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April 6, 2022

Raw real emotions as they happen 091

This week's episode of the share the struggle podcast is a difficult one to record. Keith planned a positive inspirational episode after a fulfilling weekend but after learning of the loss of two friends plans changed. Agonizing over the direction of the episode and struggling with his emotions Keith turns the microphone on and shares his wave of emotions raw, real, and as they happen. Dealing with the guilt of not spending time with a friend fighting for his life and processing the loss of two people gone before the age of 40. The vast difference between last week's episode celebrating the birthdays of a 6-year-old and 100 -year- old to today accepting the loss of two people. Motivated to spread a positive lesson Keith references an article from Rabbi Brian on rotb.org/grief Brian describes grief as the final stage of love, grief is love with no place to go.  He cautions that healing takes both time and attention you can put off the pain but you cannot, not experience it deferred pain gains interest. Keith sums up Brian's notes with his lesson on the law of comfort in dump out.

This is a heartfelt transparent message one that honors a great friend, mourns for two people gone too soon, and offers advice for everyone.
