Tips To Feel Fulfilled 015

Keith recaps a busy week that leaves him feeling fulfilled. From achieving a business milestone with the birth of the Loud Proud American Express. A new vendor relationship with Stickerplug provides Loud Proud American supporters with some sticker options. Connie Covid changes the business plan and challenges Keith's self-confidence. The answer is getting back to the way of his ancestors, hunting, gathering, and building shelter. Getting hands-on repairing a horse stall for a friend clears his head and leaves him feeling fulfilled. If you live your life full of passion and compassion you will find yourself with enough to fulfill yourself. An email from a fan of the podcast and a squishy conversation with a close friend fuel future episodes. A rock star weekend closing down Bentley's Saloon with the melting pot of friendship creates a sense of normalcy and fulfillment.
Keith reflects on a two-year period of his life when he combined passion with his ability and bet on himself and took a commission sales job in the Powersports industry. A VHS Tape of Ed Lemco ignites a desire to be a lifelong student of sales. He shares a few sales memories and encourages everyone in sales to treat each sales opportunity as if you are a subcontractor. When you are in sales you are in the business of you, you are your own brand treat your brand as your business. Always remember sales is a transfer of enthusiasm get to know your customer, build a relationship, and share your excitement in a story.
This week's challenges are to provoke a squishy conversation and get handsy. Get outside channel your ancestors and get your hands dirty.