast related over to wwwsharethestrugglepodcastcom.
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That's the infomercial portion of the day, right out the way, Just getting it done, putting it out there.
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Man, week to week things change.
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Week to week things evolve, right.
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We really always have that, what I like to call a raw, real-time response to life and all things life.
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So over the past few weeks we've had some political undertones and we're going to get into some of those things.
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Over the past month we've really kind of walked the line on business and brand a little bit.
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And if you widen that search a little and you start looking a few months back, my wife was here on the podcast and we were talking about our little one and the journey and it doesn't seem like it was all that long ago that we made the announcement that we were expecting and all those things are really starting to come to a boil here.
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All those things are really picking to come to a boil here.
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All those things are really picking up a head of steam here.
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That's kind of the well-rounded road trip we're going to go on today because I just want to touch base on all three of those things.
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The political stuff just continues to heat up.
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The business stuff is happening.
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We are in the middle of a quick little break between our road trips and all the craziness.
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I made some adjustments to my schedule that I want to make you all aware of and it seems like it wasn't that long ago that we were announcing we were expecting and hot damn that little D-Day, that due date, that date is quickly, fastly, aggressively approaching.
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Go time, man, am I in a world of panic?
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Let's just take that three-slice pie we were just talking about.
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Okay, imagine just a little mini pie.
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We're going to cut that sucker into thirds right.
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One-third, two-third, three-third.
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You know what I'm saying.
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Y'all know what I was doing there.
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The way of the world, the political stuff, that's one-third right.
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Think about all the crazy shit that's happening in this country right now.
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That right.
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There is enough to cloud your judgment and to send fears and hopes and despairs all in a run amok, right?
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Let's be honest, it seems like things are ever evolving and constantly changing and I'm not going to spend all day on this political stuff, but I am just going to say I believe I told you so when we had the first presidential debate, and it happened so early and it seemed like for the first time the Democrats just let their beloved golden boy go out there without help.
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They put him out there on the island, without cue cards, without wireless headsets, you know, without knowing the answers to the test.
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They let him go out there and they let him make a fool of himself.
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That was all by plan.
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They then had the time to turn the population that was still with him against him.
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For the first time, mainstream media turned against him, started to call for him to pull himself out of the race, started to make fun of all the blunders that he's been making, all those crazy things that he's been doing that they have turned another cheat to this entire time.
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Think about this he's doing the same shit today that he was doing on the first day.
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But now you want to acknowledge it today because you have a new agenda, because you have a new motive today.
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So we're going to acknowledge it.
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We're going to pull out and point out all the mistakes, all the failures, all the fuck ups, all the mess ups, the goof ups, all the uncomfortable stuff that he does.
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We're going to put all Biden's woes out there for everyone to see.
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We're going to call into question his health and all these things that the rest of us have been saying the entire time.
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This has been a setup, this has been a hoax.
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This has been a coup.
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How do you do?
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Okay, we all knew that he was not going to run.
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That's the reason why the debate happened so early.
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That's the reason why the debate happened so early.
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That's the reason why the media turned on him.
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That's the reason why his party turned on him.
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They set the bait and they pulled the trap.
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He decided air quotes.
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He decided meaning.
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They told him to meaning.
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He did what he had to do, which is, I really feel, like the common trend of this entire presidency.
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He's just been the puppet out in front of everybody while they're pulling the strings behind him.
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This is what I need everybody to understand.
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We're not going to stay on political nonsense today, but over the past few weeks, I think we've pointed out a few things, and one of the most important things is democracy.
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If you want a true, fair democracy, there's some things that we need to have happen.
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We need US citizens to vote.
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We need the ability to make sure it's only US citizens voting.
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We didn't open the doors to let in 10 million people to give them access to vote.
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We were to let in 10 million people to give them access to vote.
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We were misled, we were lied to, we were abused, we were used.
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This country was lied to.
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They let all these people in and they are working on giving them the ability to vote to steal another election.
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That is how we create a one party dictatorship.
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You understand we're pointing out these red flags If we start talking about what happened.
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And you look at last week's episode when we're recapping what happened in Pennsylvania how a hero lost his life, how Corey lost his life, they're protecting his family, our president nearly assassinated in front of live TV.
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There's no way that that's not an inside job.
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If anybody had any opportunity to watch some of the questioning for the head of the CIA, what an absolute joke.
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There's more that's going to come out about this if it is allowed to come out, because right now things are just getting swept under the rug.
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But this is an inside job.
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This is a cue.
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This has all been a part of their master plan.
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One chapter in that book, in that master plan, was just unleashed on the public yet again Joe Biden stepping out of the election race, making the decision.
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Air quotes that he needs to step out, that this is the time to unify his Democratic Party, to let Kamala Harris run and he's no longer fit for the job.
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That America's going to be in better hands with somebody else.
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That he understands the things that are going on and that he's aging.
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Here's the thing.
00:11:06.168 --> 00:11:13.000
If he's going to make these statements, these admissions, why the hell is he still the president?
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Okay, why can he be not fit to run for re-election but be fit enough to continue to sink the ship?
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Biden, we knew four years ago you weren't fit.
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I just have gotten tired of trying to make excuses and exceptions for the people that voted for you and decided that somehow, someway, by a miracle unknowns to man, you were fit, which clearly you weren't.
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But now that he's making that admission, why the hell is he still our president?
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Just putting it out there.
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But let me get back to the point and the task at hand and what it is that I want to drive home for everybody.
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This is one more attempt at a one-party run government.
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This is another attempt at dictatorship in this country.
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Let me explain to you, for those people out there that are arguing or making outlandish statements that Donald Trump is a threat to democracy, those people are a joke, because Democrats themselves, the political party, is in fact a threat to democracy.
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Democrats erased the entire primary system to replace a presidential candidate.
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The power of the voters was taken away.
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The Democrats staged an actual insurrection.
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Think about this.
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Why are we not talking about this?
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The American people had the opportunity.
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Whether you were Republican or Democrat, you had the opportunity to vote and elect your party's representative to run for president.
00:12:58.033 --> 00:13:09.621
The Republicans resoundingly elected, nominated voted for Donald J Trump elected, nominated voted for Donald J Trump.
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The Democrats resoundingly voted for Joe Biden to run on their behalf.
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What has happened here, america?
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They have the early debate.
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He comes out, he gets destroyed.
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They drag him in the media and he pulls himself out of the race.
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What does that result in?
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That results in the ability of 3,000 elite or so Democrats to make the decision, on behalf of all of America's Democrats, that Harris is your presidential candidate.
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That's the direction they're headed.
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Biden says this is what we're going to do, and all the crickets have jumped on board to say this is what we're going to do, jumped on board to say this is what we're going to do.
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America, I'm talking to all of you Americans that are Democrats.
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Did you realize that your own party just said we don't give a flying hoot about what you think?
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Y'all spent all this time going to the polls, sitting up, watching the news, looking for the results, hoping and pulling and praying for those results.
00:14:04.471 --> 00:14:08.986
News looking for the results, hoping and polling and praying for those results.
00:14:09.006 --> 00:14:09.970
Y'all put your time and effort into a primary.
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We don't give a shit about that primary.
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We don't give a shit about your opinion.
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We don't give a shit about your vote.
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Instead, after the primaries have been settled, we're going to take the power away from the people, put it back in the hands of the elites the Democrat elites and they're going to make a decision on who you get to vote for Not who you want to vote for, but who you get to vote for.
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That folks is an insurrection.
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That folks is a one-party dictatorship.
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Open your eyes.
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If you're a Democrat and you're listening to this and you're getting mad at me right now, I want you to understand.
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I'm just trying to open your eyes to something right now.
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Maybe Donald Trump isn't your fan favorite, but guess what?
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He is fighting for democracy.
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The Democrats are saying you don't have a choice.
00:15:00.610 --> 00:15:03.836
You need to vote for whoever it is we nominate.
00:15:03.836 --> 00:15:07.908
We don't care about your votes, you don't have a chance.
00:15:07.908 --> 00:15:10.254
I'm here to tell you you do have a chance.
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It's time to put a middle finger in the face of the establishment.
00:15:13.803 --> 00:15:21.284
You need to vote for Donald Trump, because any vote not for Trump is a vote against America.
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We have one option to save this country, and it is becoming abundantly clear.
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This is the only way we can go Gotcha Spin around and tackle so much more than that.
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The greatest kick in this mind is business for the kids.
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All right, all right, all right.
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Appreciate y'all for hanging in there with me.
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I apologize, for I think we've got three weeks of some political talk in there, but it's important, man.
00:16:07.094 --> 00:16:12.172
This is life-altering changes, right?
00:16:12.172 --> 00:16:14.686
These are heck, man.
00:16:14.686 --> 00:16:16.630
These decisions impact the world.
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Right, we need to be the world's leader and, with the chaos and the craziness that's happening, america's in jeopardy, with the chaos and the craziness that's happening, america's in jeopardy.
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These topics are so important because the future of this country and the future for our families, it's all in our hands right now.
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So we need to continue, occasionally, just to call the nonsense out on the carpet here and just to have some heartfelt, honest conversations, and that's what we're here to do.
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It's never been more important in my eyes selfishly to get America on track, because, for the first time, I'm about to be a parent, and this is something that I didn't really ever really know was going to happen, right?
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I mean, I guess nobody ever really knows for sure if they're going to be a parent.
00:17:04.977 --> 00:17:06.287
I mean, I guess nobody ever really knows for sure if they're going to be a parent.
00:17:06.287 --> 00:17:13.065
But some people just live their life with a greater desire to become a parent, and for me.
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I spent a great portion of my life not thinking that I ever wanted to be or knowing that I definitely wasn't ready to be.
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When I made the decision that I wanted to bring a child into this world, I began to look at this world through a different lens and start to worry about what we're going to leave behind, what we're going to leave for our children, how we're going to raise our children.
00:17:34.871 --> 00:17:46.904
So those things just make every topic a little more critical for me, and it's something that I spend a little more time analyzing, because I'm just worried about the future for little Paisley Reign and for anybody else out there.
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That's raising children.
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Right, and to be honest here, folks, this happens long before.
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If you're in my shoes and you're about to have a newborn, long before they're old enough to be making these decisions and being affected by the world.
00:18:00.872 --> 00:18:03.008
It's going to affect all of us, right?
00:18:03.008 --> 00:18:09.295
Think about the changes that's happened, the negative things that have happened in this country in the past four years.
00:18:09.295 --> 00:18:13.311
Those are the things that get you a little bit scared and nervous.
00:18:13.311 --> 00:18:18.507
But I'm looking at those things through a different lens because I'm about to be a dad.
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The day I'm recording this podcast is July 23rd, it's going to drop on a winning Wednesday, july 24th, and I'm just really a few short months away from being a dad.
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Our due date is September 15th and today we had another ultrasound.
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And today was one of those appointments where things just feel really real.
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Not to put those two things together, it's really real.
00:18:44.857 --> 00:18:47.988
It just doesn't sound right together.
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I don't know why it makes me just sound like an idiot, but today things just felt real.
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And, knowing that I had the appointment today to see Little Paisley, I pushed off recording the podcast until after the appointment Because I knew that I was going to feel a certain way.
00:19:05.637 --> 00:19:15.946
I knew there were some things that would happen at this appointment that would put life and philosophies and opinions and thoughts in a different perspective.
00:19:15.946 --> 00:19:21.865
Because here I am not being a dad, never being a dad about to be a dad.
00:19:21.865 --> 00:19:38.291
And when you come out of one of those appointments, one of those appointments where you actually get to see your child, when you actually get a little visual of what your wife was cooking in there, like what's you know, are we burning the turkey here?
00:19:38.291 --> 00:19:43.425
Okay, like are we going Christmas vacation on the turkey or is she looking good?
00:19:43.425 --> 00:20:03.144
So I knew today was going to be one of those days because I was going to actually get a visual and, based off of the fact that we're only a couple months out, I could really get a good glimpse of what my future is going to look like, what my baby is going to look like and man.
00:20:03.144 --> 00:20:04.710
Does that make things feel a little real.
00:20:04.710 --> 00:20:14.759
Baby's going to look like and man does that make things feel a little real man.
00:20:14.759 --> 00:20:16.002
It's one of those things where you're excited.
00:20:16.002 --> 00:20:17.787
You're so excited to finally get to see her, to meet her, to welcome her.
00:20:17.787 --> 00:20:35.429
You're also nervous because you're completely unprepared to be a dad, because I don't really know how to study up on being a dad, although I did get some amazing advice from a complete stranger over the weekend and this is going to kind of connect the dots on what we've been up to.
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Last weekend I was in Sebago Sebago Elementary School and we were there for Sebago Days.
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It's like a three-day little festival with fireworks and stuff, kind of a small little fair Not really a fair because they don't have animals, but they have like a midway with carnival games and vendors and entertainment and stuff like that and nice, beautiful little location and we got to meet some great people.
00:21:04.152 --> 00:21:07.042
It was a little slower than we hoped for, I'm going to be honest.
00:21:07.042 --> 00:21:25.840
Literally it feels like you spend three days waiting for three hours, and what I mean by that is you're there for three days and for all but three hours of those three days is really quiet, really slow, but in those three or so hours you make all the money you would make in the entire weekend.
00:21:25.840 --> 00:21:26.821
It's kind of kind of strange.
00:21:26.821 --> 00:21:29.047
But I had a cool moment happen.
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We had, um, a customer come in.
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I was actually able to park the loud, proud american express right behind the tent.
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So I was in the bus getting some inventory and my wife was in the tent and I heard somebody come in and start talking to her and say that we were recommended to him by a couple of friends, that he just bought a camper and he met these people and they were talking to him because he was wearing something patriotic and he's just a big Second Amendment guy.
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Him and his son go to like shooting competitions together and his oldest son does jiu-jitsu competitions and the whole family just really competitions together and his oldest son does jiu-jitsu competitions and the whole family just really sticks together.
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And he was telling my wife that he met some mutual friends of ours that were telling him hey, you need to know Loud Proud American.
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Like, have you ever heard of Loud Proud American?
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Do you have any of their stuff?
00:22:20.369 --> 00:22:21.840
If you've seen him, do you know about them?
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And he had no clue.
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And they gave him a little education about who we are and what we do and what we stand for.
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And then he was trying to find us on the internet and he said he finally located our website last night, the night before I'm seeing him.
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And he said here I am walking into this festival and I look right across the way and there you are, there's the tent, like my friends have been telling me about this person, this brand, this mission, and here you guys are, man Number one.
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What are the freaking odds on that?
00:22:51.748 --> 00:22:55.727
Okay, that's God's timing, right there, right.
00:22:55.727 --> 00:23:03.146
So I come out of the bus and I meet him and I shake his hand and try to introduce myself to the family and we just kind of hit it off and shoot the shit.
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And he actually, as he was cashing out, he pulled my business card out of his wallet and he said see, right here.
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I told you they gave me this card.
00:23:11.471 --> 00:23:18.431
I've been looking for you guys and, uh, I looked you up last night on the internet and today, here you are, like this is just meant to be.
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And while he was talking to us in conversation, uh, my wife had told him that you know we are expecting and that in a couple of months we're gonna have a little one, and he was so excited for us and I wish I could remember his name off the top of my head, but I I can't.
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I feel like a complete jerk, because he was a great guy and they had a great family and yeah.
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So it was just really cool.
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It was one of those moments where you kind of have to like pinch yourself a little bit because you're.
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Number one, the timing of the whole thing is incredible.
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Number two, the fact that somebody thinks enough about our brand to recommend us and to have conviction in recommending us and saying, hey, these people, these are your people, this brand is something that you can stand for.
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That just shows me that we're doing the right things.
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That just shows me that this mission has a reason.
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It shows me that everybody's responding to what we're doing and we're on the cusp of this really going somewhere.
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Everybody's responding to what we're doing and we're on the cusp of this really going somewhere, so all those like pinch yourself moments coming to fruition right there.
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But as my wife was talking to him about us about to become parents and he asked if it was our first, he said if I can give you any advice, it's this to be present, present, just always be present, just to show up and show them your highest of highs and your lowest of lows and explain to them your reason why, man, I'm about to be a dad, cluelueless about being a dad, receptive to all information about being a dad.
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So that information, those clues, those tidbits, that knowledge, that shit hit, that hit different, that one landed.
00:25:12.143 --> 00:25:13.866
You sunk my battleship with that one.