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May 11, 2022

The power of three triple tragedy vs triple triumph 096

The power of three triple tragedy vs triple triumph 096

Are things too good to be true? Are you waiting for the next shoe to drop? Are you awaiting the inevitable, that infamous not desirable event? When that tragedy strike's does it always come in threes? These toxic tricks of overthinking can keep you from living and fulfilling your life's potential. Today's episode is fueled by curiosity,  recent life events, and a powerful message from the book
Daring Greatly, it's not about winning and losing its about courage in a world where never enough dominates and feeling afraid has become second nature from Brene Brown https://brenebrown.com/

When we feel life just can't get any better we make the subconscious decision that it has to get worse.  We manifest the hurt and rehearse the tragedy to the point we often self-sabotage our success and happiness. In this episode of Share The Struggle Podcast we challenge superstitions, overcome some myths and embrace a gratitude attitude. With new tips and tricks, we learn to embrace the moment and celebrate our successes.

