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On today's episode of Share the Shuggle Podcast, we are dipping into my bag of inspiration yes, the search for inspirado.
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We're digging into the bag and pulling out a quote, a powerful quote, one that I've had pinned, written down, earmarked, booked, marked, whatever you want to call it.
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This quote comes from the inspirational Tony Robbins.
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In life, you need either inspiration or desperation.
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I've been living off of Tony's quote for quite some time.
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Today and today on Share the Struggle Podcast, we are going to discuss what happens in your life when you have both inspiration and desperation.
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Let me tell you something Everybody struggles.
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The difference is some people choose to go through it and some choose to grow through it.
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The choice is completely yours.
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Which one you choose will have a very profound effect on the way you live your life.
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If you find strength in the struggle, then this podcast is for you.
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Do you have a relationship that is comfortable with uncomfortable conversations?
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Uncomfortable conversations challenge you, humble you and they build you.
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When you sprinkle a little time and distance on it, it all makes sense.
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Most disagreements, they stem from our own insecurities.
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You are right where you need to be.
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I'm glad you're just gone.
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I'll take on what's behind.
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Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, what it do, what it do, I'm digging it, man.
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Am I so excited to be back with you?
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But I hate to disappoint you because this week is just me and you.
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No, wifey, this week she had enough of me.
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She said you're on your own, fella, you're on your own.
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So here we are, rocking and rolling, jiving and wailing.
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We've got the AC off in here.
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It's too hot to record in some of the dungeons I have around here.
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We are upstairs.
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I had the AC cranking long enough to cool it down.
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In here it's off.
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I'm going to try to make magic happen in a shortened, condensed amount of time to hopefully get the AC on so the rest of the family doesn't suffer through my recording after this is all said and done, if that makes sense.
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I don't know about you guys, but when my house gets behind a proper temperature you will spend the rest of the day chasing said temperature.
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So I'm going to try to keep things a little more abbreviated, but y'all know I talk too much.
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You're probably going to look at your radio dial and go.
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This son of a bitch still talks for an hour.
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What is he talking about?
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We'll see.
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We'll see.
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Bet, you heard Episode 208, and I'm feeling great because I'm back with you and I need to acknowledge you From all my day ones to those of you that just begun.
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Put your ones up.
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I appreciate you, I acknowledge you, I love and enjoy you.
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It's because of each and every one of you that we keep this show going.
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It's because, each and every one of you, we have continued to record, week after week after week, 208 episodes.
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You know what's crazy?
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Y'all is Welcome to July, first off.
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Okay, how did that happen?
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Right, when did the other six months happen?
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I feel like I blacked out and arrived in July.
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I'm scared a little shitless here.
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We're going to get into that shortly.
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But what's cool to think about is this here podcast started in July.
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It started in July of 2020.
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Man, this is our birth month, the birth month of said podcast.
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Can y'all believe it?
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That means that at some point in this month, we are going to cross four freaking years of Share the Struggle podcast.
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Oh, look at him.
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Oh, he's celebrating.
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Oh, look at him, he's celebrating.
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Oh, okay, clap for him.
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Yeah, look at him.
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Oh, he for him.
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Yeah, look at him.
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Oh, he's beautiful.
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Oh, look at him.
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His little biceps and his you know whatever that thing is.
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Oh, snaps, yes, yes, where everybody be snapping.
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Oh, everybody be snapping.
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And I know we're going back to clapping.
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I guess, oh, is he done yet?
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Is he done?
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Is that it?
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We are all done now with you, you little cheesy little celebration boy.
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I said boy, y'all done with your celebration boy.
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All right, I had to use those voices in my head to make it feel like some of y'all were here cheering us along.
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Four years, man, that is no small feat, baby.
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I got to think of something big to do.
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I got to think of something big to do.
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Okay, truth be told, I'll probably get too damn distracted, I'll get too damn busy and this big thing in my mind we'll never get to.
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That's possible.
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Okay, that could happen, because I got a busy-ass month ahead of me and that's what we're about to talk about today.
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But four years, congratulate yourself.
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If you're one of the few that have listened to all 208 episodes, get your ones up.
00:05:29.850 --> 00:05:31.290
Hot damn, do I love you.
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If this is the first one for you, I challenge you.
00:05:33.851 --> 00:05:34.713
Go on back.
00:05:34.713 --> 00:05:37.353
These episodes are timeless, baby.
00:05:37.353 --> 00:05:38.314
They're classics.
00:05:38.314 --> 00:05:43.077
It's like watching Mashed or Seinfeld, but cooler.
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You know what I mean.
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It's like I don't know.
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There's good stuff here.
00:05:48.245 --> 00:05:48.867
There's good shit.
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You can find all things podcast related shadowcirclepodcastcom.
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Don't you forget it.
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Okay, don't you forget it.
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All right, clearly I'm already way off base here, but we're in July.
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Welcome to July.
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We finished June pretty strong on the productivity scale, not on the business sales scale, as I mentioned last week, when I was joined by my lovely beautiful wife and we discussed all things current and related, I mentioned to you guys that June's the first month that we're going to be down and, lord have mercy, we'll be down but we're going to rebound because July's going to be super damn busy.
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But we ended June oh so productive and we're going to talk about a little bit of that right here.
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But before we get rocking and rolling too much further, I want to give, I want to use.
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Rocking and rolling too much further, I want to give, I want to use.
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We haven't done this in a long time.
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Okay, I want to use a winning Wednesday weekly shout out To two people.
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Okay, first, my lovely, beautiful bride, my baby mama.
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Okay, lovely, beautiful bride, my baby mama.
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Okay, I gotta give a weekly winning wednesday shout out to my wifey for joining me on the last two weeks episodes here on the podcast and I gotta say last week's show, man, was one of my, like, most fun shows in a long time.
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I had a blast last week and I just want to say thanks to my wife.
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It was good for us to show you guys what downtime is like on the couch, okay, so that was fun.
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I had a great time last week and I think y'all had a great time too.
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So I appreciate everybody and I just want to give that shout out to my wife, and I also want to give a shout out to my brother from another mother, mr Matt Perkins from Ledgeway Farm.
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Matt and Sarah are doing big things.
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They are betting on their business and taking another step.
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Matt has made a tremendous leap of faith in betting on his business.
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I'm not going to share those exact details because that's for him and I don't know who knows those things yet, but we all listen and just need to know that Brother Matt here has taken a massive leap of faith and bet on his business.
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He's doubled down, he's tripled down and it's going down.
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So, matt, my brother, I am proud of you, my friend, I applaud you.
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Yes, oh, look at him, he clapping again.
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Yeah, oh, he's a clapper.
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That one, that boy, he's a clapper.
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He like to clap.
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He be clapping for everybody.
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Look at him, he just be clapping for everybody.
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Hey, yeah, those are your hands.
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That's what they do when you put them together.
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Your mama must have tried to bake you a cake.
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You know what I mean.
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Anyways, what I'm trying to say is, matt, I'm so proud of you, dude, and I'm happy for you, and I know that it's all going to work out, man, because you work too damn hard for things not to work out.
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So I'm proud of you.
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Shout out to Ledgeway Farm, make sure you find Ledgeway Farm and dip your toes and the rest of your body into some goat soap, because it's exclusively what the Liberties used over here and we're going to raise a little paisley on it too.
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None of that byproduct bullshit, just all natural, right off the goat titty.
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Okay, that's a sales pitch for you, matt.
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If you need one, I mean, you can use that if you want.
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You want me to re-record it?
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We could, we could do that too, but um, on that weird note about goat titties, I'm gonna uh say uh, gotcha loud, proud.
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American is a lifestyle brand dedicated and determined to represent the american spirit with an unrelenting commitment to provide made in the usa products.
00:10:00.658 --> 00:10:12.368
If you would like to join the two percent of Americans that buy American and support American, head on over to wwwlalproudamericanshop.
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Together we can bring back American manufacturing, all right?
00:10:19.202 --> 00:10:21.148
All right, all right, welcome back.
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Y'all Appreciate it, jeff Horn and the Gut Truckers for that little gut check right there.
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So, as I mentioned, we finished June rather productive and we're rolling into July about to get real busy.
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Okay, getting down to business, but ending June on a high note was a good feeling.
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On a high note was a good feeling.
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We didn't really achieve any further sales worth mentioning or getting excited about after last week's podcast, but we were productive and we had to prioritize some things and get focused on those things.
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And we've been talking for months now about version 2.0 and me and you and the fact that I truly feel unlocking version 2.0 and me and you.
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And the fact that I truly feel unlocking version 2.0 and you and me is dependent on living in the here and now, being present in the moment and attacking and making the best of what is right in front of you, what you can control and the highest priority that you can cause and effect.
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So that's what we kind of finished off June with for an approach and we're going to jump, jive and wail into some of that here.
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But before I go any further I want to give a shout out to everybody that came out Friday night, bentley Saloon for 90s Night.
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That was one of the most fun times I've had DJing in a very long time.
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I had an absolute blast doing 90s night.
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I was rocking some ultra bright like fluorescent pink and green I think they're like cheetah and zebra half and half shorts, with a Biggie Smalls t-shirt matching bright colors and a bucket hat and I rolled into the saloon where nobody had a clue what I was there for, and there's a bunch of people you know outside on their motorcycles hanging out looking at me.
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Like what is this guy?
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Oh, big-ass fake gold chain.
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The whole nine rolling in.
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I was getting judged y'all.
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This wasn't Planet Fitness.
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This was definitely not a judgment-free zone.
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I was getting judged, okay.
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But when a few other folks started rolling in, dressed up and there's a little safety in numbers, we truly got after it and, man, we had a great time.
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90s 90s for music.
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So super underrated, okay, so underrated 90s.
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Let's discuss the music from the 90s.
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Real quick.
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I am just going to say, when it comes to hip-hop, when it comes to Yo MTV raps, when we're talking about hip-hop 90s hip-hop was the greatest decade for hip-hop.
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When it comes to yo MTV raps, all right.
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When we're talking about hip-hop 90s hip-hop was the greatest decade for hip-hop ever.
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I will challenge anybody to this.
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Okay, you bring your freaking yeezy, wheezy, lemon squeezy albums to me and I'm gonna drop some some biggie on you.
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We're gonna drop some, you know, some some Tupac.
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We're going to pull out all these things from the 90s.
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I'm telling you 90s hip-hop was the greatest decade of hip-hop ever.
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All right, it'll never be matched.
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Now there's a lot of things about the 90s that people don't really really recall.
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All right, classic rock in the 90s phenomenal.
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Guns N' Roses in the 90s one of the best things to ever happen to music.
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All right, guns N' Roses in the 90s amazing dude, completely amazing.
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Don't forget, when we're talking about classic rock, metallica dropped Enter Sandman in the 90s.
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Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
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Okay, I don't smoke, but I just felt like it was appropriate.
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That was probably on a TV commercial in the 90s, I don't know Dare to keep kids off drugs?
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All right.
00:14:13.595 --> 00:14:18.336
90s rock awesome, totally underrated, okay.
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And then you can get into a bunch of other 90s stuff like 90s rock and 90s alternative man.
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You ever heard of Nirvana?
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Okay, rage Against the Machine man.
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When we're talking classic rock and alternative rock, there's some legit stuff that happened, okay, unbelievable.
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That we don't give credit to the 90s for classic and hard rock.
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I'm about to drop on y'all some of the piece de resistance.
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All right, because one of the greatest things about the 90s was 90s country.
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Oh, my lord.
00:15:02.674 --> 00:15:03.480
90s country.
00:15:03.480 --> 00:15:05.808
Garth Brooks, the absolute man.
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I don't think people realize the amount of success that George freaking Strait was having in the 90s.
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He was crushing it and we were turned on to so many new artists in the 90s.
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Man Boy, I tell you, 90s country Toby Keith was in his prime.
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You got Joe Diffie.
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You got some amazing things that happened in the 90s.
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Sawyer Brown's one of my favorite country people of all time Totally underrated.
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Anyways, I digress, okay.
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Point I'm making is 90s night.
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We had an absolute blast.
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In a few weeks we are having another theme night at the Saloon.
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It's going to be one of my other favorites.
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Okay, it's Mullet and Daisy Duke night, all right.
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And if you want to rock both of them at the same time, if you have a Mullet and Daisy Dukes, boner points, okay, you're off the charts, off the charts.
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So, anyways, I'm feeling good that we ended June with one of the best nights of DJing that I've had in quite some time.
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It was so motivating to just knock one out of the park.
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I had an absolute blast with that.
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This month, as we're running into July, things are about to get real crazy, y'all.
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Things are going to get real crazy, y'all.
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Things are going to get super busy.
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I have, um, two dj gigs this month that are back to back.
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I have, uh bentley's mullet and daisy duke night, and the next day I have a surprise birthday party scenario that I'm going to do and, um, the three weeks leading up to that we have back to back to backback-to-back events.
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So, july we're going to be running and gunning straight through here.
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We have our first fair of the year fastly approaching us at Osprey Valley Fair.
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We're going to go from there to another event for us that we've never done before, called Sebago Days.
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So we're going to back-to-back those and coming up this week actually, when this episode drops, I will be in the parking lot yet again for Bentley Saloon setting up for 4th of July and getting ready for July 4th weekend being a vendor selling products out of the saloon.
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This is actually as crazy, as it is the last time that I'll be a vendor at the saloon for 2024.
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Current to the schedule we have set in place, we're on the road from here on out, so we're not gonna actually be a vendor there.
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You'll catch me DJing there as we go.
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But yeah, man, it's crazy, right, well, there's so much Like I feel like I haven't left that place yet and then after this weekend, you won't catch me back there as a vendor until May of 2025.
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It's crazy, man, absolutely crazy.
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What's tough about our schedule is that we often get asked to do things right.
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We get like offers right, like people call hey, man, we're doing this, you know, we're going to the beach, we're having a barbecue, we're having a pool party, it's this kid's graduation, all these things, and we can never make those things work and that's kind of the downfall.
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But we're in this growth phase in our business that requires all of our attention in our business.
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That requires all of our attention.
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And the wife is doing everything she can for her side of things on what she does for work and getting ready for the baby and supporting me and our brand and business at the same time.
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Like there's just so much going on right, so you're missing out on all these things, but I know we're creating opportunities down the road to be able to attend these things.
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And I'm saying this because I got a phone call this weekend.
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That was.
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It was just a funny phone call but it was actually motivating.
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I think it was maybe the end of last week or over the weekend and my brother, chris Ellis, had called me and we haven't spent time together in quite some time.
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But we spent a half an hour or so catching up at Bentley Saloon at one of my last events and we vowed to reconnect and spend some time and get together.
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And he was just calling and chatting.
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But he said I really wanted to call and say a good job on the bus and everything that you're doing and I just wanted to say how impressed I am with what you're able to accomplish on that thing, knowing that none of that is your background and as fast as you're getting through some of those things.
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Like I'm impressed and you know he asked me what I was up to and I was kind of throwing things around and he said dude, do you ever sleep, brother?
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Like, do you ever take a minute?
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Like, do I call you when you're on the couch?
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You know what I mean.
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He said you need to slow down.