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How does it feel when one of your favorite childhood TV shows identifies you as a racist?
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And what does it mean when a unifying topic, an obvious call to action, actually ends up doing the opposite and results in yet more protesting, more drama, more trauma, more hate and despair?
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But thankfully, I'm here to clear the air that and so much more on today's episode of Share the Struggle Podcast.
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Let me tell you something Everybody struggles.
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The difference is some people choose to go through it and some choose to grow through it.
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The choice is completely yours.
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Which one you choose will have a very profound effect on the way you live your life.
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If you find strength in the struggle, then this podcast is for you.
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Do you have a relationship that is comfortable with uncomfortable conversations?
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Uncomfortable conversations challenge you, humble you and they build you.
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When you sprinkle a little time and distance on it, it all makes sense.
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Most disagreements, they stem from our own insecurities.
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You are right where you need to be Back on time.
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We need to find what we need to find.
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We all take on what we find.
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Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh.
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What a day.
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What is hot, diddity-doo.
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Good Lord Almighty, am I so excited to be back with you?
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Oh, it's true, it is damn true.
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How you doing, y'all, how's everybody doing?
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Snowmageddon continues in the Northeast Yet another big-ass storm.
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Thankfully, I was able to get my tractor back together and handle.
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That Also created more opportunity for some deep thought.
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Deep thought, tractor seasons sessions, whatever you want to call it.
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We've talked about it for a few weeks now.
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Y'all Take advantage of that downtime, and I mean it's not downtime because you're busy, you're working, like if you're on the Northeast and you're moving snow around.
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I'm talking to you right now.
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Okay, if you're doing that mindless chore of moving snow, whether you're in a plow truck, you're on a tractor, you're behind a shovel, whatever it is put some knowledge in your ears, man, plug in, get those wireless earbuds or old school headphones, whatever it is, and just filter in some positivity.
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That's what I like to do.
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So that's the benefit of all this snow removal.
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I've been cram jamming positivity into my brain and it's got me feeling oh so positive.
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Except for partaking in media mainstream media, nonsense media, social media.
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I don't know why I do it, y'all.
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I don't know why I do it, and we're going to start off this episode of the podcast with a little conversation about a show that I used to love A show that was so critical to my upbringing.
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I know that sounds ridiculous, but it's true, it's damn true.
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Let me set the scene for you, america, as a young kid.
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Let's just say that I struggled mentally with making friends.
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I was a really shy kid growing up, believe it or not, and my parents actually encouraged me to kind of come out of my shell and in doing so they actually taught me how to sell.
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I know this sounds kind of strange, but when I was a little kid you think back to the holiday season right, it's Christmas time and I used to make these Christmas ornaments Like some were out of, like little beads and pipe cleaners, and you make candy canes and wreaths and stuff like that.
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So I would make these little Christmas crafts as a young little lad.
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And my parents used to always go to Dunkin' Donuts and hang out with their friends and have coffee every evening.
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So, first off, my social group was a elder group.
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Okay, I had no problem talking to adults.
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I think it was kids that I kind of struggled with, but even then I still wasn't really comfortable approaching strange adults.
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Does that make sense?
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My parents' friends I had no problem holding court and telling jokes with them.
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But if I didn't know you, I really got shy and just kind of bottled up and just kind of shut down a little bit.
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So my parents actually encouraged me to do these arts and crafts and I would stand outside the Dunkin' Donuts while my parents were drinking coffee and I would sell my arts and crafts and whatever I would make from those sales I would use that on my Christmas gifts, like I would buy my parents gifts you know, siblings gifts, things like that.
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So that tradition started with me as a really young kid and as I got older that molded into like more crafts, right, more difficult things like going out in the woods and picking ferns and making wreaths and cutting down birch trees and making Christmas candles, and it really morphed into a big deal where I would be at flea markets on the weekends selling things and I used to take all this money and fund my holidays or anything that I wanted to do and accomplish.
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So my parents pushing me to get out there and sell really helped.
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You think about I don't know if they still do it these days, but old school back in the day playing football, like in my middle school years you had to go sell those boxes of candy bars, right.
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You had to talk to strangers, you had to get out and sell things, so doing those type of things, I think that really opened me up.
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But another thing that opened me up as I got older was comedy.
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So I was always a big kid.
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There was times in my life when I was picked on.
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I overcame that.
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I used to be bullied and I overcame that and those conversations and subjects and topics are for another time and maybe that's another great episode to hash out.
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Now that we're in the 200s here on episodes, maybe I can go back and talk about some of them, topics that we've touched early on.
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But I overcame some of those things.
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But as I get a little bit older, I used comedy right, as I would watch movies and things and as a young boy I was drawn to sports and comedy from the very early onset and being around adults and hearing them tell jokes and seeing how they would tell jokes, like I loved my parents, friends that were that were comedians right, the ones that were the showmans that could hold court and tell stories, and everybody loved them and you could see everyone get excited when they would show up, Right, I was drawn to that.
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I picked up on that and those things kind of kind of molded me, right, it shaped my future and I was drawn to all forms of comedy.
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And as I got older I really started to be hooked on Saturday Night Live, the weekly episodic comedy show on NBC every Saturday night at what was it?
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1135 or something.
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It started and I used to be drawn to that show.
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I used to watch it religiously.
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I never missed an episode.
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And Chris Farley Chris Farley was my guy.
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I loved Chris Farley To this day.
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I still think he's the greatest comedian that's ever lived and you can hear, if you've been listening on to all these shows, you can certainly hear the comedic influence that Chris Farley has had on me and I've never strayed away from that.
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So Chris was one of my biggest inspirations and there were so many other comedians on there that I fell in love with that have gone on to become stars and celebrities of today.
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Right, you think about Adam Sandler, you think about Will Ferrell, you think about those people David Spade, you know those those guys Norm MacDonald, kevin Nealon I just start thinking um just back.
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Molly Shannon, sherry Terry, or whatever the heck it was all these names, right Names I haven't even thought about in the longest time and before my generation of comedy.
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I was on the tail end of of Eddie Murphy on Saturday Night Live and I think John Belushi was before my time, but I went back and watched all those episodes of Belushi and I've seen a lot of Phil Hartman and I could go on forever naming all these cast members, chevy Chase.
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They were inspirations to me as I got into high school.
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For me, I went to a small middle school that does not my town does not actually have a high school, so we had to tour certain high schools and then you could pick the one you want to go to.
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The city would pay, or your town tax dollars would pay for you to go to any school in the state, but they would bus you to three or four of them.
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I chose one school, my local school, biddeford High School, which a few of my friends went along with me.
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But you think about all these kids you grew up with from kindergarten now all going your separate ways.
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It truly felt like we were entering college, but we were actually entering high school and I'm going into high school.
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I'm actually going and touring high schools at like age 12, right, I'm going into high school.
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I'm actually going and touring high schools at like age 12, right, I'm going into high school around like age 13.
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So you're leaving all these people and friends and teachers that you're comfortable with, that you've grown up with, you've become big man on campus in this K through eighth grade setting, but now you're going into a freshman to senior atmosphere in a big city.
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Coming from a small town.
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It was intimidating.
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The only way that I was comfortable, the only way that I could make friends, the only way that I could fit in, was to be a comedian, and I leaned into my Chris Farley roots, into that like I don't even know how to describe it.
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But that action-packed, in-your-face, heart-hating, moving comedy right, the ones that use body language and physicality, like running into walls, hurting yourself, doing dumb things, making fun of yourself, which, ironically, could make the situation worse for you, because at some point, when you're the type of comedian that I was, where you make people laugh at the expense of yourself, eventually that expense becomes greater than the laughter, because at some point, even though you're the one telling the jokes, you often go home and cry yourself to sleep wondering are they laughing with me or are they truly laughing at me?
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Do they think my jokes are reality or they're jokes?
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That's a vicious cycle to find yourself in, but that's again another topic for another time.
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The point I'm making here is I love Saturday Night Live and every weekend I would watch Saturday Night Live and I would go back to school and I would just throw back out all the skits that I loved, like the greatest latest Jim Brewer skit, whatever it was.
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I would throw it all back right and then I became an integral part of this group of SNL fans, because the more you submerge yourself into things and the more you show those things, the more you find like-minded people.
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We were talking about this on our love episode.
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Common interests, core values, shared interests that's the best way to find your soulmate.
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It's also the best way to find your best friends, and my circle of friends were highly driven by by sports, by wrestling and by comedy, and we used to get together on the weekends as I got older, going to friends, friends' houses, partying, you know, making dumb decisions, drinking beers, doing whatever.
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I'm sitting around slugging a 30-pack with my buddies and we're watching Saturday Night Live and we're reenacting all the skits.
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It then became this tradition.
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Actually, if you listen to the beginning of the show, every week's show, that musical background beats that get you out of your seats, those, those you know interlude gut checks that come in when we need to switch topics and conversations, and the closing credits of the shows.
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The background beats to this podcast is led by one of my best friends, jeff Foran from the Gut Truckers.
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Me and Jeff.
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I used to go to Jeff's house every weekend and we would throw Saturday night live parties and we would watch every weekend and in between there we'd get a camcorder and we would record our own skits and we would play them back and we would watch them and people would come over and watch them.
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We'd throw parties and we would put on our own Saturday night live performances.
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We had a whole cast of characters that would join in.
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So you could go to jeff's mom's house and hang out and we would bust out our own personal saturday night live skits for you right there.
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Ridiculous things I'm in jeff's mom's sweater, I'm breaking family heirloom recliners, I'm falling through tables, getting hit in the head with toilet seats.
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Whatever the heck I had to do to make you laugh.
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We would do it.
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We had the most ridiculous, endless amounts of skits.
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Saturday Night Live is an integral part of me.
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The comedy of that show has been ingrained in me.
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Now that's the long-winded version of me painting the photograph that we're about to frame.
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Here's the scenario.
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As years go on, if you're asking me, saturday Night Live no longer was funny.
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It lost its edge.
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The best performers moved on.
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They were big stars in Hollywood and they just moved on to greener pastures.
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Either they passed on or they moved on, and Saturday Night Live began to become extremely difficult to watch.
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So my weekly tradition of watching shows became maybe once a month and then once every couple of months.
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Then, finally, I was like I don't know if I can do this anymore.
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So I take some time off for the show and then I go back to the show and then I realized then that all it has become is a political weapon.
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That's all it's become.
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It's a political weapon with full intentions of destroying Donald Trump and downplaying and disgracing any single Republican on the face of the earth.
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That's all the show became to be.
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When I then realized that Lorne Michaels, owner and writer of the show, is just a crazy, ridiculous, woke left-wing freaking jambalaya, right, I said I'm done.
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Not only is this show not funny anymore, it's now insulting me and a great portion of the population.
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I'm done here.
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I have not watched Saturday Night Live in I would say 10 years, right, if you think about it.
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President Trump, four years, four years of Biden, and then for a year or two before their presidency I just didn't find the show funny.
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So then you factor in the presidency stuff and then I'm out.
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So, yeah, it's got to be close to 10 years.
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I haven't been watching the show.
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When I see a skit pop up for the show or I accidentally turn it on In 20 seconds, I realized this just isn't funny and I just move on.
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Well, a couple weeks ago one of my best friends I just mentioned to you, jeff Foran, the one that we used to get together all the time and watch all these skits together he reached out and he asked me hey, have you been paying attention to SNL 50?
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And I said no, I really haven't.
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I've given up on that show.
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And he said you should go on and watch it back on Peacock, they're highlighting a lot of the old performers, like the stuff that you and me used to love.
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I think that you would get a kick out of it.
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And I said well, if you're recommending it, then I can do my best to go back on my commitment here to boycott this stuff.
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I guess I'll make the exception if I'm going back and reliving the good time.
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So I agreed I would watch it, but I haven't found the time.
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Then over the weekend Jeff texts me and says SNL 50 on NBC right now you need to put it on.
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Reluctantly, I switch over.
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I wasn't really watching anything, I was working on my phone anyways.
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And uh, I switched over to SNL and I saw the tail end of a old, long running Will Ferrell bit on um Robert Goulet.
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That used to be funny and I watched it and it was.
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It was kind of funny not what it used to be.
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And the very next skit was a skit called Black Jeopardy and I think Kenan Thompson was the host of the actual show and I can't remember all the characters that were on it, but one of them was Tracy Morgan and the next one was Eddie Murphy and Eddie Murphy was actually on there pretending to be Tracy Morgan and that was kind of funny.
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Eddie Murphy was actually on there pretending to be Tracy Morgan and that was kind of funny.
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Eddie Murphy was doing a good job being classic Eddie Murphy and, uh, doing a great job impersonating, uh, tracy Morgan, and I thought that that was kind of funny.
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It wasn't got roaring funny, but it was kind of funny and I was like you know what, maybe, if they leave politics out of it and they just keep bringing in some of the old characters like Tracy Morgan and Eddie Murphy, I'll watch some of this and I'll shoot messages back and forth with Jeff like the old times.
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Well, that didn't last very long, because about 30 seconds later, tom Hanks comes out dressed up like he's pretending to be some kind of slouch, lazy Republican and what he deems to be so right, and I'm not saying that's what he looked like, but that's what he was trying to portray, because he was wearing jeans and a t-shirt and a blue flannel shirt and a Make America Great Again hat, which that outfit alone in itself is something that you could very easily see me wearing any day.
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So, number one, you're trying to pretend to be a slob, but you're also wearing what I'm wearing a lot of times anyway.
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So you're certainly signaling myself out and I don't remember what the question is, but he makes this comment about.
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You know, I think that something along the lines of the world would be a much better place.
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If you know, we all leaned into God a little bit more and Kenan Thompson was like you know, I agree with you and he came over to him and when he went to shake his hand he backed up and was fearful and scared and didn't want to shake a black person's hand.
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I sat there staring at the TV, disappointed, and I realized this shit is never going to change.
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It's never going to change If you are Donald Trump or you are a fan of Donald Trump.
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If you are a Republican, you, in the eyes of Saturday Night Live, are a racist.
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You, in the eyes of so much of this mainstream Hollywood personalities like Tom Hanks, you are a racist.
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Tom Hanks, somebody that every single person listening right now has given that man money.
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We've all watched Forrest Gump.
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We've all gone to multiple movies of his or rented movies or bought DVDs wherever the heck it is.
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We've recital lines for movies forever.
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I've impersonated Forrest Gump for the longest time, doing jokes, always pulling that out of my back pocket.
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Here you are calling me a racist Again.
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The show that I grew up on the show that inspired me so much.
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If I'd only known then that the owner behind the show the financial dollars behind the show thought I was a lazy white piece of trash, I wouldn't have given my life to it.
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I wouldn't have given my support to it.
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All the money I've spent on Saturday Night Live backed things like movies and t-shirts and you know just all the nonsense.
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I can't believe it.
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I also really hope that, after we had a resounding yes in the election, a resounding yes that said America is ready for change, a resounding yes that said America wants Donald Trump, a resounding yes that says it's time to make a difference.
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I thought this was the opportunity for some of these shows, some of these Hollywood personalities, to realize put down the hate, accept the fate and move on.
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But no, let's continue to do dumb shit, to alienate, to segregate, to call out and to crap all over a large portion of the society.
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And think about it, folks.
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Donald Trump won the popular vote.
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That means that Saturday Night Live and Tom Hanks decided it was a good idea to call the majority of the American population racist.
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I can't do it y'all.
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We are continuing to just breed hate.
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I don't understand it.
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I don't know why we continue to do this.
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It's uncalled for, it's ridiculous.
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My strike with Saturday Night Live continues.
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Thankfully I didn't give them more than two and a half minutes of my time on a television.
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I can't believe it.
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Tom Hanks, you're a certified piece of shit.
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And Lorne Michaels, you are the walnut wheels in the turd.
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You know what I mean.
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If Tom Hanks is a piece of crap, then you're the trusty old walnuts that nobody could digest as wheels on the poop log of transportation.
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I don't know.
00:21:01.309 --> 00:21:01.510
I hate it.
00:21:01.510 --> 00:21:01.971
I'm disappointed.
00:21:01.971 --> 00:21:02.292
I don't know.
00:21:02.292 --> 00:21:02.614
I hate it.
00:21:02.614 --> 00:21:05.018
I'm disappointed.
00:21:05.018 --> 00:21:05.799
That's just it, folks.
00:21:05.799 --> 00:21:09.488
I'm not fired up mad, I'm just disappointed, man.
00:21:09.488 --> 00:21:15.538
I'm disappointed that it always has to come back to race.
00:21:15.557 --> 00:21:24.090
I'm disappointed that they decided to take jabs at the majority of the population in this country for no damn good reason.
00:21:24.090 --> 00:21:26.362
Number one it wasn't even funny.
00:21:26.362 --> 00:21:31.181
Number two, it wasn't even called for or there was no need for it.
00:21:31.181 --> 00:21:31.722
In the show.
00:21:31.722 --> 00:21:41.381
You literally removed Eddie Murphy, who was the one funny thing happening on my television, and replaced him with Tom Hanks' old decrepit ass telling stupid shit.
00:21:41.381 --> 00:21:43.019
None of it made sense.
00:21:43.019 --> 00:21:45.040
You don't even in a game show.
00:21:45.040 --> 00:21:47.102
You're not just going to pull a person out and throw somebody else in.
00:21:47.102 --> 00:21:47.604
None of it makes sense.
00:21:47.604 --> 00:21:49.790
You don't even in a game show you're not just going to pull a person out and throw somebody else in.
00:21:49.790 --> 00:21:50.393
None of that even made sense.
00:21:50.393 --> 00:21:52.540
You were so hell bent on making that segment about race.
00:21:52.540 --> 00:22:00.472
You were so hell bent on shit talking Donald Trump and alienating the large portion of the population that is Republican that you said you know what?
00:22:00.472 --> 00:22:01.516
I got an idea.
00:22:01.516 --> 00:22:03.240
We're just going to do it right here.
00:22:03.240 --> 00:22:03.981
You know what?
00:22:03.981 --> 00:22:22.207
Go fuck yourself, gotcha.
00:22:22.207 --> 00:22:25.890
The rain is kickin' his mind.
00:22:25.890 --> 00:22:28.551
Business for the kids.
00:22:30.980 --> 00:22:45.144
Thank you, jeff Fulman and the Gut Truckers for that little musical interlude and also thank you, jeff, for the first segment of the show, because if you didn't put my ass up to watch on that garbage on Sunday evening, then, uh, I don't know.
00:22:45.144 --> 00:22:47.163
I don't know what else I would have started the show with.
00:22:47.163 --> 00:22:53.363
So thanks for that and thanks for pouring salt on the grief of Saturday Night Live for me.
00:22:53.363 --> 00:23:00.779
I guess I appreciate that, but who knows what I would have started with if it wasn't for Jeff.
00:23:00.779 --> 00:23:02.180
Actually, I do.
00:23:02.259 --> 00:23:16.090
Now I would have started with the nonsense that we're about to talk about next, because there should be a unifying task right now taking place in this country, led in the United States government.
00:23:16.090 --> 00:23:23.359
You know what that task is Getting rid of fraud and getting rid of waste, getting rid of nonsense, getting rid of nonsense.
00:23:23.359 --> 00:23:34.228
That should be the number one task, no matter which side of the aisle it is you sit on, whether you're a Democrat, whether you're a Republican, whether you voted for President Trump or the other lady, whatever it is.
00:23:34.228 --> 00:23:47.317
We as a society, we as Americans, should be unified in the quest to clean up the government, to get rid of the fraud, to get rid of the waste, to balance the budget Should be pretty unifying.
00:23:47.317 --> 00:23:50.861
You know why I can say this is to get rid of the fraud, to get rid of the waste, to balance the budget Should be pretty unifying.
00:23:50.861 --> 00:23:51.801
You know why I can say this is unifying?
00:23:51.801 --> 00:24:01.088
Because all the way back in the early years of Obama himself, he sat in front of all Americans and said we need to eliminate the waste, we need to find if there's fraud and get it out of government.
00:24:01.088 --> 00:24:02.891
America is going broke.
00:24:02.891 --> 00:24:04.811
It's time to balance the budget.
00:24:04.811 --> 00:24:06.957
We need to get into the books.
00:24:06.957 --> 00:24:10.567
And all Democrats supported him and I'm sure all Republicans supported him.
00:24:10.567 --> 00:24:11.940
But what happened?
00:24:11.940 --> 00:24:13.084
00:24:13.084 --> 00:24:16.644
More waste, more fraud, more deceit.
00:24:16.644 --> 00:24:18.181
It all happened.
00:24:18.795 --> 00:24:19.921
Here's the thing, folks.
00:24:19.921 --> 00:24:22.742
President Trump ran on a promise.
00:24:22.742 --> 00:24:25.503
He ran on a promise to get rid of the waste.
00:24:25.503 --> 00:24:26.125
He ran on a promise.