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The weekends get wild, but the philosophy remains the same Be present and overcome the worry.
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All that and more is the story on today's episode of Share the Struggle Podcast.
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Let me tell you something Everybody struggles.
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The difference is some people choose to go through it and some choose to grow through it.
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The choice is completely yours.
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Which one you choose will have a very profound effect on the way you live your life.
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If you find strength in the struggle, then this podcast is for you.
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Do you have a relationship that is comfortable with uncomfortable conversations?
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Uncomfortable conversations challenge you, humble you and they build you.
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When you sprinkle a little time and distance on it, it all makes sense.
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Most disagreements, they stem from our own insecurities.
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You are right where you need to be.
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Ooh, ooh, oh, oh.
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What it do, what it do.
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Hot diggity damn.
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Am I so excited to be back with you.
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Oh, it's true, it's damn true.
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I missed you, boo.
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Episode 203.
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That's right, 203.
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Episode 203 of you and me.
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How you do, how you do, yes, yes, yes, I don't know where any of those accents are coming from.
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This morning I'm going to be honest y'all.
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But I mean, let's be real, let's be truthful.
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Let's be real truthful.
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I'm always honest.
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To a damn fault, I'm always honest.
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So let's do what we do, let's vow, let's get our Cabela's catalogs and place them on the table.
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Let me grab mine.
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Y'all ready, hang on, wait for it.
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Hear that Cabela's catalog, left hand on the catalog.
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Be the lies to the sky.
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Nothing but the truth coming to y'all from this guy.
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And I'm going to start this truth serum off by telling you I'm tired, boy.
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Am I tired?
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I'll tell you what I've been.
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Getting older, y'all Shoot.
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What am I going to do when I got a little one running around?
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Hot damn, I'm an old son of a bitch.
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Little one running around, hot damn, I'm an old sum of a bitch man.
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It's been a long weekend and it's taken a toll on me.
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I'm going to tell you the truth.
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I am all aboard the struggle bus today, toot toot, toot, toot.
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Here comes that struggle bus.
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Door's open, door's open.
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Who's coming on in?
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Who's coming in?
00:03:03.431 --> 00:03:06.036
Yeah, y'all Struggle bus.
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It's the struggle bus.
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It's safe and sound on the struggle bus, cause you're just one of us All aboard the motherfucking struggle bus.
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Wow, that was weird and awkward and delightful that sound, that song, that little melody.
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And awkward and delightful that sound, that song, that little melody.
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That's something special for me.
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Oh my God, that's a little sneak peek, that's peeling back the old pistachio shell and showing you all what happens inside my brain.
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If you see me out in the wild world streets walking around and, um, I look silent and at peace, I'm probably humming something ridiculous in my head like that, where I'm thinking about something completely obnoxious.
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It's just kind of how I go, and I think that those things get ramped up, they get a touch intensified when you feel like you're overtired and hot damn, I'm overtired.
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I might have actually gotten too much sleep because when I finally wrapped up from this event, I unplugged, I shut the hell down and I went to bed.
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Yeah, my old ass went to bed and I'm going to be honest because that's what we're here to do.
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I didn't go to the gym this morning, like I'm going to be honest, because that's what we're here to do.
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I didn't go to the gym this morning like I was supposed to do, brought my mom to work and then I just kept on driving and I drove on home and I put my ass back to bed.
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Back to bed, fred.
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That's all you got.
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So I'm going to muster up all I've got for ability, confidence and control and I'm going to try to control myself enough to keep this show on the track, to not ramble too much, to not get lost too much, because we've already done that, boys and girls.
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So I don't know if you heard that, but I just smacked myself.
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I'm trying to smack myself back into reality, to get back on track, to get this train rolling, because this is episode 203.
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That's 203 consecutive weeks of you and me.
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Oh, can't you see?
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It is beautiful, don't forget.
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You can find all things podcast related over to sharethestrugglepodcastcom.
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Please, please, please, please, leave a review.
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Say, how do you do?
00:05:22.050 --> 00:05:27.562
Hit, subscribe, grow the tribe, share the show with someone you know?
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That's what it's all about, boys and girls.
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It's all about sharing the show, watching it grow, letting it blossom, letting it flow.
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Because I truly feel, even if we come on here on these tired Tuesdays you're listening to this on a Wednesday if you listen on schedule, but I'm recording on a tired Tuesday coming off of a fabulous Memorial weekend Even in these tired ramblings, there's an opportunity to unplug, there's an opportunity to disconnect, there's an opportunity for us to laugh, to enjoy yourselves.
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And did I say ye selves?
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Enjoy ye selves.
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I should go back and edit that, but I'm not going to no no no, no, I'm not gonna.
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I already forgot what I was gonna do.
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The point I'm trying to make here is, even in this rambling stupor that I have opened the show with, we're gonna find something in here.
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There's gonna be something that makes you laugh today, something that makes you smile today, and I better damn hope that I give you something to think about today that maybe, hopefully, some way somehow can have a positive impact on your day today.
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That's the reason, y'all, that's the reason for the season.
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You hear me?
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Hallelujah, do you hear me?
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Oh, I might sound a little different.
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I'm in the garage so for some reason I have this.
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I don't know.
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I have a tendency to yell.
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I don't really know why.
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The dogs are upstairs with the AC cranking and it'd be too loud up there.
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So I'm in the garage, I'm using the cash register stand for the business and I'm standing up in here like I'm giving a commencement speech or something.
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I don't know.
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It's kind of wild in here.
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My garage is a damn mess because I have life in here and then I have business in here and man, it's taking over y'all, it is taking over.
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I got to slow down at some point and get ready for a baby and try to get my bearings together here, but at this point in time that's not an option, because at this point in time it's really just all hands on deck, two feet on the floor, running for the door, just trying to make things happen.
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Because if you're a small business owner like myself, and if you're a small business owner that's dependent on tourists and dependent on traffic and outdoor things and fun, festive things and a good, strong economy and all those lovely things, you've probably been maxing things out, robbing peter to pay paul, extending all the lines of credit you possibly have to make things line up for yourself.
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So that's where I'm at currently.
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We've started to get things rocking and rolling.
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So I'm excited to really be in the middle of the chaos of our 2024 Grand Tour, because when you're in the middle of the chaos, as stressful as it is, that's where the funds come in, that's where the fun begins.
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That's how you start to pay things back.
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So all y'all business owners out there like myself that have started their season off with $30,000, $40,000, $50,000 in debt, whatever it is for you, it's somewhere in between there for me not to share all those details with you.
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So it's about trying to make all that money back.
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What's different for me this year is that, based off of the way things went at the tail end of last year, I haven't had the ability to restock a lot of things financially.
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I've just kind of went through some dark times in the business, ran it all the way to its absolute limit.
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So now we're starting to have those good weekends to pay things back and then you're really coming in, like this morning for me.
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I go, you know, count out what I can for cash, run over to the bank, make the deposit, take those credit card transfers from the weekend and start balancing things off and saying I can give two to you, I can give this to you.
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How do you do?
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Here, there, everywhere, and you try to maneuver all those things and then you look at it and say, okay, this is paid, this is what's left to play.
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So you got your pay and your play right.
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You have the things you need to pay, and then you have the things you need to play with, and those things that I'm trying to create for that play account isn't to do fun, vacation, awesome things.
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It's to reallocate funds to the business to bring in new things, to restock the best things.
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So it's a lot of navigating those little rough seas and waters, if you will.
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That's really what's going on for Loud Proud American right now.
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So it's hey, I can pay these things, I can maybe order this one thing and then I can buy this something for the bus.
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I can do this for the rest of us, that type of deal.
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And as we're in the middle of all the chaos and all the things happening, I'm still waiting to hear back from certain events.
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I have tentative agreements on my schedule for the rest of the summer.
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But some of those people just haven't come back to me.
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So hopefully tonight I'll start touching base with a lot of those folks now that we have Memorial weekend behind us, which is, I really feel, like the official start the summer, but more importantly, y'all we all look at Memorial weekend as that official start to summer.
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If you're in a tourist state, like myself, that's when tourism really kicks in and the traffic starts to ramp up and kids are getting ready to get out of school and you enjoy that nice long weekend.
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For me it's a long working weekend, not a long weekend off.
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But please, please, everybody that's listening, take a moment to realize, to remember and to recognize the true meaning of Memorial Day.
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It's not about the long weekend, it's not about the start of summer.
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We might use those things as markers for some of the meetings, some of the things, but you wouldn't have long weekends, you wouldn't have summer fun and tourist season if it wasn't for the ultimate sacrifices that have been made or continue to be made by our US military.
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And I think in this day and age where we've appeared to be at war forever, I mean, let's think about this.
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For me, at the ripe old age of about to be 42, it almost feels like we've always been at war.
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But I remember when it was a big deal when we went to war.
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I remember those things as a child in school, watching the news and seeing the laser fights and all this crazy stuff as, wow, we are actually going to war.
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Because you read in the history books and as a kid, you're reading history and you're learning history and you're thinking that wars and the times of war is a thing of the past.
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It's history.
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It's not something that we have to think about.
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We're grateful for the sacrifices and we are thankful for our freedoms.
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But as we grew up at least if you're in my age bracket all of a sudden war became a reality and then, with 9-11 and everything that has transpired since then, we've always been at war.
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So I think people lose sight of the importance of the US military.
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I think people take for granted the US military.
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They don't respect the military like they used to do, like they're supposed to do, like you always do.
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They're supposed to do like you always do.
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It's sad for me to think that there's kids out there right now that they're legal drinking age, right, they're at the bars on Friday nights and every night, I guess you should say, because when you're young and dumb, like I once was, I was there every night.
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But the point I'm making here is there's kids that are at drinking age, that are out living their lives, having kids, enjoying themselves, and they don't know anything other than us being at war.
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That's sad y'all.
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I remember when it was a rarity, I remember when it was history.
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Now it just seems to be everyday life and that's crazy, it's sad, it's depressing.
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I know a lot of.
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It is a necessity, but take a moment honor, remember, cherish and celebrate all those veterans, all those that continue to sacrifice so that we can have the freedoms that we have.
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They continue to sacrifice so a guy like me can chase my American dream, even if that dream revolves around standing in a parking lot at a biker's saloon for a weekend trying to make money to support his family.
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Without the military that continue to sacrifice, that would be taken from me.
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Without the military that have all paid the ultimate sacrifice, then those freedoms would never be given to me.
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Then those freedoms would never be given to me.
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So I beg of you, I ask of you, remember, honor and respect our military today.
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Get check, get check, spin around and tackle so much more than that.
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The latest kick miss my business for the kids.
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All right, all right, all right, all right.
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Y'all Share the Struggle Podcast episode two of three.
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Yet another week of you and me, and this week I want to touch on my week.
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That was Because, as we started the show here, kind of talking about wild weekends and keeping that philosophy consistent, remaining the same.
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And in that philosophy, what I'm referring to about remaining the same is my overall focus on version 2.0, my new focus on being present, on remaining present and focusing on the here and now, on being completely aware of where my feet are on the ground.
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So far, I'm going to tell you that, as busy as my schedule has been, I've been able to overcome some of the worry, some of the doubt, some of the anxiety that comes with focusing on the chaos of my schedule.
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So let's see if we can dig into this a little bit.
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This is kind of where we're headed today, and I want to just continue to have an emphasis on being present, because I truly feel like being present is going to unlock something in you to overcome some of that anxiety, to beat the doubt, to push out the doubt, to cancel the worry, to enjoy the moments, to live your life, to be more fulfilled.
00:16:13.914 --> 00:16:18.288
This is a true unlocking of life's real potential.
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If you can just truly remain focused on the moment and I know that we've talked about this over the past couple weeks and as I really try to focus on implementing this strategy, I am feeling a great benefit.
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I'm not going to tell you that I'm perfect.
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I'm not going to tell you that I haven't had any hiccups in this situation, but all I am telling you is, every time I start to lose my way, I start to lose my focus, I tell myself you need to be present, right where you are.
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I kind of look at my feet, I scan the area and I find what I'm doing.
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I find a way to ground myself, to find myself and to reconnect myself with living in the present moment.
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We all have things that need to be done.
00:17:04.288 --> 00:17:05.472
We all have a to-do list.
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We all have those things that we need to get to.
00:17:08.223 --> 00:17:10.932
My to-do list is a little ridiculous right now.
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So I focus on the most important things that I need to get done on that day and that's what I tackle and that's part of me being present.
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But if I find myself at an event, I focus on being at that event.
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I have, over the past few weeks been double booked for events.
00:17:27.931 --> 00:17:28.031
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I did not focus on the event that I was currently at, it would suffer and I would not be as successful as an event as I need it to be for me.
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And then if I'm worrying about and forecasting my energy on the event that's next for me, then sometimes I'm overthinking that event and I'm not just rolling into that and giving it the best of me.
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So I am truly feeling an amazing difference in impact from remaining present in the moment.
00:18:00.044 --> 00:18:04.300
It's not the easiest thing to do, but it's also not the hardest thing to do.
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So I beg of you, the next time that you're feeling lost, you're feeling overwhelmed, you're at some place, let's create a vision for you.
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Maybe you have kids I have one on the way.
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I'm not here to give you parental advice because I'm probably going to need all the advice you can give me, but I've heard many times from people that are at an event for their child and you know, if I think about Memorial Weekend that we just had, then maybe there was a parade that your kid was in.
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Maybe there was a flag raising.
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There was a military ceremony.
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I know some great friends of ours, corey and Michelle.
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Their daughter was singing at a military event, at a memorial event, and my wife went over to be there and to enjoy the moment with them, and I'm confident that they were present and enjoyed that moment.
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But I've talked to people that have been in that situation where I'm sure this isn't an uncommon thing for any of you either You're talking to somebody and they're saying, yeah, I'm here, but I got to get to this barbecue at three o'clock.
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I got to pick this kid up over here.
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I have to be at work at this time, all these things right.
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So they're just watching the clock waiting for their kid to be done, when the most important thing in the world to that kid is to see you there, to have you be there, and it's great that you're there, but it's even greater if you're actually present, when you're there, that you enjoy it.
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I could tell from Corey and Michelle and my wife, because they came over and saw me after that they were absolutely present and they had a great time and put a smile on my face knowing that my wife was there and that she enjoyed it so much.
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It was actually cool to hear that they mentioned my grandfather's name at the ceremony as well, and I wasn't planning on, you know throwing this shout out there to them, but as I'm just kind of painting up pictures, it's pretty easy for me to imagine that, with everything going on on a holiday, it can be very easy for people to get overwhelmed with their schedule and with you know the list of things that they have to do and the list of places they have to be.
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But it's absolutely key to be present, to be present in those moments.
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And while I'm talking about Corey and Michelle, corey, if you are listening today, I want to give you a big old shout out man for coming over to the saloon, spending some time with me and sharing some parental advice and helping me to ease the worry in my head, the doubt that I have about being that old ass dad at all these events.
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So I appreciate the confidence you gave me over the weekend, brother.
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That means that means a lot.
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But just using examples here, how many times in life have you been somewhere where you need to be somewhere else?
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Maybe you have to catch a flight, maybe you have to be at work, maybe you have to pick somebody up, maybe it's the start of a movie, whatever it is, and you have something that's absolutely important.
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It's important enough that you are there and that you wanted to be there and you put it in your mind as a place that you needed to be there.
00:21:06.902 --> 00:21:18.934
But how many times have you been in that particular situation and that particular place when you were so focused on everything else that needed to happen after that event that you never truly enjoyed that event?
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I've said it to you guys many times, many ways I'm guilty of doing this when I'm on vacation, where I worked myself up all the way to trying to get on vacation, and then when I finally get there, after two days of being there, I'm thinking about what's next and what I'm missing out on.
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So I'm really trying to be, to be more present and I'm just going to give you some examples from my weekend, uh, to kind of let you know that really what I used to do this and how it made a positive impact on me.
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So over the weekend Memorial weekend, as we said, bentley Saloon for me we're open for business.
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Friday, saturday, sunday, monday it's a four-day extravaganza and on Saturday I actually was leaving the saloon to go over and DJ a prize 40th birthday party for a great friend of mine, mr Tony Trottier.
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It was a surprise birthday his wife booked me for and originally, when she reached out and asked me if I would do this event, I really wanted to do it for him.
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But I checked the schedule and I said, hey, man, I'm double booked.
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And I mentioned it to the wife and she said I can handle it, but it's not that far away, I'll be over there at the saloon.
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You leave, get all the stuff, get to the event and I'll close the tent down.
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This is something new for me, right?
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I think that only a couple of times since I've been in business has this been a situation where I've actually left the premise where there's something going on.
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I know, I think the first year I got another Freiburg fair.
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I had to leave the fair.
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My mom and my wife had to run it so I could go home and DJ at the saloon.
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So this doesn't really happen very often.
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My wife stepping up and wanting to do this was a huge help and she said, hey, the family needs the money, let's figure it out out.
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So you know, relying on the beautiful, amazing, lovely pregnant wife of mine to handle the business, to make things happen.
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So to put in perspective, this weekend, thursday the weather was iffy, I didn't get a chance to go over and set up at a saloon like I normally would.
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So my mother and I started setting up Friday morning.
00:23:25.921 --> 00:23:37.090
I got up at five in the morning with the truck already loaded, headed down to the saloon, I started building things before they opened and then we spent the rest of the day just kind of putting things together and remaining open.
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We did not have the greatest business day Usually the first day of an event is always slow anyways but we were off probably 60, 70%.
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On Friday, saturday, we were having a pretty decent event and I actually showed up at the time I would normally show up on a Saturday and when I got there the place was packed and we were the only vendor that wasn't open.
00:24:03.501 --> 00:24:14.813
This situation right here is an absolute trigger for me, for me to roll into an event and to be the only vendor not open, to see a parking lot full of people.
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This would be the first turning of the stone.
00:24:19.465 --> 00:24:21.294
This would be the first stone that rolls me down the tracks.
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This would be the run stone that rolls me down the tracks.
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This would be the runaway freight train beginning.
00:24:26.335 --> 00:24:39.051
So I would be stressed out, I would be all worked up about it in there rushing around and before I actually caught myself and settled into what needed to be done, I would have lost half of that day.
00:24:39.712 --> 00:24:46.979
Now, if you're thinking about the fact that on Saturday it's also the day that I have to leave early to go to uh, to DJ.
00:24:46.979 --> 00:25:03.335
So version 1.0 of me, version Keith Liberty 1.0, showing up late like that and having all these customers standing around it would have set me off, it would have triggered me and it would have got that snowball effect.
00:25:03.335 --> 00:25:04.777
I would have been rolling downhill.
00:25:04.777 --> 00:25:20.002
So if I'm showing up traditionally 11 o'clock on a Saturday like a saloon doesn't usually open till 11, but they do breakfast in the morning on Saturday and Sunday and the past couple of years I would come for breakfast and no one would show up.
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So we just try to show up around 10, 30, 11 o'clock and that's when people start to start to come in.
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So I fell in line with that kind of timeframe.
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But when we got there, everything's happening right, and here I am trying to move people out of the way while I opened my tent and we're trying to run things into restock and all these things, I would have been so flustered and so bothered that it would have been one, two o'clock before I had all my to-do stuff done and I would have been, like, focused and present on what's happening.
00:25:50.383 --> 00:25:57.403
One, two o'clock Okay, I need to leave by four o'clock to get ready for my next event.
00:25:57.403 --> 00:26:04.895
So you're telling me that all those people that would have come in and out of that tent would have got the best version of me for two hours.
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They would have got the best customer service for me, the best, you know, focused personality for me for two hours, because for the first part of my day I would have been rattled and for the rest of my day I would have had that little bit of time.
00:26:16.939 --> 00:26:28.040
But in all honesty, I probably would have really started worrying about my next event before that, so I might not have even given you the best two hours of me.
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So think about this snowball effect, think about this runaway freight train.
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I show up late and then it just sets me off.
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That is the tipping point that could have created a very negative day for me for the entire day, because if I roll in there and I'm stressing out and I'm sweating and I'm trying to get things done and I'm opening things up and you're not giving out your best presentation.