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The golden age of America begins right now.
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From this day forward, our country will flourish and be respected again all over the world.
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We will be the envy of every nation and we will not allow ourselves to be taken advantage of any longer ourselves to be taken advantage of any longer.
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Today, on the Share the Struggle podcast, we look back on a monumentous moment in US history and we recap one of the most pivotal and important speeches of our lifetimes.
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Let me tell you something Everybody struggles.
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The difference is some people choose to go through it and some choose to grow through it.
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The difference is some people choose to go through it and some choose to grow through it.
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The choice is completely yours.
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Which one you choose will have a very profound effect on the way you live your life.
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If you find strength in the struggle, then this podcast is for you and this podcast is for you.
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Do you have a relationship that is comfortable with uncomfortable conversations?
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Uncomfortable conversations challenge you, humble you and they build you.
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When you sprinkle a little time and distance on it, it all makes sense.
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Most disagreements, they stem from our own insecurities.
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You are right where you need to be.
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You're running my eyes too fast and I'm waiting to find you.
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Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh.
00:01:47.444 --> 00:01:50.930
What it do, what it hot, da-da-da-da-da-da-do.
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Good lord, am I so excited to be back with you?
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Oh, it's true.
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It's damn true, because today symbolizes a much brighter day for me and you.
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Wow, what a time to be alive, america, what a time to be alive.
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I am recording today, one day after Trump's inauguration.
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What an incredible day.
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I don't know if any of you are as hung up on this stuff as I am, but I tuned in for you know the whole pomps and circumstances of it all.
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Right, the whole pageantry of the day.
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The wife and I fell asleep watching the balls I mean the presidential ball.
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You know what I'm saying.
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So yesterday Trump made, I believe, three speeches and then he attended three balls and spoke there and he spent 60 minutes answering questions, which I think is more unscripted questions and answers than we've seen from our previous president, and maybe his entire presidency.
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To watch him give a speech, walk to the side of the stage, sign executive orders, throw pens into the crowd, watching people dive around for a sharpie that he used to sign an executive order.
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That, ladies and gentlemen, is rock star stuff.
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That's like Elvis Presley stuff, like oh, thank you, thank you very much, and throws his scarf into the crowd and women go wild.
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That is the type of optimism that is now running rampant through our country.
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Now, I know there's a lot of negative Nellies out there.
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They're going to have their panties in a wad.
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I do certainly understand that, and today's conversation isn't going to be just completely this pro-Trump mantra rah, rah, rah, kushkamba.
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No, today I am going to dig into the speech.
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That was the speech that was delivered yesterday and we're going to highlight some of the things in this speech.
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We're going to dig into the speech.
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That was the speech that was delivered yesterday and we're going to highlight some of the things in this speech.
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We're going to go over some of the things.
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I'm not going to get into the specifics on executive orders and you know the switches that were going to be flipped and the buttons that are going to be pushed.
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I'm going to get into what was said, and the reason why I'm getting into what was said is because this podcast Share the Struggle podcast has always been about motivating.
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It has always been about inspiring.
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It has always been about growing through things.
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What President Trump delivered to all of us yesterday is completely inspiring.
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It should inspire and motivate each and every American, whether you voted for him or didn't vote for him.
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This, what we're about to talk to you today, this packet of paperwork that I have right here, word for word from his speech, should inspire you.
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What was said yesterday if you have an open mind and you love your country, if you live with some passion and compassion, this is an opportunity to realize that he has one thing in mind the American people, and that's what he cares about, and that's you and that's me.
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I am so excited about the possibility for you and me in our great country.
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So, when we get into this speech today, I want you to think about the speech that is delivered and, for a moment, try not to think about this actually being President Trump, about this actually being President Trump.
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If we go into this speech and I started today's podcast with hey, I have an awe-inspiring speech for you that I'm going to share with you that this person has the opportunity and the ability to cause and affect change in our country.
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Let's just hear this person out.
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Let's understand this speech for what it is.
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Think about the parallels here and the fact that this speech was delivered on MLK Day.
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Now, I'm far too young to have been around for Martin Luther King, but I've listened to the speeches.
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I've listened to so many speeches in my life.
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I'm empowered by speeches, hence one of the reasons why we're going to have this conversation today.
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But there's a great parallel in the fact of what was delivered by MLK, by Martin Luther King himself, and then, on the anniversary on his day, president Trump gets up and delivers a unifying speech, and one that also also very key point here highlights Martin Luther King himself.
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That I don't want to spoil it.
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You probably already know where I'm going with this.
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Most of you have listened to this, but there's a lot of people listening that have said you know what?
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I didn't watch any of that shit.
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I don't care about it.
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Politics ain't for me, or I hate that guy, I can't stand that guy, whatever that is.
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That's the reason why we're going to go over this.
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For those of you that are in the crowd that love Trump like I do, this is for you.
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For those of you that are skeptical, this is for you.
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For those of you that are anti-political, this is for you.
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I want you to open your ears and receive this speech for what it is A crying out to unify a country, regardless of the man delivering it.
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Just understand that that man actually has the ability to cause and affect the things that are said in the speech.
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Y'all ready?
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Here's what we're going to do.
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I want y'all to breathe for a minute, okay, I want y'all to just shake things off, any preconceived notions that you have in your mind.
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We're going to shake that off.
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This is a fun little exercise for you and me today.
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Maybe you already listened yesterday and that's great.
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We're going to recap some things today.
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If you didn't listen, then even more beautiful, right.
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But whether you did or you didn't, I want you to clear your mind and I want you to start off with a perspective of a leader on day one putting out a speech to unify a country, a person that has the ability to actually cause and effect change, delivering this message.
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How do you receive it and how do you feel it?
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That is what we're doing today, gotcha.
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The golden age of America begins right now.
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From this day forward, our country will flourish and be respected again all over the world and be respected again all over the world.
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We will be the envy of every nation and we will not allow ourselves to be taken advantage of any longer.
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Think about that for a moment.
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That one speech right there me as a young child.
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If I was reading this speech in a history book, if this was delivered from Winston Churchill, from Abraham Lincoln, from anybody, I would have saved that and I would have focused on that.
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That's the power of what we're about to get into today.
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Think about American history.
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Think about a speech with a better opening line than that.
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I think that was one of the most powerful opening lines to his speech I have ever heard.
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The golden age of America begins right now when you put into context how difficult the times are, how trying the times are in this country, the fact that I can't rub two pennies together to make a damn nickel.
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Right now I am penny pinching and I am robbing Peter to pay Paul, I am foreclosing and refinancing and everything God darndarsh-gone-dang-it-son-of-a-biscuit thing I can possibly do to carry my fat ass across state lines to show up in Florida to hopefully put our brand on the map.
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I am doing everything I possibly can to survive and to stay alive, and I know that I'm not the only one.
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I know so many of you that are out there that are suffering, that are struggling, that are just trying to pull through, just trying to get through.
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So when a man that can cause and affect change opens his speech with a line, the golden age of America begins now, that is power.
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That, right there, gives me goosebumps.
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Take any notion, any preconceived notion, any opinion that you have about President Trump, put it aside.
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I know that I'm a Trump fan, I know that he's my favorite president of all time, but to those of you that have your opinions of him that don't respect him, I will value and understand your opinion, but please, for one moment, think about the power of that line.
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Think about the power of that line, with all the adversity facing you, me and this great country, to have the cojones to stand up and deliver with conviction.
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The golden age of America begins right now.
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I love it.
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I could end this entire podcast on that one friggin' note, but we're going to move on and we're going to get into some of this and this is how we're going to react to this.
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We're going to do some paragraphs and we might share a few nuggets as we get through them.
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Right, let's go Rock and roll During every single day of the Trump administration.
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I will very simply put America first.
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Our sovereignty will be reclaimed, our safety will be restored, the scales of justice will be rebalanced, the vicious, violent and unfair weaponization of the Justice Department and our government will end, and our top priority will be to create a nation that is proud, prosperous and free.
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Ooh baby, do I have goosebumps already?
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We are only two paragraphs in and I just can't stand it.
00:12:03.205 --> 00:12:12.596
I can close my eyes and envision the greatest of American leaders of the history of this great country delivering a speech like this.
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You get goosebumps because I can see this delivered from a mountaintop on a battlefield.
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I can see this from the steps of a courthouse.
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I can see this all across this great land.
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Think about how powerful that is.
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I will very simply put America first.
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Our sovereignty will be reclaimed, our safety will be restored, the scales of justice will be rebalanced, the vicious, violent and unfair weaponization of the Justice Department and our government will end, and our top priority will be to create a nation that is proud and prosperous and free.
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America will soon be greater, stronger and far more exceptional than ever before.
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I return to the presidency confident and optimistic that we are at the start of a thrilling new era of national success.
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A tide of change is sweeping the country, sunlight is pouring over the entire world and America has the chance to seize this opportunity like never before.
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But first we must be honest about the challenges we face.
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While they are plentiful, they will be annihilated by this great momentum, and the world is now witnessing, and the United States of America, as we gather.
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Today, our government confronts a crisis of trust.
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For many years, the radical and corrupt establishment has extracted power and wealth from our citizens, while the pillars of our society lay broken and seemingly in complete despair.
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We now have a government that cannot manage even a simple crisis at home, while at the same time stumbling into continuing catalog of catastrophic events abroad.
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It fails to protect our magnificent, law-abiding American citizens, but provides sanctuary and protection for dangerous criminals, many from prisons and mental institutions that have illegally entered our country from all over the world.
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We have a government that has given unlimited funding to the defense of foreign borders but refuses to defend American borders and, more importantly, its own people.
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Our country can no longer deliver basic services in times of emergency, as recently shown by the wonderful people of North Carolina, who have been treated so badly, and other states who are still suffering from a hurricane that took place many months ago, or, more recently, los Angeles, where we are watching fires still tragically burn from months ago.
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Or more recently in Los Angeles, where we are watching fires still tragically burn from weeks ago, without even a token of defense.
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But we can't let this happen.
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Everyone is unable to do anything about it.
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That's going to change.
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We have a public health system that does not deliver in times of disaster, yet more money is spent on it than any country anywhere in the world and we have an education system that teaches our children to be ashamed of themselves, in many cases, to hate our country, despite the love that we try so desperately to provide to them.
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All of this will change, starting today, and it will change very quickly.
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I want to stop right there and interject on a few things.
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Here we are the beginning of a new year, right 2025.
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We've had previous episodes where we talk about forecasting goals and setting dreams, making changes, and we have all these conversations about the fact that, if we're going to make a change, we must first accept the fact that we need to change, and we must be honest about what needs to change and all the obstacles in our way towards that change, right?
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So, if we just break down the fundamentals of the speech and realize that, as our president starts to outline everything he starts it off with, but first we must be honest about the challenges we face, think about that.
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We're not shooting things under the rug.
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We're not saying, yes, this, you know, no issue, minor scenario.
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We're going to overcome this.
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No, let's be honest about this.
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While they are plentiful, while we list all these challenges and oh, how great they are, the optimistic point of view to be confident enough to say optimistic point of view to be confident enough to say but first we must be honest about the challenges we face.
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While they are plentiful, they will be annihilated.
00:16:41.477 --> 00:16:44.606
What a freaking word Annihilated.
00:16:44.606 --> 00:16:49.687
We're not talking about overcome, we're not talking about beat and defeat, we're talking about annihilated.
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Annihilated by this great momentum that the world is now witnessing in the United States of America.
00:16:56.720 --> 00:17:04.838
I tell you what man y'all always hear me talk about that positive ball of momentum.
00:17:04.838 --> 00:17:16.405
Here is Trump outlining the greatest ball of positivity and momentum ever the United States and the movement that is taking place Unbelievable.
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If we move a few more paragraphs down and we get into the education system, I want to touch on this one a little bit, because I have a personal experience with this one, and we have an education system that teaches our children to be ashamed of themselves in many cases, to hate our country, despite the love that we try so desperately to provide to them Right there.
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You guys have been listening for a while.
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If you're a day one, if you've been on this journey with me since 2020, 237 freaking episodes you've heard some of the struggles that we face as a brand on the road.
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Loud, proud American is a patriotic brand.
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We represent the American spirit and our number one focus is to grow American manufacturing and to celebrate what it is that makes us proud to be American.
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Right, I've always made the speech to each and every one of you that it's never been more critical at a time and place in history to be a patriotic American, to be loud and proud of being that patriotic American.
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It's never been more critical.
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It's never been more important than right now because of the times that we've been facing.
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President Trump is outlining those times.
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As I talked to you about being a loud, proud American, as I said, if you've been listening through the years and you hear us on the road.
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You've heard how many times we've been encountered by resistance, by people that don't want us to be there.
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They don't want our patriotic brand to be at a fair, they don't want us at a local festival.
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They don't want us at a school system because we are some right-wing political conspiracy group.
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We're not just red, white and blue bleeding Americans, when our whole mission has been to provide American manufacturing, to grow American jobs.
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We've been met with resistance and as I talk to so many of these young kids, so many of them have told me I love your stuff, but I've been kicked out of school for wearing your stuff.
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I've been suspended for wearing your stuff.
00:19:15.112 --> 00:19:21.131
For wearing a t-shirt that has an American frag on it that says you're proud to be American, you've been kicked out of school.
00:19:21.131 --> 00:19:27.974
I've spoken with countless parents who told me my son was dress coded, my daughter was sent home because of your clothes.
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They weren't taking it out on me.
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They were appreciating me and saying we're going to continue to support you, but I can't let my kid wear those things in school.
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Where are we?
00:19:37.359 --> 00:19:39.805
That does not sound like America.
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That sounds like a third world country.
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That does not sound like America, where you are told you cannot wear the American flag Un-freaking-believable.
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All of this will change starting today freaking believable.
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All of this will change starting today and this will change very quickly.
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Thank you, president Trump, for allowing the children across this country to be proud Americans, to again be allowed to be patriotic, to not get pushed around, to not get bullied, to not get made fun of because they're wearing an American flag.
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That is so asinine and unbelievable that if you asked me, even five years ago, I never in a million years would imagine that that's something that would be taking place, right Un-freaking-believable.
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Thank you, president Trump.
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By him doing this, and hopefully these schools and these programs, everything starts to follow suit with these changes.
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When he doesn't allow kids to be bullied anymore, when he starts to remove funding for schools for some of this nonsense, that kids are going to be encouraged to be patriotic again, and that in itself is a huge boost to business for a patriotic brand, because it's hard to grow a business and a brand when you're being told you should be ashamed to be patriotic.
00:21:00.779 --> 00:21:18.789
Our recent election is a mandate to completely and totally reverse a horrible betrayal and all of these many betrayals that have taken place, and to give the people back their faith, their wealth, their democracy and, indeed, their freedom.
00:21:18.789 --> 00:21:24.299
From this moment on, america's decline is over.
00:21:24.865 --> 00:21:41.599
Oh man, me being the motivational, inspirational you know, coach speak type of dude I'm always looking for these pivotal, critical quotes and inspirations, right, I'm always the one that's saving.
00:21:41.599 --> 00:21:50.786
Um, like all the little memes you know, like, when you the super crazy, uh, motivational quotes, right as a kid I was the one that would have.
00:21:50.786 --> 00:21:57.117
Oh, there's a random guy running through the mountains, and here's insert emotional, inspirational quote here.
00:21:57.117 --> 00:22:02.887
Here's a random dude laying on the football field with mud and grass all over his face.
00:22:02.887 --> 00:22:04.932
Insert quote here.
00:22:04.932 --> 00:22:10.726
I can totally see, 10, 15, 20 years from now, the future.
00:22:10.726 --> 00:22:24.971
Young me, right, whether it's little Paisley Rain or somebody else that is raised like me, that learns like me and is looking through these things and realizing this was a critical, pivotal moment in US history.
00:22:25.727 --> 00:22:41.727
The quote that literally says our recent election is a mandate to completely and totally reverse a horrible betrayal and all of these many betrayals that have taken place, and to give the people back their faith, their wealth, their democracy and, indeed, their freedom.
00:22:41.727 --> 00:22:45.155
From this moment on, america's decline is over.
00:22:45.155 --> 00:22:47.912
How many of you can see posters in the future.
00:22:47.912 --> 00:22:53.190
Give the people back their faith, their wealth, their democracy and indeed, their freedom.
00:22:53.190 --> 00:22:57.730
From this moment on, america's decline is over.
00:22:57.730 --> 00:23:09.358
Our liberties and our nation's glorious destiny will no longer be denied, and we will immediately restore the integrity, competency and loyalty of America's government.
00:23:09.358 --> 00:23:13.148
Oh, come on, baby, just start printing posters now.
00:23:13.148 --> 00:23:14.009
Are you kidding me?
00:23:14.009 --> 00:23:18.174
Our liberties and our nation's glorious destiny will no longer be denied.
00:23:18.174 --> 00:23:24.141
We will immediately restore the integrity, competency and loyalty of America's government.
00:23:24.141 --> 00:23:26.906
Oh, how sweet it is.
00:23:26.926 --> 00:23:35.459
Over the past eight years, I have been tested and challenged more than any president in our 250-year history, and I've learned a lot along the way.
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The journey to proclaim our republic has not been an easy one.
00:23:44.628 --> 00:23:45.171
That I can tell you.
00:23:45.171 --> 00:23:54.836
Before I get into what I feel is one of the most powerful lines ever delivered in a speech in the great history of this great country, I want to just highlight this piece right here.
00:23:54.836 --> 00:24:13.211
For all the people that criticize President Trump and all the people that weren't happy with his actions and how he handled his first four years, you got to give some grace to the fact that, literally in this little paragraph here, I've been tested and challenged more than any president in our 250-year history.
00:24:13.211 --> 00:24:13.540
You completely cannot deny that.
00:24:13.540 --> 00:24:14.907
And I've been tested and challenged more than any president in our 250 year history.
00:24:14.907 --> 00:24:16.592
You completely cannot deny that.
00:24:16.592 --> 00:24:19.117
And I've learned a lot along the way.
00:24:19.117 --> 00:24:21.166
Think about it, folks.
00:24:21.166 --> 00:24:25.018
This is a man that's learned from his experiences, from his challenges.
00:24:25.018 --> 00:24:35.615
He's not lying when he says that he's the most challenged president in our history, far beyond anybody could possibly imagine.
00:24:35.615 --> 00:24:37.470
And we're going to get into that right now.
00:24:39.306 --> 00:24:45.558
Those who wish to stop our cause have tried to take my freedom and indeed take my life.
00:24:45.558 --> 00:24:56.946
Just a few months ago, in a beautiful Pennsylvania field, an assassin's bullet ripped through my ear, pennsylvania field, an assassin's bullet ripped through my ear.
00:24:56.946 --> 00:25:00.593
But I felt then, and I believe even more so now, that my life was saved for a reason.
00:25:00.593 --> 00:25:06.686
I was saved by God to make America great again.
00:25:06.686 --> 00:25:12.556
Wow, wow, that's.
00:25:12.556 --> 00:25:15.460
I'm going to say it again, folks.
00:25:15.460 --> 00:25:21.277
That is the most powerful line that I've ever seen delivered in a speech in US history.
00:25:21.277 --> 00:25:22.419
My personal opinion.
00:25:22.419 --> 00:25:36.887
When I saw him give that speech, when he gave those lines, I started crying on my own couch, drinking a coffee with my little daughter watching US history, with my daughter crying for our new president and the direction of our country.
00:25:38.451 --> 00:25:46.432
How crazy is it to think that he's delivering this speech on MLK Day to think about all that Martin Luther King went through.
00:25:46.432 --> 00:25:56.009
The history books are going to show all the stuff that President Trump went through and you can draw a parallel in some of the craziness.
00:25:56.009 --> 00:26:01.526
You can draw a real connection into the struggles, both vastly different.
00:26:01.526 --> 00:26:04.553
Right, I'm not hear me out here, folks.
00:26:04.553 --> 00:26:09.950
I'm not trying to say that they're the same, okay, I'm not trying to compare each other's struggles.
00:26:09.950 --> 00:26:15.117
What I'm just saying they both faced insurmountable struggles.
00:26:15.117 --> 00:26:20.974
Here is a man that is a millionaire, billionaire, trillionaire, whatever you want to call him.
00:26:20.974 --> 00:26:24.328
He does not need to be the president of the United States.
00:26:24.328 --> 00:26:26.534
He's doing this for us.
00:26:26.534 --> 00:26:34.757
He nearly lost his life, two assassination attempts being shot on live TV.
00:26:36.026 --> 00:26:47.998
The realization that is made that he is brave enough to say is unbelievable I was saved by God to make America great again.
00:26:47.998 --> 00:26:49.992
I'm never going to forget that line.
00:26:49.992 --> 00:26:52.252
I'm always going to relive that line.
00:26:52.252 --> 00:27:16.498
I'm telling you right now, this, right here if they don't burn history books in the future, if they don't try to wipe and eradicate our history off the face of this earth, 20 years, 50 years, 100 years down the road, people are going to be remembering and reading and watching this part of the speech right here.
00:27:16.498 --> 00:27:23.057
Those who wish to stop our cause have tried to take my freedom and indeed to take my life.
00:27:23.057 --> 00:27:28.136
Just a few months ago, in a beautiful Pennsylvania field, an assassin's bullet ripped through my ear.
00:27:28.136 --> 00:27:35.118
But I felt then, and I believe even more so now, that my life was saved for a reason.