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June 29, 2022

Trust your tribe 103

A special weekend fuels a special message that stresses the importance of trust. When you lose trust in media, in government, and in leadership you are left not knowing who or what you can trust. Our time-tested truths get replaced with fear and conspiracy the answer is in simple philosophies, common-sense ethics, core values, and trust. Today's episode of Share The Struggle Podcast is a lesson on trust and the benefits of trusting your tribe. Living a fulfilled life that empowers everyone around you and provides a feeling of safety and strength. Keith and Alli's weekend at Silver Spur Riding Club https://www.facebook.com/silverspurmaine/ for the Halee Lyn Cummings Memorial Race https://www.facebook.com/pages/category/Interest/Halee-Lyn-Cummings-Memorial-Barrel-Race-202398030115119/ provides a first-hand experience with trust and memory that will last a lifetime. 

