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Jan. 31, 2024

Value Progress Over Perfection 186

Value Progress Over Perfection 186

As we rally around this 186th episode of the Share the Struggle Podcast, I am brimming with gratitude for you, the backbone of this journey. Your unwavering support and feedback breathe life into our shared quest for growth, and I'm thrilled to extend a hearty welcome to our newest family members.

Have you ever felt that electric charge in the air when you're surrounded by people who radiate success? That's precisely the jolt I experienced at a recent conference with the extraordinary entrepreneurs, Matt and Sarah, from Ledgeway Farm. Their commitment to excellence has not only sparked a flame of inspiration in me but has set an ambitious course for what's to come for Loud Proud American. This episode isn't just about recounting these experiences; it's an invitation to you to seek out and immerse yourself in environments that propel you towards your aspirations. Let's grab those opportunities that align with our goals and ride the wave of momentum together.

This episode weaves the importance of cherishing the basics with the wisdom of legends like Kobe Bryant, whose relentless focus on fundamentals forged a path to greatness. It's a reminder that the monotonous routines we all encounter are the foundation stones upon which empires are built. So join me as I share stories that reinforce the necessity of sticking to the essentials, embracing vulnerability to foster growth, and prioritizing actionable progress over elusive perfection. Each step we take, no matter how small, is a victory in its own right, and every episode we share is a celebration of the progress we make together.

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00:01 - Reflections on 2024 and the Future

07:32 - Surrounding Yourself With Success

19:43 - The Power of Success and Progress

26:43 - Never Get Bored With the Basics

Speaker 1:

As 2024 begins, it is shaping up as one of the most challenging but encouraging years I have ever endured. A fun, field and informative weekend opens my eyes to new possibilities. But with these big dreams and big changes on the horizon, my priorities shift to progress over perfection. Let me tell you something Everybody struggles. The difference is some people choose to go through it and some choose to grow through it. The choice is completely yours. Which one you choose will have a very profound effect on the way you live your life. If you find strength in the struggle, then this podcast is for you. You have a relationship that is comfortable with uncomfortable conversations. Challenge you, humble you and they build you. When you sprinkle a little time and distance on it, it all makes sense. Most disagreements, they stem from our own insecurities. You are right where you need to be. What it do? What it do, hot diggity. Damn, am I so excited to be back with you, especially you, boo, yeah, you, my boo boo. You got me straight up tripping boo. How do you do? That's enough. That's enough. That's enough of the rhyme and the ooze and the booze and the do's. We can't, we don't, can't do the do's and the don'ts. We won't. No, we won't, because this is episode 186. And, baby, if I got your fix for the Loud Pot American Podcast properly, precisely, beautifully, perfectly named, if I do say so myself, share the struggle, welcome back y'all. Share the struggle. Podcast episode 186. Y'all know what that means. If you are a day one, if you've been listening since day one, this is your time, this is your chance, this is your opportunity, because right now we recognize you. I ask you to put your ones up, get that number one up, get that, get that finger up to the sky. You can get some acknowledgement from this guy. I acknowledge you. It's a little something special for you. All my day ones. If you are just tuning in, if this is your first show and the fun has just begun, I welcome you. To all of you, whether this is your first or you've been here. For all of them I say thank you and I encourage you to find all things podcast related at wwwsharetheshrugglepodcastcom. Feel free to stop by and say how do you do? Leave a review. I would appreciate you. Don't forget to hit subscribe on all platforms that I'll let you we're on all major platforms, y'all. You can find us everywhere. I don't know where you found us today, but I thank you for finding us today. If you enjoy what you're picking up on today, then please share it with someone close to you, important to you, that you think would benefit from this show, help it blossom, help it grow. Also, side note y'all I'm always looking for feedback. I'm always looking for insightful shizzle Okay, my nizzle. So if you have any input on the show, if you have a topic, a suggestion, a guest for the show, anything, just let me know. Also, we're kind of feeling things out this year seeing what works best for you. If you guys like the long format show of an hour or so, if you prefer to be around 45 minutes, if you'd like a shorter show, let me know. We will sprinkle in a few different ones throughout the year to see what you think. But as we find ourselves pushing nearly 200 freaking episodes, I really want to make sure I'm giving you guys the content and the things that you're hoping for Some subjects, some conversations, some shows. It's just going to kind of ebb and flow right, and that's what we really tend to do. I really get on here and just hit record and share things that are just kind of bubbling up inside and give my insight and information as to what's going on in my life or that struggle that we're all trying to overcome some research, some topics, some things as they happen. I don't really record shows too far in advance, because I really pride myself on share the struggle, being a real time, raw response to life as it happens. So some of those topics just led themselves to having to be an hour-long show, but if you guys would prefer some shorter ones, just let me know. I'm looking forward to doing whatever y'all want me to do, because this is the People's Show. Y'all, this is the People's Show. It is a show for the people. Y'all my peeps, okay, so I appreciate you. I hope things are good with you. Man, y'all believe it's February. Well, it's about to be the day. This episode drops is going to be the last day of January. So one month in the books for 2024. And I hope y'all are ready for 11 more and I'm hoping that each and every one of you are really starting to project 2024 for you, right? You're starting to think about what you want to believe, what you want to achieve, all those hope streams, aspirations, whatever it is that you see fit for you. I hope that you're really starting to implement a plan for you. This past weekend was a very major step in that direction for myself, for my goals, for me and what I see for my brand, loud Proud Americans. So I really want to start the show off today, kind of highlighting a very successful, fantastic, fun field weekend that I had. So I had the opportunity to attend a fantastic conference, one that I never even knew existed, but there's a conference for the Main Association of Agricultural Affairs and if y'all know me and you know the brand, you know I spend just about all summer and fall at the fairs, the local fairs for the state of Maine. I'm looking to broaden those horizons and expand my time zones a little bit and I'm going to share some of that stuff with you as we get moving forward this year. But really I've spent for the past few years, the bulk of my season attending Maine's fairs and Maine's biggest fairs, and this is the first time I was able to attend this conference. And I would never have actually known of this conference or had the opportunity to attend this conference if it wasn't for my friends and family emphasis on family at Ledgeway Farm, matt and Sarah Perkins, because y'all have heard me say it many, many times and I might be just getting a little redundant over here but Matt and Sarah has become family. They play a pivotal part in the success of our business because, first and foremost, they believe in us and they see bigger for us. And it's nice to find a small business that is really pushing all their chips out of the center. They're betting on themselves, and they have been, and they're a business that is just further ahead in the process than us, but it's pivotal and I share this information for anybody out there listening. If you have a small business or you just have goals for yourself, it is pivotal for you to surround yourself with either that small business or another. Just compadre, family, member, friend, influencer. Surround yourself with somebody that is where you wanna be or is going where you wanna go. Surround yourself with those opportunities, surround yourself with those people, because you're not riding their coattails but you're surrounding yourself with them for that positive power. You're surrounding yourself with them with that positive perspective. I've said it many times, many ways success leaves clues and if you wanna be successful, be around people who are successful. So Ledgeway Farm, matt and Sarah. They're an inspiration to Allie and myself, to our business. So anytime we get the opportunity to spend a weekend with them, it's a fantastic opportunity and they helped us, you know, point us in a direction and helped us to attend this conference, and it was an extremely valuable conference for us. I'm not gonna share everything that there was with this conference, because a lot of these conversations are obviously confidential conversations, but what I will tell you is that I really left this weekend feeling more optimistic about my season, feeling more optimistic about my brand and some potentials that might be out there. As I said, to lead into this show, I feel like 2024 is going to be one of my most challenging years that I've ever had in my, you know, 41 years on earth here, and that's good and bad, right, we know those challenges. Y'all know some of the struggles I've been going through, so that's gonna present new challenges to me and my family and new things to get through. But I'm also at this level with our business where I've positioned myself in a difficult position. But this is an encouraging position because I do truly feel that there's bigger and better that is on the horizon for me and being around so many other successful businesses over the weekend and just successful people over the weekend. This conference is really more focused on fairs, on the people that run the fairs, the people behind the scenes at the fairs, and just to be in a room with successful people that all have a common goal and a common drive and they're just driven to make that goal come to fruition. It's pretty awesome, it's pretty special, and it's impossible to come away from one of those weekends not inspired by what it is you just witnessed. If you can't go to some of those meetings and then find just inspiration by being there, then there's something wrong with you and then maybe you might actually be in the wrong field for you, maybe you're in the wrong area of interest. Because if you can't attend those things and be inspired and you're not inspired by some of the things you're spending the most of your time with, does that make sense to you guys? Like, if you take yourself and there's something that's an area of interest or something that you're focused on whether it's a hobby for you or it's a business for you or it's a career for you, if you take yourself away from your normal routine and you plant yourself in an event where some of the best in the business, in your area, in your profession, in your hobby, in your career, if those people are around and you don't find yourself inspired by those people and by that opportunity, then maybe you need to reevaluate the commitment you're making to that specific area, right? Maybe it's just not right for you If you go to those things and you're bored by them. Maybe it's time to have a little self-evaluation as to what your priorities are and if it's the right focus for you. So, thankfully for me, I came away from this weekend feeling a bit refreshed and refocused. This weekend we'll play a pivotal part in the success of Loud Proud American in our event season and before I get too far off topic here and start kind of running down the railroad of success here, I wanna give a big old shout out and thank you to Matt and Sarah Ledgeway Farm man, you guys don't realize how much of a pivotal role you're going to play in the success of Loud Proud American in our season this year. You put us in the right places with the right faces. You positioned us perfectly. You really did everything in your power to create opportunities for us, conversations for us and, man, with everything that you guys did, it really opened my eyes to another layer of possibilities, of potential avenues for the brand and man. I can't thank you guys enough. I really truly can't this weekend. You guys might think of me going into one of these type of scenarios and being over the top and outspoken, but I really wasn't, and it can be intimidating to go into these rooms and not know anybody. To give you just my insight on this, I don't feel like this event is really focused on vendors and small businesses like myself. It has more of a catered focus on the actual fair and the organizers of the fair and the people that you know volunteer or get paid, the people that just spend all their time dedicated to the success of these fairs. So for us, we were one of the very few vendors, which I think puts us in an awesome light and in a powerful position, because I do truly feel that it shows that we aren't just vendors, that we are committed and dedicated to the success of the fair, that we value the fairgoers experience and by doing so and feeling that way, I think it puts us in a different layer when it comes to the fairs. I really hope and feel that at some point these fairs are gonna look at us as vendors that they truly want to have at their fair as a business that they want representing their brand, because they know that we value that. Fairgoers experience. That's a place and a point where Ledgeway Farm is at. Every single fair in Maine would beg to have Ledgeway attend their fair and we wanna put ourselves in that position and it wouldn't be possible without Matt and Sarah, so that, first and foremost, I really truly wanna put out there. But to get back to my point here, it's intimidating and you feel rather out of place and I don't wanna give too much insight into all of this or divulge into the conversations and things, cause all that stuff is confidential. But some of these rooms that you go into, they can be intimidating, very intimidating, when you don't know anybody in the room and to just walk in there and just be like a big old slab of cold cuts right, I'm just a big old cold cut walking into the sandwich shop and they're asking me what is this slab of ham doing in here? Okay, who invited this fucking domestic ham? Right, y'all notice I didn't say imported, right, cause I mean, of course I'm, I'm made here, let's, let's be honest. But it's intimidating, y'all, it really is. And to be in those rooms. When other people walk in, their question is always hey man, what fair are you with? I mean, who are you representing? What do you do? For us to walk in and not represent a fair? I think that's intimidating. And for us to walk in and say, hey, you know, we're actually, we're vendors, we're, we're a small business Instantly you could kind of see that their, their guard could go up, cause they could be like why is there a vendor here? Why is there a business here? What are you trying to sell me? What are you trying to position me for Right? So I didn't want to go into these meetings as someone looking for something, begging for something, demanding something, positioning something, proposing something. I just wanted to be there and and to make my, my business present and and to have ourselves represented and to maybe get a chance just to kind of sell myself. And I really truly feel like I've said this a thousand times that the success of sales and business is really in selling yourself. And if you have the opportunity to meet with people that don't always have the opportunity to meet with you, then it gives them a chance to like you right, for you to sell yourself, and I really think that that was what this weekend was was really all about, because all these people at the, this whole conference, they're responsible for the success of a fair, they're responsible for the the experience of a fair, so they're too busy when you actually get to the fair. So it makes sense to you guys, like, when I show up, I have a limited amount of time to try to get all my stuff set up and ready to rock and roll. And everybody that's working for the fair they're in the same boat, right, they have deadline, they have time constraints and they have a million moving parts that they gotta put in place. So we're both too busy to really sit down and have a conversation. If you're fortunate, if you're lucky, you have a friend in the fair circuit, you have, you know, somebody on a committee, you have some kind of relationship that at the end of the fair maybe the last night, maybe closing night they put you in position to have a few beers, to share a few laughs, to have conversations, to maybe potentially hopefully set you apart, to, you know, pull you out of the crowd a little bit. This weekend was an opportunity for us to do that, without the time constraint, without the deadlines, without the responsibilities, just the opportunity, and I'm forever grateful for that. I just gotta tell you guys that there's some cool things that could come out of this. There's some events that I didn't think were possible, some opportunities that I didn't think were possible, some possibilities that I really just never imagined, and it's exciting, it really is exciting. It's something that I didn't get to this position without help, and I won't get any further without help, right, and I won't get any further without hard work and taking chances. But, as I said to start, the show 2024 is already feeling and setting itself up as one of the most challenging years that I'm ever gonna face. But I also feel like it's one of the most encouraging years because I came out of this weekend with a different perspective, with new goals and an aspiration set. So I'm really trying to put things in motion, to get things in place, and I gotta say that if you guys have been listening over the past few weeks, you've heard me say that my business is in a difficult position, and it absolutely is. Some day, some way, when I'm out of this position, I'm gonna share with you some of the details, some of the things that I'm facing at this time. But I'm gonna overcome them first, I'm gonna conquer them first, I'm gonna defeat them first and then I'm gonna share with you because, as I've already said, success leaves clues. So, as I try to partner up and find people to pull me along this journey, to find people that I can pull along this journey, because I really feel that the more you surround yourself with positive people, the more they can have a positive influence on you, the more you can have a positive influence on others. It's a real pay it forward feel in life. It's a real pay it forward feel to business. I feel like if you can have those philosophies, if you can live your life with passion and compassion, if you can pay those things forward, then they will also be paid forward to you. It's a reciprocating life we live. I just wanna surround myself by as much good as possible, as much great as I can handle, as much success as I can possibly see. Success leaves clues. It's the truth. It does not matter what it is that you wanna focus on in life. If it's a promotion at your job, if it's a better relationship with your kids, if it's better communication with your wife, it's having a wife, it's bettering your life. Success leaves clues. Whatever area it is, whatever thing it is for you that you wanna make yourself better at, that you strive to improve yourself. Find people that are successful in that area and surround yourself, make relationships with those people, because success leaves clues. If you have a difficult time communicating with your kids which I don't have, kids y'all, I don't I don't know what that's like. I have a hard enough time trying to communicate with nieces and nephews and cousins and who have yous right. But if you're having a difficult time communicating with your kids, then what friends or family members do you have that just have an amazing bond and they're comfortable having those uncomfortable conversations? Spend time with them, man. Learn how they communicate, see how they relate. Just spend that time, get to know them. And this isn't about taking advantage of somebody. This is about being inspired by somebody. And I think that if people really make that connection in their mind that you're not using someone, you're being inspired by someone, they're teaching you. And, to be honest, in this world, man, I think that we are all wired to wanna help. We are all wired to wanna do better, to wanna be better, and can you imagine how flattering it would be for that friend or family member of yours for you to have an honest, heartfelt conversation when you come out of your comfort zone and say hey, man, I really wanna have the relationship with my daughter that you have with yours. What do I have to do, man? What am I doing For you to get accountable enough to have that conversation? Number one it's the vulnerability. There's tremendous growth and strength in that vulnerability. And number two, that's an amazing compliment. That's an amazing compliment to give that person hey, man, I wanna be more like you. Here's this trait that you have that I wish I could possess. Dude, that's one of the most flattering things you can say to someone and I think that's really gonna strengthen both of your relationships. If it's heartfelt and honest, there's no harm given done from this. You're gonna strengthen both of you, your relationship with each other, and that relationship that you're trying to strengthen, because it's a straight, just shot of confidence to that person that you can tell them I look up to you in this area in your life and think about what that does for them. And they're already good relationship they have with their child. They're gonna be even more proud of that. They might even share that and then that could then be passed on to, not only to their kid by sharing it, but maybe their kid adapts and adopts that to their own parenting techniques and it gets passed down to their child. So by you getting uncomfortable enough to share that with somebody, you're passing it down. That's now you also leaving that clue to success. So I just think there's so much power that can come from this. So I'm really challenging you. If there's an area in your life that you're looking to strengthen, if you're looking to have a better relationship with your loved one, with a significant other, if you guys don't communicate well, or you find that you're stuck in a rut and a routine, you're not doing the little things, you're not finding things that make you guys excited, or you haven't gone out and just had quality time together in a long time. Whatever that is man, whatever that struggle is for you, is there a couple around you that you see and you say, man, I'm really envious of the way they do things. And I'm not saying that we're trying to live through somebody. I'm not saying we're trying to replace somebody. I'm just saying there's a way to better our situation and to learn from somebody. So find those people and spend time with them. Man, if there's a small business owner in your life that is just being successful, they're succeeding, they're putting it in, they've been grinding get around them, ask questions, find clues and implement those clues. Man, I think for me, moving forward in 2024, one of the philosophical changes that I need to make in my life and just, I guess I need to rewire my thought process, and this has kind of been a common trend over the past few weeks. There's been a few things that I'm keying in on that I really feel like I need to implement or change the way I do things, and one of those is to really put a higher value on progress over perfection. I'm a perfectionist. This goes hand in hand with all these goal episodes we've had, or I've told you guys hey, man, I can obsess over a goal so much that I either don't attain it or I get bumped up when I don't attain it fast enough, I should say or when I attain it, I just don't appreciate it. So we've talked about focusing on winning the habit, right, about making healthy habits to attain that goal and to achieve and win that habit every day to keep that dopamine feeling riding on high. Well, to go hand in hand with that, I think, is valuing the process, and it goes right with celebrating those small victories and achievements. But I beat myself up for my process not being fast enough. I beat myself up for my process not being successful enough and I'm really going to value the process more in 2024 and worry less about perfection. Sometimes it's just about implementing, it's just about action, it's purposeful movement, it's powerful action and I really think that we all start the year with the best of intentions and every year I dream and forecast my year and I have all these just hopes and aspirations. I have the best of intentions, but intentions don't determine direction, actions do. George Patton famously said a good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan executed next week. Intentions don't determine direction, actions do. I can have perfect intentions. I can spend countless days and hours planning and just outlining the most perfect plan, but those intentions, those best of intentions, they don't determine my direction. My actions do, and I've become paralyzed more times than not by planning versus executing. I've been focused on my intentions and not my actions. In 2024, I need to change my intentions and focus on my actions. I need to value the progress over the perfection. There's a powerful and popular story about Laker great, kobe Bryant, about one of the NBA's all-time greats, one of the best athletes of all time. Kobe, wildly known for being a perfectionist and elite, one of the best, one of the goats. There was a reporter or some kind of a researcher. I can remember exactly who they were or what they did, but I'm pretty sure they focused on successful people and just much like we're doing today talking about success, leaving clues. This person just wanted to get a better understanding for Kobe and what he did and how he separated himself from the rest of the pack. So they asked Kobe hey, can I maybe get a sneak peek at some of your training? Can I get a better insight as to what it is that you do every day? Kobe, being a willing participant, said sure, I'll see you in the morning at 4 am. I work out at 4 am. The supporter obviously thinking holy shit, 4 am, but I'm not gonna pass up the opportunity to see Kobe work. So, being a good journalist, being a good enthusiast, decided to show up early, whether it's 3.30, quarter or forward over. The time straight was. I don't remember the specific details on this, but this person shows up 3.30, quarter or four after being asked to be there at 4. And when they arrive, kobe's already full sweat. He's already straight sweating buckets full sweat because he's been going at it long before 4 am. He's at full sweat mode already. So who knows what time Kobe's been in there. Did he get there at 3 am? Was he there at 2 am when he asked this person to arrive at 4 to watch him work out? And the person was like man, what are you doing here? Like what's going on? And Kobe says this is what I do, this is what I do every day. And the supporters watching Kobe and to their surprise, he's not doing anything crazy. He's not doing anything out of the norm. What he's doing is actually rather basic. And after the workout sits with Kobe and has his conversation and was like what are you trying to accomplish here today? What are some of the keys? What should I take from this? And Kobe's response was never get bored with the basics. Never get bored with the basics. Successful people do consistently what average people do occasionally. Never get bored with the basics. Successful people do consistently what other people do occasionally. Whatever that is for you folks, whatever that area is for you, whatever it is that you want to overachieve at, whatever it is that you have set your mind to, that you have your heart set on. Find the basics, find the fundamentals and work the shit out of that. Never get bored with the basics, because that relationship that you see, that you admire, that didn't just happen. Those people work at that. There was countless hours of difficult conversations. There's vulnerability. There's a lot of things that happen there. The basics, those conversations, have become basic and they do them every day. They're ingrained in the way they live their life. Basic, there's fundamentals. There's routines. If it's a goal for you as a career, then who's the highest achiever that you see in that career? What are those fundamentals? What are they great at? Do that every single day. There comes a time in your life that, whatever that hobby is, that profession is for you, that area of interest is for you that you've done something so freaking much that it's just second nature. It might be boring as all hell, but your just common practice, everyday movements, are great. They excel at basic. If someone was new to your industry, to your field, to your area, to your hobby, what you can crush, basically, is overachieving for them. So pound the fundamentals. Never get bored with the basics. I am guilty of being bored with the basics. I am guilty of getting bored standing in front of a heat press making shirts. I am guilty of getting bored going through my emails. I am guilty of getting bored working on designs. I can no longer be bored with the basics. You can't be a bored basic bitch. You understand me. If you get bored with the basics, you're only going to be a basic bitch. I've been guilty of falling to the pitfalls of being bored with my basics Realizing, learning and understanding that successful people do consistently what us average folks do occasionally. If what's asked of you is something that you do on occasion, you're not going to be great at it. If what you see for yourself, what you want for yourself, what you hope and dream for yourself you occasionally apply yourself to, you're never going to achieve it. Or if you do, it's going to take you a lot longer to do it and odds are you're going to be discouraged by your lack of progress because we're going to have such a high standard of perfection that we're going to lose sight of the progress. Get comfortable with the basics. It's okay being a basic bitch If you can excel at those basics. Bitch, that was the proper utilization and placement of the word bitch, if I do say so myself. How do you do? How do you do I? Thank you. So I think we're outlining a few things here. People, success leaves clues. I beg of you to surround yourself by as much success as possible. Over the weekend, I was surrounded with success. Intentions do not determine our direction. Our actions do focus on the right action, not the best of intentions. We need to value progress over perfection, just like last week and the weeks before we talked about obsessing over our goals, that we get hyper focused on that perfect result, on that perfect picture and that perfect life that you see on some social media filter fueled post right. Focus less on perfection and put a higher value on the actual progress. We need to not get bored with doing the basics, because the most successful people in life they do consistently what other people do occasionally Master the basics. Before I leave today, I want to share some powerful words that I heard A philosophy of hope. I truly feel that this tidbit of information, this philosophy on life, this positive outlook that I'm about to give to you, really sums up where I'm at with my business, where I'm at, with my life, what I've been going through, what I've been growing through and what I look forward to. And I truly honestly feel there's some of you listening right now that can relate, that are struggling with something, that are battling something, that are overcoming something. I heard this line this week that changed me, that stuck with me and I really need to share it with you. The depth of the valley is the promise of the horizon to come. The depth of the valley is the promise of the horizon to come. We've talked many times, many ways over the past few weeks about believing what's around the bend, about seeing bigger and better and brighter for you, and that the greater the struggle, the sweeter the success. This line really hit home for me. This line really provided optimism for me. It put just a sprinkle of power and optimism for me. It is just so perfect. The depth of the valley is the promise of the horizon to come. There's a big, beautiful horizon to come. I feel it for you, I feel it for me, I believe it for you, I believe it for me. There's more I could talk about today. I could ramble on more today. I'm confident I could do that Y'all know that I can do that. But this is a little sample. It is a sample for some of you day ones out there that have been listening this entire time that you've been here now for 186 episodes. I'm gonna test, fire a short one for you and I'd like to hear from you today If you prefer the long format or you would rather have some more quick, hitting, impactful episodes. So tell me y'all do you prefer that I dig deep, do a deeper dive and really pound the factoids and pummel it into submission, or are you a fan of the shorter, more informative, just getting in and get out, jab to the gut? If this is what you like, let me know. I'm willing to explore all avenues because I wanna make sure I give the people what they want. This is the people's show, and when the people get what they want, they will help it grow. I just know it. I know it to be true y'all. So you'll only hear from me once a week. Do you like it long and luscious, or do you like it bite-sized and beautiful? Okay, you, let me know there's gonna be some topics that we just can't shorten. They have to be long format. I might get heated and just go out on a bender. Okay, that happens, but I can come into the episode with shorter notes, shorter talking topics, just a few, you know, just key one-liners to make sure we get in there some powerful quotes. Get in and get out. You tell me what you want to hear, because this is your show y'all. This is Share the Struggle, because everybody struggles when we come back each and every week and share that struggle, and today I shared some successful tips, tricks, techniques and hopefully, an optimistic outlook for you in 2024. Before I hit the door, I gotta give a big old shout out and thank you to anybody listening to this podcast that is affiliated with or a part of the Windsor Fair, Because this weekend would have been real intimidating if you guys didn't accept me as family. I appreciate everybody that is a part of the Windsor Fair, whether you're on the committee, you're a volunteer, whatever it is you do there. I met so many people from Windsor that just welcomed us as family and, for those of you that I've already met at the fair, I felt like we really furthered our relationship over the weekend and that's really all I could've ever hoped for and asked for, and I truly feel like I'm becoming part of your family and I thank you so much for that. To say I'm looking forward to the Windsor Fair would be an absolute understatement. I love y'all, I appreciate you and I thank you for welcoming me and anybody listening out there. If you've never been to the Windsor Fair, this is me telling you you better get your ass there, you understand? And don't forget to stop by and see your favorite vendor, your boy from Loud Proud American, because y'all know I'll be there. You can also go over there and see Matt and Sarah from Ledgeway Farm, because they're there too, y'all. But that's it from me to you. So until the next time, thank you for supporting my American dream. I love you. Watch, talk to me and don't be sad at you. That's it and that's all. Biggie Smalls MUSIC. If you're a Loud Proud American and you find yourself just wanting more, find me on YouTube and Facebook at Loud Proud American for the face page, as my mama calls it. If you're a fan of the Graham Cracker, you want to find me on Instagram. Or all the kids by tickety-talking on the tick-tock. You can find me on both of those at Loud Underscore Proud Underscore American MUSIC. A big old thank you to the boys from the Guttruckers for the background beats and the theme song to this year's podcast. If you are enjoying what you're hearing, you can track down the Guttruckers on Facebook Just search Guttruckers. Give them motherfuckers. A like, too, music. I truly thank you for supporting my American dream. Now go wash your fucking hands, you filthy savage.