A light rain, Christmas candle, and a nacho plate set the mood for this week's episode. From hand carving a wedding gift, coming home to leaking sheetrock to an encounter with bad management Keith stresses the importance of keeping everything in perspective. He shares his technique for handling difficult situations, PPR perspective, patient, and realistic. Take yourself out of the situation and take the time to put everything in perspective. Your situation could always be worse when you compare a bad day to your worst day you will end up being thankful for today. Remain patient you are not the only one with shit going on and keep your expectations realistic.
Keith breaks down the worst type of managing style he can think of, blind management. Blind management is when you are just blind to it you can't see it any other way than your way. The difference between bad management and blind management is even a bad manager will occasionally see it another way. Blind management has two directions, my way or the wrong way they can't see it any other way.
Keith ends this week's episode by recapping how he dealt with being fired from his first major opportunity. The desire to chase a status instead of paying the bills. After many bad decisions, selling his prized positions he finds himself combining his skills with his passion.